Friday, January 4, 2019

Day 4

The debate rages constantly in politics and has reached fever pitch.  American exceptionalism verses the world order of big government, where national decisions are made in the dark by unseen forces.  The tyranny of big government is the new American remake that President Obama promised.  According to him and the radical left, if the people yield control of their lives to big government, to the dark forces, our lives will be protected and improved.  Shall we believe him or them??  Is it not Obama who promised you can keep your doctor?

Some politicians preach American exceptionalism but few of them define what makes America great or exceptional.  Money and power to influence the world order are not American exceptional credits, so what is?  What is our national pride, the quality that has rung the bell for 250 years?

We older folk were taught our national greatness from a very early age when school was about school.  President Lincoln prayed on November 19, 1863 at the Gettysburg cemetery honoring the 7,000 dead and 38,000 wounded at this one battle of the Civil War.  How could anyone, any president, justify such carnage?  Lincoln did so by giving the Civil War the same status as that of our American Revolution, 100 years earlier.  The sacrifice on that field and his prayer were necessary to preserve our national greatness, an American “government of the people, for the people and by the people”.   Without their sacrifice, America would no longer be America.

Our country has always been about this one revolutionary idea, true democracy.  The life situation of the black man in America was not the central issue of the Civil War but it was the most visible issue.  The central issue was one of economics or money.  Can a few wealthy people so manipulate American democracy to the point that our government no longer represents all the people?   Is our government to be "of, for and by the rich few"?

When politicians of both parties are owned by the rich interests who dictate policy for the people, the voter no longer have a real choice at the ballot box and America fails to be a democracy.  Money in politics is going to force another phase of the American Revolution for we the people have become impotent to influence our own future.  We can hope that the coming revolution will be violence free but don’t count on it.  Our only hope for that outcome is Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States.

It is indeed ironic that our only hope to preserve our democracy in the 21st century, is himself a wealthy man who cannot be bought as are all the rest of the gold diggers.  History will have a good laugh, if we stand up for him!

G. Goslaw
Landers, CA