Monday, January 7, 2019

Day 6

This is a message for the deep pocket Republicans.  Fess up to your duplicitous nature for that is who you are, double minded.  You pretend to be for the people but you have always been an old school Republican who controls public policy so as to advantage big business and corporations, to the disadvantage of working folk.
The election of 2016 has changed Republicanism, the new Republican party, lead by President Donald Trump, advocates for the little guy, small business and entrepreneurs.  The group of Americans who are not afraid to get their hands dirty earning a living and supporting their families.  We do not fear competition nor do we run from difficult times resulting from your political games.  We are the backbone of America, proud of that status and after 25 years of stagnation, our wages are finally rising and better and better jobs are out there.
President Eisenhower 60 years ago warned the nation to fear the military industrial complex for whom you run errands.  A beggar is a beggar, whether the beggar brings in a few dollars or millions.  Washington is a beggar town for whom we have no respect.  Old school Republicans, along with the Democrats, have entangled America in no win wars, sold off our wealth as a nation and given sneaky permission for invasions by illegals.  

The simple and obvious reason for this duplicity is to suppress our wages, we ask, how can anyone be so shallow?  The Democrats at least have a more honorable motive, they are angling for new voters they can easily manipulate.  The Democratic Party was for the little guy but now they also have surrendered to the power of money from the military industrial complex.

Landers, CA