Sunday, March 30, 2014

Mission Statement

The intended mission of this blog is to unleash a biblical vision that is inclusive and hopeful for all of us into eternity.  At the same time these words are meant to protest the religious manipulations of our spiritual leaders and the selfishness of our politics.  The truth will be stated without regard for the expected consequences.

Landers, Ca

The Capsule Theology

First Published January, 25, 2013

There is a God of the galaxies who is in control of all things.

1.  This God gives free will to all of mankind.
            (Mythological Tree of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden)
2.  This God gives “temporary” spiritual hardening to some of mankind, individuals or peoples.
            (the ancients, Cain, Pharaoh, Jews, N.T. predestination, secularism, etc.)
3.  This God gives unqualified eternal grace, destiny and unification with God to “all” mankind.
            (the past, present and future Kingdom of God)

Landers, Ca.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


According to Jesus we are to share this world’s advantages in order to do good for others as we all share in the advantages of the next world.  It is called faith and there is no faith if we expend this world’s advantages to manipulate for greater advantage in this world.  This is the sum of the gospel according to the Rev. Joel Osteen.

Landers, Ca.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Mr. O'Reily, now you really have us worried!  Why are you so desperate to be right in spite of the lack of evidence and so few answers?  The only possible reason for you to loose your mind so completely is that you have been asked to endorse the distraction theory.  Why were you asked?

Maybe in time you will be proven right but as of this moment, Monday, March 24, 2014, at 1800 hours PDT, there is no evidence to support your claimed clairvoyance.  Why would you go along with such insanity? What should we fear?  Should we fear a 777 loaded with a nuclear bomb?

Landers, Ca.


So what is wrong with Obama’s America?  Our layered politics is in control of everything in our daily lives. Politics has always been a factor in every moment of our history but in today’s America, politics has it's sticky fingers on our economic system, our legal system and our foreign relations.  Obamacare, better known as the Unaffordable Act, has captured 1/6th of our economy and is debilitating the rest.  Eric Holder and his selective enforcement of our laws has made legal regress a joke.  The badmouthing of America by this president has emboldened the bullies of the world to push aside democracies and give terrorists license to kill.  Our privacy rights, both foreign and domestic, are no more, courtesy of the NSA, CIA, IRS and the FBI.  All the forces of government are marshaled to exact richly deserved punishment upon all the internal political enemies of the state.  We are in the world of 1984.

Landers, Ca

Thursday, March 20, 2014

FLT 370

The 777 turned left, turned off the transponder and said good night to Malaysian air traffic control.  FLT 370 began a climbing zigzag pattern with no running lights, completely in the dark.  The pilot was looking for another aircraft below heading west, probably a regularly scheduled aircraft who knew nothing about the 777.  Upon sighting the lights of the possible westbound plane, the pilot of the 777 entered a dive to approach from the rear and ride on the coattails of this plane all the way to Pakistan or Iran.  The Indian radar would never have been able to detect the 777.  Was there such a westbound flight, please, somebody check the flight schedule?  This would have been a risky and fun move by the pilot of the 777 but it may account for most of the reports to date.

At this hour the Australian Prime Minister has alerted us to possible aircraft debris off their west coast. Really, the search had previously investigated an erroneous satellite sighting by the Chinese just a week ago? Just when many knowledgeable opinions were gathering for a Pakistani or Iranian hijacking, we are distracted in the opposite direction.  Our timid politics would really like this debris to be the 777, they would breath easier if all these people were dead from an accident or a suicide by pilot.  There would be no hostages to be rescued and no national confrontation with paranoid nuclear countries. This sounds like peace but at what price?  

One would hope that someone has a method to this madness.

Landers, Ca.      

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Bible Gates

The Bible is composed of 66 books, 1,189 chapters, 31, 173 verses and 774,746 words, give or take a few.  Coming to grips with all this verbiage is almost impossible so it is not surprising that so very few of us can claim to have digested the Bible’s content.  Past generations have valued the pure reading of the Bible and being factually competent in the hope that that would lead us to understanding.  Lacking understanding these generations focus on a few specific verses or passages that allow a desired theology.

A theology is the same as an ideology in politics for they both serve a liberal or conservative constituency.  The political turf and the biblical turf are divided up and the fight is on.  The arguing over the political turf has gone on from the beginning of human gatherings.  For 4000 years the Judeo-Christian religious turf has been ripe with conflict and we never seem to tire of it.  Liberals and conservatives both use the Bible to fight the good fight, each is adamant that the Bible is their proof.  This being our human reality, why not offer another way?  Does the Bible allow another way?

A gathering theology is a better way.  A gathering theology assumes that the Bible is a record of divine interventions into our world and subsequently a record of our human response or reaction to these events. The human response is always to build a religion around the divine event and that religion always will turn inward for survival.  The Bible, then, is largely a religious document.  Religion is not God, all religions do good but all religions kill because they are a human function.  No scripture need be thrown out because of the influence of religion but it’s influence must be considered in the search for truth.

Does this sound complicated?  What is really complicated is to assert that every word in the Bible has equal authority or inspiration.  Some have claimed such an interpretation of scripture only to utilize their own way of elevating some of scripture to a really worthy status.  No one is consistent.  If such an extreme view of divine inspiration were even possible, the Bible would itself be God.  If, however, we are allowing spiritual truth to filter through the words of scripture something almost magical happens, our understanding inches forward.

The trick to biblical understanding is to identify the biblical gates that God has opened in human history.  If these gates are clearly identified and respected, the religious stuff will settle in it’s proper context.  The Bible gates are like unto being bombed with a glimpse of God.  They make us squirm so we invent ways to soften the blow by making God religious and he is not so inclined.  In fact, religion keeps God at bay and therefore religion is evil. Most of the Bible is God trying to pry us away from our human religious constructions.  Satan is a religious reality.

Landers, Ca.

Friday, March 7, 2014


Are you a conservative believer?  The CPAC convention is happening in Washington this week and deceptively claiming support for conservative principles.  This supposed conservative happening should in truth be renamed the Republican Political Action Committee.  Only one winner of the convention’s straw pole since it’s beginning in 1976, has been a widely accepted conservative man of the people.  Yes, Ronald Reagan was that man.  There has been no other conservative to win the CPAC straw pole, go on to win the Republican nomination and then win the presidency.  George W. Bush did all of the above but he was never a conservative and his policies while in office did damage to conservatism.

If the members of the CPAC convention are so ignorant about the truth of conservatism, should we be surprised that our everyday brothers and sisters fail to understand?  Some of us assert that we do understand that political labels of every description have never benefited the people.  We don’t need political labels that may or may not reflect the man, we desire a principled man to lead us.  Those principles should be above politics, truly conservative and more important than winning.  Free enterprise, lower taxes, smaller government and physical responsibility are the home of true conservatism.

Where are you man?

Landers, Ca

Monday, March 3, 2014


In our world of international politics, does being nice work?  If we are nice, they will have to be nice, right?
How's that working out for you  Mr. President?

Landers, Ca