Friday, June 24, 2022


Happy Day, fifty years in the making.  The Roe vs. Wade decision of 1972 is debunked by the Supreme Court today, May 24, 2022!  I had almost given up hope. The Court says the word privacy is not in the Constitution, therefore we are all family.  Every state now has to make an argument to the voters for or against infant murder. This could get interesting. 

As we consider life as a national resource we might consider the words of the Sunday School chorus, slightly amplified.  

God loves the little children 

All the children of the world,

In the womb and out, red, yellow, black and white

They all are precious in his sight,

God loves the little children of the world.


Landers, Ca   


Thursday, June 23, 2022


 Words fail to mean anything these days.  Just because words are said, doesn’t mean that they are true.  Maybe, the old truism needs to be applied to our discourse, particularly our national discourse. 

   “Silence is more powerful than words.”

In light of this long held opinion, if we are searching for what is true, should we not look first for what is not being said?  A case in point, the Supreme Court promised a thorough speedy investigation into who leaked the draft of the abortion case on its agenda.  This first in history breach was followed by outrage from the court but ever since May 2, the silence of the court on the identity of the leaker has been deafening, who done it? 

The dominate assumption of all concerned from the get go has been that a politically motivated clerk of the Supreme Court is the likely villain.  If this were true, won’t this clerk be taking bows from the political left?  Law career be dammed, the leaker could write a book.  Document security in the Supreme Court could not be so lax that the identity of a clerk type leaker is still a mystery into the last week of June.

Let us consider the silence. The silent possibility is that the leaker is not a clerk but, instead, a Supreme Court Justice from the outnumbered left of the Supreme Court.  That certainty would throw the court into a national turmoil and constitutional crisis that would require the politicians from the left to demand a fix. Anyone can see where this would be going. 

Maybe, we don’t need to know the identity of the leaker.  Maybe, silence is golden!  

G. Goslaw



Saturday, June 18, 2022

Delusionary Democrats

 Hillary, America’s royal bitch is at it again, she redirected Bill’s warning that our democracy is under threat.  He is not explicit enough but I believe that Bill believes our country and its historical institutions are being attacked by the radical left camouflaging as Democrats.  Tired and unaccomplished Democrat politicians are being used by the political, socialist left to control and destroy America.

Hillary is the most used of all, she is willing to sell out her husband and her country to stay relevant politically. Hillary is encouraging Democrats to win, win and win some more.  Maintaining control of the people by maintaining control of Washington is all that matters to the bitch, not husband, family, Constitution, the Law or least of all, we the people.

Lowly me has one question, Hillary, how do you and the so-called Democrats win after the Biden debacle which has only begun?  Hillary, you need to write a book on grand delusions, presidential and otherwise.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA


Tuesday, June 14, 2022


 Update:  Batman Jr. is seemingly a permanent resident of 1990 Gibralter Rd. in Landers, California.  Every morning for weeks now he has been perched in the old California pepper tree.  As I look for him each day, he routinely changes branches in an attempt to avoid my preying eyes. Yesterday evening as darkness dropped upon us, he was atop the power pole in the front of the house.  In effect, we are a community of sorts to include three dogs, the owls and me.

A few days ago, Batman Jr. was absent from the tree. After repeated attempts to locate him that day, I finally located him still up there hidden in the many branches and sitting on what appeared to be a nest.  Could I have misjudged the identity of Batman Jr.?  I have never been wrong before so I shall reserve judgement but maybe Batman Jr. is not a Jr. at all.  Maybe, he is a she.  Maybe, I need to change his name to Batwoman or even Bat Mama?

So where is Batman?


Landers, Ca.        

Saturday, June 11, 2022


 Alert America, it is survival time!  The Biden/Obama radical left has doomed our fate as free Americans for the foreseeable future. Inflation is here to stay at levels never before experienced.  Some of us remember the Carter years but there is no President Reagan or Paul Volker, FED Chairman, on the horizon.  Interest rates will continue to go up but there is no will in the FED to raise them near enough to slow the inflationary climb.  There is no will in Washington to change course and stop the war on fossil fuels that began as soon as Biden took office.  The gas shortage will continue to be the norm and 8.6% yearly inflation will only be the floor numbers for years to come. The clubbing the Democrats will get in the midterm elections will fix nothing except there will be no new spending out of Congress if Republicans stand strong. 

 In the meantime, the Democrats will continue to spend, spend and spend some more, they will find our money somewhere. A narrow 25% of the electorate is in favor of the economic policies that have wrecked this havoc upon us but that doesn’t matter, after all we are a democracy.  (Sarcasm is a tool)  According to the radical left, the pain dumped upon the other 75% of America is necessary to bring about the needed socialist capture of America. Biden is the ultimate bureaucrat who resides on some other planet.

