Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Demanded Apology

On Sunday, November 16, 2014, the Daily Press printed portions of my opinion letter and the title was changed to, “Our Banana Republic”.  While it is always a privilege to be given the opportunity to express my opinions as one of the many knowledgeable writers of this paper, in this case, I resent the rewrite by the Editor and expect an apology.  My letter as sent to the paper is entitled, “Open Season”, which can be examined fully as posted on my blog,  Daily Press, print or ignore what I have to say, that is your right, but don’t touch my words!

Readers, you be the judge, is my opinion advocating violence?  Any reader of the full text of the letter could not rightfully come to that conclusion.  Was the letter confrontational?  You bet it was and it was so intended.  The Democratic left uses violence and the threat of violence to promote it’s political agenda whenever and wherever possible, i.e., Ferguson, Missouri.  Should we sane and law-abiding citizens of this country be so castrated by the fear mongering of the left that we let truth, justice and the American way slip from history?  I think not!

The Daily Press also did not like my description of our President as a criminal.  The oft repeated saying, if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck, definitely applies to this President.  There is a criminal duck in the White House.  For the last six years the Daily Press itself and the many every day commentators to this paper have chronicled the criminality of this President.  He is devoid of a moral compass and will say and do anything that will further his own personal agenda, i.e., the common criminal mindset.  The favorite and most violently destructive weapon of the criminal is the lie, the untruth.  The lies told to us by President Obama have also been well chronicled by this paper, our liar in chief has exposed himself to be the criminal that he is.  Oops, there goes another quack!  

Landers, Ca        

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Open Season

Our criminal President is up to his tricks again.  By the stroke of his pen and his sole authority, he will grant practical citizenship to over 4 million illegal aliens in the coming days.  Like never before, we are no longer a country of laws passed by the duly elected representatives of the people, we are now a banana republic ruled by an all powerful dictator in chief.  We are experiencing a typical south American political coup, a desperate power grab to make 4 million illegal aliens, legal Democratic voters.  Voters that will hopefully soften the impact of the Democratic rejection mood of the country as indicated by the midterm election.  The President has decided that chaos is better than the historical moderate, middle of the road politics that is America.  

It is time to declare open season on illegal aliens from whatever country.  This is not a call for violence but a call to put our niceness aside, this a call to mobilize the people to call out the lawless conspirators of illegal immigration.  The illegal political action groups, the Chamber of Commerce, all businesses that hire the illegal and all Democratic politicians unless they speak out against this crime.  It is time to declare open season on all who are aligned with the Democratic cause or fund the Democratic crimes.  Eighty per cent of the people want a legal reform of our immigration system but the key word is legal.  Democrats, as lead by our dictator in chief, only want voters not full citizenship for the illegal, they care little for the illegal alien whom they value merely as a tool to maximize Democratic political power.

If the President does not respect the Law, should we?  Of course,  we will remain respectful of the rule of law but sometimes we are tested.  This is such a time.

Landers, Ca

Friday, November 7, 2014

What do the election results mean?

November 4, 2014 is an American revival.  The people have spoken loudly for we want another chance to be the country our forefathers believed was possible.  They did not create perfection but gave to succeeding generations a foundation upon which to grow, a foundation of self rule by the people, small government and free enterprise.  They demanded their freedom and we want to be left alone to freely build our future.  Our country will not be defined as Republican or Democrat, black or white, rich or poor, women or men, religious or secular, liberal or conservative, we are Americans, we are one people with a dream that we share together.

At the core of this dream is justice for each of us regardless of wealth, political influence or family social standing.  There will be no freedom for all if each of us is not given the same shot at one’s own dreamed future.  All the reporters are asking, Republicans what are you going to do now, post election?  The list of priorities is long but the answers have all missed the people’s priority.  The people want unity and this can not happen if we are divided economically.  There can be no unity as the few relatively rich gorge themselves on the lazy earnings of the stock market while ignoring the economic trashing of the largest percentage of the American people.  Our earnings have steadily dropped for the last six years while the prices at the grocery store have steadily gone up.  Politicians, slow and stop the printing of paper money by the Federal Reserve, do this first and by doing so you will act on behalf of all the little people.  

The inherent fallibility of humankind is to be takers at the expense of others.  Fox News gets a lot of unjustified criticism from the president and our left leaning neighbors but the talking legs do tell us the truth. The problem is that they do not tell the whole truth.  Fox News is one of the takers who glories in stock market riches and says very little about the criminal conspiracy between political power, the Federal Reserve and the stock market.  By their silence, they are saying all wealth is good and it matters little how it is obtained.  Is this Robin Hood?  Somehow it does not sound familiar.

