Monday, May 31, 2021

America is sick unto death!

 President Biden’s America is sick unto death.  Forget COVID.  America is now sick for the following reasons.  1. We are now a Godless country.  2. Politics is about spreading the next big lie for the next news cycle. 3. Political power is the new economy.  4. A politics that promotes self-interest as a tool to build a constituency is promoting eventual doom for all.  5. Sick leadership begets the spawning of sick voters.  Congratulations Joe.

Another great politic of history, began as a small democracy in Italy in the 6th century BC and began expanding into the 3rd century BC.  As it expanded beyond the Italian border it ceased to value democracy, rather, the people chose to be ruled by one man, the all-powerful Emperor.  The empire quickly expanded through the know Mediterranean world and enjoyed two hundred years of prosperity and growth, then divisions within and without gave way to three hundred years of chaos, decline, defeat and dismemberment. The history of these last three hundred years of the Roman Empire are not pretty with failing leadership and a populace obsessed with the blood sports.  In totality, the empire lasted five hundred years.

America is at a similar crossroad in our history.  We began as a rare bird in this world, the democracy established in 1776 and 245 years later we are looking down over the cliff that can only lead to disaster for all, every man, women and child.  It is simplistic to blame our leaders for the coming carnage because too a large extent, political leaders gain and maintain their control by offering but never extending to the people the security and goodies the people want.  The people are easily duped. Like catnip dangling on a string, the power hungry manipulators turn the ignorant masses and against their own best self interest, real democracy, not the fake version touted by the power hungry Democrats.  

The easily manipulated folks are us!


Landers. CA