The Biden/Obama plan is that by the time the next presidential election happens in 2024, we the people will be so broke and depressed that we will again be sucked and duped by empty promises.  Our only option is to find a way to bear this unequaled cross thrust upon us by sticking together as Americans and remaining hopeful about tomorrow, regardless of our circumstances.  It won’t be easy and we, for sure, are going to find out who among us has authentic American character and who among us are the sellouts.  


Landers, CA      




 The playbook of the radical left lead by Biden/Obama is to deflect dissenting opinions by accusing the dissenters of doing the very unamerican activities that they are guilty of dumping on the American people.  It is good old fashioned trash talk repeated over and over by all media news outlets.  The loan exceptions are Fox News and Newsmax.  If all the information you get is from the major networks and you are comfortable with their spin on America, you are living, not in America but some Never, Neverland.

Even Fox news allows dissenting opinions on their shows and gives the viewer the opinion of choosing the voices they believe to be credible and make sense.  The question needs to be asked, why do the major media markets trot out the leftist talking lies as truth?  What do they have to gain from attempting to deceive the American people?  One might assume that their motive is ratings but they have earned the lowest ratings of my lifetime. So why, CBS, NBC, ABC and MSNBC are you stuck in the political mud?  Be honest for a change, major media, what do you have to gain? 

Beats, me!


Landers, CA    

Friday, June 10, 2022


 America already has three political parties.  There are two official organized political parties but that doesn’t tell the whole story.  Republican and Democrat parties may seem to be our politics but government at all levels has spawned a third political influence that is destroying the power of the people.  The priority of “We the people”, the priority of the individual as demanded by our founding Constitution is fading away. 

The priority of our modern everyday constitution should read, “We the bureaucrats”.  Google the word, google defines a bureaucrat as “an official in a government, particularly one who is perceived to be more concerned with procedural correctness than with the needs of the people.”  Our country is no longer exists for the betterment of the people, rather, America exists for the betterment of the bureaucracy. As a voting bloc, these folk and their priority of bureaucracy betterment and expansion is purchased by either or both of the established political parties.

The purchase is always at the expense of “we the people”. We the people no longer count in Washington, the state capitals and county governments.  The bureaucrats will shout their innocence in the face of these charges but some of us have bureaucrat antennae, and our feelers say, the country is awash with the self-involved politically powerful.  In fact, this narcissism has permeated all corners of our American society and culture.  Politics, education, the media, sports, large corporations and even religion.

There are exceptions and occasionally priorities change but generally America is losing to the power of the bureaucrats, our nation is rotting from within.  This is why President Donald Trump was and is such a great threat to the bureaucrats of both parties.  This is why Donald Trump was and is the political hero of "we the people".  After the last eighteen months of bureaucrat rule, who is it that would not wish for the days of President Trump again?   


Landers, CA     



Sunday, June 5, 2022


 The Republican mantra in June 2022 is, “the Calvary is coming in November”!  

I am sorry to be a wet blanket but the only Calvary that can save our country will be the presidential election of 2024.  The problem is that by then there will be little left of the America we love and respect.  Some things may improve around the edges in November, should the Congress change, but President Biden will still be able to veto all new legislation until January of 2025 and he will continue to enforce only those laws that further the leftist agenda.    

Until then, the radical left government will be free to continue Obama's fundamental change, his words, that he envisioned for his adopted country.  Remember, as has been said, the goal of the Obama left is to make America just another poor and dependent country to resemble the socialist leanings of his Father.  Hence, the flood of illegal peoples from the south by the millions which will continue unchanged. Intentionally motivated inflation is the other tool being used to make the people poor enough to be no threat to government top-down control.  This tool has proven effective around the world.

The price levied on the American people for this fundamental change is catastrophic and immoral.  The question is, what else does the radical left have in it's grab bag should their control be slipping away?  Could it be another China pandemic, funded in part by our own government, at election time?

Did the school shooter have a father issue?  Yes, however, the shooter doing the most damage to the future of American children is Obama-Biden.


Landers, CA 


Friday, June 3, 2022


 Biden (Obama) democrat voters are Washington D.C. autocrats, America haters or just plain ignorant.  The Biden administration is effective in only one measure, reeducating the ignorant to appreciate what the nation enjoyed just a few months ago.  The devastating pain inflicted upon the Red, White and Blue will be remembered for generations.  Will anyone ever admit they voted for Biden in 2020?  No way, these traitors will go into hiding. 


Landers, CA