Sunday, January 20, 2019

Day 18

There are two areas of our lives that have the most bullies per square inch, Religion and Politics.  You must be aware of our Washington political drama, the O’bama bullies have been trashing any and everyone who believes in traditional American values.  These bullies are criminals who have no regard for the law or the truth, only angling for political power.  They routinely turn the tables on this truth, they accuse everyone of being dishonest should they disagree with them politically.  The facts of government abusing it's power are slow to come to the surface, but there are more than enough at this point for everyone to get the dirty picture.

Frankly, I am bored with constant recital of the many offenses by the O’bama club, the truth will not change them!  And justice is not blind, if you are a Democrat for your government will protect you.   
G. Goslaw
Landers, CA