Tomorrow, Monday,
January 21, is our national holiday dedicated to the memory of Martin Luther
King. The Rev. King was one of my
childhood heroes, along with Muhammad Ali and Mickey Mantle. Martin asked the people of America to give up
hate based on skin color, a message ripe for that time. Love can stomp hate and it did with the great
sacrifice he made by laying down his life.
I grew up
believing that because of Martin Luther King, America was changed, our social
order was changed to the point that we could live together as one, not
perfectly but the war was won. That
belief held sway until the arrival of Barack O’bama, a black man, and his cohorts, the
radical left.
All of the
sudden, America is an overwhelmingly racist country, it is our evil identity, and
everyone knows America is evil. Or do we? At least, according to the radical left who goes about calling everyone who disagrees
with their politics, a confirmed racist.
There is no greater bully than the left who disparages the victory of
MLK to only score political points.
I voted for
Barack in 2008 because I believed all his hype about governing from the middle
and to benefit all Americans. It was a
lie, to him, governing is about directing the power of government, particularly
the IRS and the Judicial Department, against O’bama political enemies. This black man has taught me to hate, not on
the basis of color but to hate the anti-American political left that has
overrun the Democratic Party.
Is my hate
justified? Yes, indeed! Is my hate less than what God would have me
be? Yes, indeed. Maybe, when the battle is over, I will
G. Goslaw
Landers, Ca