The criminal conspiracy is obvious, the president picks the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, he or she is confirmed by the politicians in the Senate and then serves at the pleasure of the President.  This politically empowered chairman orders paper money to be printed and flushed through the financial system to prop up our economy in order to protect the politicians.  This unearned wealth is reinvested in the stock market causing stock market prices to rise to new records practically every day.  These are boom times for the few while our politicians put out the lie that the Federal Reserve is independent and acting in the best interest of the country.  Somehow that does not ring the bell.

Politicians, are you serving for the few or all the people?  This election should say to you, Democrat and Republican, do not be content with your political games and leave the little people to see their American dream blow away from political interference and neglect.  We know that it is a lot to ask in the face of the power of money in politics but please put the heat on the Federal Reserve to slow and stop the printing of unearned dollars to give to the rich or, better yet, give the dollars to us, the little people.

Landers, Ca

Monday, November 3, 2014


The Church betrays the calling of God if it fails to speak the truth of God to social and political power.  With the exception of Pope Francis, the Church is silent and squirms from engaging our increasingly Godless culture.  The pop theology of another time surely applies today if we were to ask, what would Jesus do?  Why don't we ask?  We don't ask the question because we have not the courage to hear the answer.      

Landers, Ca

The Handwriting

Election season is painfully tiring about this time but the political promises are about over.  We choose and they rule over us.  The day after the election the promises and the will of the people fade like the sunset over the San Bernardino Mountains.  Frustration and the resulting depression are the order of the day amongst the California voters who believe that this state is, after all, America.  Forget it, California is little Mexico and our politicians, from Governor Moonbeam on down the ladder of the politically privileged, are responsible for the sellout.  The new California is the glaring example of what the southern takers of this new nation will accomplish for the future.  Beware Californians for the handwriting is on the wall?

What does the handwriting say?  You know but it is easier to play dumb, dumb and dumber!

1.  Economic collapse for the wealthy few will increasingly abandon the state for a friendlier American tax systems.

2.  Private enterprise is no longer, we, the people expect the government to provide.

3.  The federally funded economy, nursing and healthcare, will deteriorate as federal spending approaches a $20 trillion federal deficit by 2016?

4.  The state tax base dwindles further eroding all government services: police, fire, code enforcement, dog catcher, etc.

5.  Our politicians will create better and better ways to nullify Prop 13 and it’s protection of the property owner from greater taxes.  The state supreme court will strike it down.

6.  Violence is the California norm, the extinction of a right to life is ignored except by the innocent victims.  Murder in the womb will foster murder on our streets, they are morally linked and unseparable (Urban Dictionary).    

 Good luck, California………..

Landers, Ca.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Bucket List

The “Bucket List” is both a movie and a philosophy of life.  The main characters in the movie decide to experience every unfulfilled wish or hope in their last few days on this earth.  Their journey says to us that the meaning of life is somehow out there beyond our own person.  Is life all about crossing off items on a list, can the meaning of life be that simple?  How is that possible when the vast majority of humanity is fighting every day for enough food and safety to survive the vicissitudes of this world?  The bucket list philosophy is only about the compacting of life experiences, places and relationships assuming that this will bring meaning to our lives.  We all should ask, will it?

This philosophy is targeted to the few and says nothing about the only meaningful life opportunity open to every person, regardless of their circumstances.  Some assert that the meaning of life can only be experienced in the psyche of the individual also defined as the totality of who we are without the illusive trappings of body parts.  This journey is the exploration of inner space and our bucket list must accordingly shift into reverse.  Knowing one’s self was the goal and the teaching of the ancient philosophers and we never get modern enough to find completion on any other journey.  The bucket list is the latest modern philosophy that will deflect us away from the inward journey.

All of us avoid this inward journey, we are hard wired as humans to prefer the external fluff of life, content and complicit with our satisfaction with the externals.  We pretend that the inward journey is not even necessary while choosing to focus on what we assume are the really important things in life.  The list of important things is long, anything and everything can distract or deflect us, the destructive behaviors and the positive behaviors are equally guilty.  A life addicted to drugs will deflect the addicted from the inward journey but so may an education, a career path, positive relationships and even religion.  Wait a minute, you say, religion is all about the inward journey!

Is it?

Landers, Ca