Tuesday, July 23, 2019


The most disputed question among we thinking humans is whether the familiar earthly boundaries will remain with us in eternity?  Let’s hope not but what can we expect to be different?  The stars are again twinkling.  The frequently expressed eternal vision is that there is only one boundary, the one between a positive eternity and a negative eternity, between blessing and curse, between pain and pleasure or as they say, between heaven and hell.  After all. some of us deserve eternal punishment and some of us have earned an eternal reward for being good boys and girls because we have respected the appropriate boundaries.  This vision of eternity is merely an expansion of the boundaries of this world.  It is Sunday School propaganda.

Landers, CA


Saturday, July 20, 2019

Good News

I have good news to pass along.  The stars told me that our human birthright is that each of us can expect a positive spiritual eternity regardless of our relative circumstances.  Regardless of who we are or who we know, to whom we belong or how we have lived our lives.  All of us, indeed, are entitled to this eternal future, each of us, the sinners and the saints, the powerful and the powerless, the religious and the irreverent, the rich and the poor, the sinners and those sinned against, the lovers and the haters, the honored and the despised, the winners and the losers, the honest and the cheaters, the young and the old, the guilty and the innocent, the sick and the healthy, the tall and the short, the gorgeous and the homily, the lawful and the lawless, and the fat and the skinny.  Death is not an end but a beginning just over that horizon. 

G. Goslaw
Landers, CA

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Evil or Individualism?

Once and a while, I wake up to a revelation.  It has been a life long struggle of mine to accept, mentally and emotionally, a life view or understanding that fits our varied circumstances as humans. All the normal life pursuits have eventually taken a back seat to this quest, which has not been really voluntary on my part.  I have repeatedly tried to stuff the quest beneath the surface things of life, which only brought temporary relief but like a yo-yo, the quest again surfaces.  This is such a day.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Ignorant racism

Dangerous racism is spewed by those who slander others for the sake of political gain, the result being a growing divide among Americans.  Is the present divide worse than the sixties of my youth?  Probably not, at least from a factual basis, for those times brought needed change that made America a better reflection of the Declaration of Independence.

Our present day racial divide is not about facts and reality but about political control by the America haters.  As a result, each skin color is forced to dehumanize the other race and ignore our human and American commonality.  Should this continue, the damage to our national unity will mean our demise as a free and independent nation. The average Joe or Jane finds this nonsensical militant racism just plain ignorant and crazy.

Some years ago, we brought a pair of large Dewlap Toulouse geese to 1990 Gibralter Rd.  One of the geese died shortly after arriving because of my inexperience caring for such newborn fowl.  Herbert survived, mostly in the house in that first year.  Soon after her first egg, we recognized our mistaken naming of Herbert but we could not change her name midstream.  Gradually she adjusted to life among the elements and she greeted whomever approached with a challenging goose noise that the neighbors have to endure.

After a few years of watching her roam the grounds, seemingly content but alone, I decided to bring some of her relatives to keep her company.  This was mistake number 2!  The new arrivals were Large Dewlap Toulouse geese with a shared ancestry, identical color and plumage but they rejected and refused to befriend Herbert.  To this day, as Herbert approaches, they chase her away, refusing to include her in their little flock.  It is sad to watch as she roams the grounds still without companionship, separated by who knows what.

It would seem that we humans behave in a similar fashion without cause, each of us comfortable in our own little flock.  Who are we, thinking men and women or geese?

Landers, Ca          

Monday, July 1, 2019

Pander mania

We killed Jesus.  We insisted on nailing him to a cross.  We being you and I as participants in the prevailing political socio-economic determinants of every age (power over others, territory, money).  We as individual human beings can make a choice to live free of these determinants but this possible choice is hidden from us in the fog of our own making, the fog of sectarian tribalism.  Jesus refused to be a participant in these determinants as we so readily do, therefore, we destroyed him and continue to kill each other.

Two thousand years later we have made such minuscule progress toward participating in the Kingdom of God, the kingdom that Jesus believed to be our future inheritance.  Will the God of the galaxies lose his cool and make the Kingdom happen by divine decree?  Does the Job like patience of God soon end in an apocalypse?  I believe not for our God, yours and mine, is waiting still for we humans to bring his Kingdom to earth.
Shall we stop our pandering to our smallness?  Can we? Will we?

Landers, Ca