Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Day 14

There are only two types of Americans, producers and beggars, who are you?  I will share one opinion, mine.  The producers are the private sector of our economy, "sometimes called the citizen sector, which is run by private individuals or groups, usually as a means of enterprise for profit, and is not controlled by the state (Wikipedia)".  The state is government at all levels, local, county, state and federal.

The sticky fingers of the state has progressively whittled down the truly private sector over the last seventy five years by regulating it out of viability, supposedly in the interest of the public.  However, when regulation advances beyond the obvious safety of the public, free enterprise ceases to be the engine of our economy and we become as the rest of the world.. 

The regulation takeover of our economy reached it's zenith under the direction of former president O'bama, who gave away billions to the big banks who were responsible for the crash of 2008 and then ramped-up regulations to give government unprecedented control of the private sector.  This control resulted in economic stagnation for eight years..

Enter Donald Trump and his war on regulations and the resulting booming economy.  Surprise, surprise, two plus two does equal four after all.  The private sector again has returned us to a growing economy. 

One might ask, then, who are the beggars?

Those of us are beggars who are voting for Democratic big government agendas.  Those of us voting for career politicians of both parties who go to Washington to cash in.  Those of us who work within the many layers of government, the bureaucrats. These folk work for bigger and bigger government and create bigger regulations to justify there jobs.  Those of us working because of corporate welfare companies, who survive off of government taxpayer handouts.  They are lawyers and doctors, firemen and police, some we the public need but most we don't. 

Beggars one and all!

G. Goslaw
Landers, CA