Tuesday, December 28, 2021

From the Top

Uncle Joe cries Uncle, I quit, I surrender, Monday, December 27, 2021, the China Virus has won!


Landers, CA

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Original Sin


Dragging the kicking and screaming God of the galaxies into our world to do our bidding.


Landers, CA


Tuesday, December 21, 2021


Let us fight fire with fire.  Republicans, stop playing nice.  Every Republican state should restrict all FBI operations and refuse to co-operate in any investigation.  Ignore the legal stuff, make the Democrats sue in court, that is how they operate time and again.  

The FBI has been weaponized by the leftist Obama Biden administrations to terrorize their political enemies, primarily Republican politicians and anyone who stands against their agenda.  Playing nice is a loser.

Justice at the hands of the feds is gone, this new FBI is the worlds most influential terrorist organization.  And influence they will exercise, beware!

G Goslaw

Landers, Ca



Sunday, December 19, 2021

Dammed Democrats

 Beware America of those Dammed Democrats.  If you refuse to go along with their vaccine agenda, their last resort is to withhold all deserved medical care.  No emergency room access, therapeutics are being made scarce so that  non believers will die off.  Are we living in Dr. Fauci's Nazi Germany?  The left is desperate, Biden falsely promised to rid our world of the virus in order to get elected President and everyone now realizes that the virus, in one form or another, will be among us forever, vaccinated or not.  Thank you China.  Out of political desperation, the Dammed Democrat devils are saying, get the jab or die. 

Pick your poison America, the uncertainty of the jab or being left to die in the emergency room that is full of the vaccinated sick with the China virus. 

We are the land of the free no more.


Landers, CA



Wednesday, December 15, 2021



One who concludes that God nailed Jesus to the cross has to push biblical facts to the point of absurdity.  Religion killed Jesus.  No wonder religion has to come up with another schtick.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca

Tuesday, December 14, 2021



Bible, preferred translation, ASV, in which I began my journey.

The Inescapable Love of God, Thomas Talbot, 1991.

The Kingdom of God, John Bright, 1953. (1908-1995)

Moses, Martin Buber, 1946. (1878-1965)

The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1937. (1906-1945)

The Denial of Death, Ernest Becker, 1973. (1924-1974)

The God Chasers, Tommy Tenny, 1998. (1956)

Soul Survivor, Phillip Yancey,2001. (1949)

Penees, Blaise Pascal, 1995. (1623-1662)

Fear and Trembling, Soren Kierkegaard, 2003. (1813-1855)


If you know these books, you know I have a problem with authority.


Landers, CA


 The American Safari of 2022 will target, Democrats and the investor moneyed class.  Forget about race.  The coming revolution in America, will be much like the French Revolution, it will be about the haves and the have nots.  As the interests of those of us on fixed incomes, small business entrepreneurs and independent contractors are ignored, we will be without a viable future except on the government dole.  You know, the half of America that may believe that such a circumstance would be worse than death itself.

The Democrats will be targeted because they are enabling the soon to be the worst inflation our country has ever experienced.  We are not there yet but unless the spending stops and the fed takes charge our current 10% inflation will seem like a bargain.  Inflation is at 8.6% this calendar year and after December, it will surely be at 10% or more.  How many of us can make do, or even plan a budget while prices for everything are spirally out of control?  A national tornado would be a preferred disaster, a tornado would be quick. 

Democrats seem to have no qualms about inflation, hence the Build Back Better Bill.  President Biden lies about the cost when all credible estimates are in the 4 to 5 TRILLION-dollar mark over ten years.  The investor class is equally unconcerned about the certainty of inflation because they are riding a bull market firing on all cylinders by trading with China.  Together the Democrats and the investor class are pressuring the Federal reserve to keep interest rates insanely low.  Some of us have lived long enough to know that the only solution to inflation is for the interest rate on our debt must be raised. This Fed Chair, however, is a coward who is letting the fat cats have their bull market, the inevitable interest rate rise should have begun six months ago.  Meanwhile the investor class is lining their pocket as they rob the little people of their financial wellbeing, their savings and retirement.  Justice in America have never really been blind but the democrats have a new more perverse definition, Justice is for me and not for thee.  

Is this post hyperbole, I pray that it is just that, an exaggeration?


Landers, CA 

Monday, December 13, 2021



Is that all you got?

G. Goslaw



Friday, December 10, 2021


 At one time, not long ago, the civil rights movement had heroes.  Now America has Jussie.


Landers, CA

Thursday, December 9, 2021


 The solution to all the abortion debate and fuss is in your court, ladies, where it belongs.  As some of you so readily say, my body, my decision.  It is interesting that this principle doesn’t apply to taking the vaccine, may I ask, why not?  This hypocrisy aside, look in the mirror ladies, you, as irresponsible females are the cause of your own so called unwanted pregnancy.  When you spread your legs, the male gender of every ilk will beat down your door, no surprise.

You were insanely naïve to believe that a pregnancy couldn’t happen to you when humans and animals have been having babies for millions of years.  You had, in most cases, unprotected sexual intercourse, naive and stupid.  You refused to take a morning after pill, just in case.  Again, this is naïve and stupid.  You flittered away the early days of your pregnancy hoping that the male depositor would come to your rescue, again, naïve and stupid.

How can you go on after having your own flesh and blood ripped screaming from your womb for the sake of your convenience?  Let’s call it what it is, murder!


Landers, Ca



Not my words


Everlasting torture is intolerable from a moral point of view because it pictures God acting like a bloodthirsty monster who maintains an everlasting Auschwitz for his enemies whom he does not allow to die.  How can one love a God like that?  


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

State of Affairs

In rough numbers, 80% of believing Christianity as well as 60% of the clergy are biblically unaware and convinced that what they have been taught about the Bible, is what the Bible says. This may or may not be the case.  In order to take the Bible seriously, one must do the deep dive.  Those of us who have been so driven have had no choice but to filter all of life through the lens of the scripture. The journey is ill-advised, exhausting, fraught with doubt and anguish. If you can avoid the deep dive, if you can remain comfortable with the pat answers, do so.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca


Monday, December 6, 2021

Death Certificate

The Democratic Build Back America Bill is the Death Certificate of America.  If the radical left succeeds in getting this socialist leverage through Congress it will surely mean that our country will not survive as a free republic, the middle class will cease to exist and the America we inherited will be dead and gone forever.  This monstrous lie is the point of no return, it is upon us and should it happen, the people will have no choice but to take to the streets.

We old folk who know our American history can attest to those past moments when America only survived by the shedding of blood, good fortune and the grace of the Almighty. This moment, our now moment, is twice as critical.  The America that we inherited is on life support just awaiting our final goodbyes.  


Landers, Ca