Wednesday, January 14, 2015

New America

Ignorance reigns among the young while selfishness reigns among the old.  Older generations take from the young to feather their own nest while our politicians give their adult donors what they want, a softer pillow.
The young be hanged!

Landers, Ca

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Killers

Mohammed heard the voice of God in a desert cave around the year 600 A.D., some fourteen hundred years ago.  The first book of the Bible, Genesis, records fifty one happenings when God either spoke verbally, through an unknown visitor or in a dream to fourteen very different people, including murderers, shepherds, bakers and kings.  Time and again, through the following four thousand years of human history, these happenings give us direction, spurring our desire to be the people God intended.  Are we there yet?  No way.  We live with our failures, every time a good word comes to us from God, men turn a good word into a religion of this world.

Given the diversity of God’s approach to our world, none of us has the right to the exclusive understanding of God.  Given the diversity of God’s approach to this world, no religion can claim exclusivity to the blessings of God.  Given the diversity, none of us should be thinking and killing small.  Mohammed raised an army to build his political religious kingdom and those who have followed his lead, also used killing to get their way.  Every religion on the face of the earth has killed, at one time or another, to build their supposed spiritual reality.  In our time, those who kill in the name of their exclusive God, are the mislead radical Muslims.  Is this not obvious?   After Paris and New York, is it not true that the radical Muslim religion is at war with all other religions and civilizations.

Do you know what is most infuriating to we Americans?  Most infuriating to this Landers American is not that the killing happens but the silence of the greater Muslim worshippers.  I ask you, is the killing of God?  Are you for the radicals or against them?  Hello!  You of the Muslim faith in the Morongo Basin, speak up, are you for or against the killing?  Your silence makes you an accessory to the killing.

Are all of you cowards?  If not, say so!

Landers, Ca