Saturday, October 21, 2023


Human life is an opportunity.

Human life is random.

Human life is temporary.

Human life is only the beginning. 

G. Goslaw,                                                                                                  Landers, CA 


Friday, October 20, 2023


Some folk believe that spirituality is a function of religious form or dogma. Nothing could be further from the truth. Spiritual messaging from beyond our place in this world is our only connection to the reality or existence of God. The philosophers try to devise varied intellectual arguments for the God reality but all are disappointing. The dogma bound will spend their lives arguing belief systems instead of listening. We human God seekers only have to listen and share notes.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca

Thursday, October 19, 2023


President Biden has a huge rug. Americans died and are being held captive by HAMAS. What is he going to do about the killings?  Oh yah, sweep them under the rug again!


Landers, CA

Monday, October 16, 2023


 Godless mongrels kill in the name of religion. The Biden administration and the gutless Democrats are using our American tax dollars to appease Iran and in so doing they a making a nuclear catastrophe inevitable. Does not the terrorist raids from Gaza a week Saturday, prove that Iran will use the bomb?  

Does anyone not understand that Islam is a terrorist behemoth? Believe or die, those are the only options Mohammed gives the world. They will never change and playing nice is suicide.





Friday, October 13, 2023


We are alive to receive a taste of eternity. My father left us theology books, an old-fashioned photo slide collection of my parents travels, furniture, family documents and memorabilia. They were always doing their church thing somewhere else. I remember only one sermon that my father preached, the “Kip” sermon. One would have to be ancient to know about the ointment Kip. Any sermon records are scanty or bare outlines, I assume he shared mostly from his heart. If I could turn back the pages of my life, I would choose, above all else, to hear him share.

Kicking around our garages for years was a freshly painted cast iron railroad sign. We were never told the significance of the sign or more likely, I was not interested in questioning my parents. After their passing, I took the sign, more than anything else, as a part of my father and mother’s heritage. Now it sits on a post in the corner of my front yard. Cast iron is almost eternal but for now, I must guess as to its significance.

We need only one guess for my parents were evangelistic people. All the problems of this world are solved at the altar as one repents. This summary is an exaggeration but the evangelistic message was the focus of my parent’s lives. The sign reads, STOP - LOOK – LISTEN. The sign is a warning to stop at the railroad crossing, look both ways for an approaching train and as a last resort, listen for any train noises. A safe crossing of the tracks with your car is then possible.

The evangelistic takeaway has the same three points. Stop living in sin (repent), Look up to Jesus Christ (faith), Listen for instructions from Jesus and your newly discovered spiritual leaders. All we humans are different. For some of us, this message has proven to be a spiritual positive in our lives and for others of us, this message has shut down all spiritual curiosity. The evangelistic message is divisive and needs some work.

Above all else the evangelistic message is a churchy spiritual methodology. There is an element of Bible based truth in all three points but Jesus did not teach a methodology. Jesus taught an openness to spiritual messaging from God. There is an invitation open to all persons to be a part of the kingdom of God, an invisible, borderless kingdom where the spirit of God reigns not by might but through the whole truth of God.     

The confrontation between Jesus and the Samaritan women at the well in Chapter Four of St. John’s Gospel has been preaching fodder for the evangelistic message for generations. The woman had five husbands and the man now in her life was not her husband, she was a ready target for evangelism. Yet, Jesus doesn’t tell her to repent of her lifestyle, they go into a conversation about how God speaks to we humans, not through one religion or another but directly, God and the individual, one on one.

Getting back to the R/R sign, maybe, the order should be reversed, spirituality begins with listening. Be aware, the voice of God, the spirit reality sneaks up on us, are you listening?

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA


Thursday, October 12, 2023


American politics has changed post Trump. The new politics is about we the people and not the government.  The government Republicans have funded a slew of contenders against Trump in this primary season, all to no avail, they are losers. Former president Trump should not put any of them on the ticket for 2024.

Trump and JFK jr. in 2024!

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA     

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


 The bigness surrounding our place among the galaxies contrasts with the smallness of our theologies.


Landers, CA

Friday, October 6, 2023


How would you describe God in our human understanding? Is God the ethical supervisor, judge and jury of the galaxies? Maybe, for want of a better definition, God is the only complete creative entity (reality) of all existence. All other realities are interdependent, linked by gravity or heritage, ever expanding into new realities. The Entity (God) was the beginning. 


Landers, CA    



Without mental or emotional assent, my gut goal in life has been to understand. I did not choose this goal, I now know, after 78 years of living, that the need to understand is a part of who I am. All the luck, the knowing need is just as much a life curse as it is a personality trait. Normal life should have goals like wealth, power and prestige, the goal of scoring the winning touchdown. These needs are easily digested, they are socially relevant in almost every culture, yet, this guy needs to figure it all out.

Am I somehow special? Is the path that I have trod through life unique? No way, every one of us has the need to understand or explain our existence. Most of the time, most of us muddle along through life burying this need as deep as one can dig. Survival needs, making the mortgage every month or running after the approval of another person or community of thought, all bury the personal need to know. 

Let’s get on with living, some say, because wondering is wandering.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca