Monday, January 14, 2019

Day 13

Growing up the Bible was just a part of our family environment.  The Bible was quoted three times a week from the pulpit with the preacher claiming this book had a claim on our lives.  I never understood or didn't want to understand.  It was not until I began trucking alone that the really big questions began to bother me.  Questions such as voiced by Dionne Warwick in 1966, "What's It All About Alfie?".  Did my father and mother have the answers that I somehow missed them, captivated by my own arrogance?  Did the Church and the Bible have the answers?  Is the Church an honest communicator of spiritual truth?

Going to Church or sitting for spiritual counseling was difficult if not impossible on the road, so I began to read the Bible and ask questions.  My exploration of the Bible during this time was through the eyes of a doubter seeking a faith that somehow makes sense.  Just accepting any life-faith understanding from a human authority figure was and is a non-starter.  I came to understand that the Bible was the only creditable source for answers to the big questions because there is no where else to go.  The answers had to be there or sadly life must be lived without answers. 

Landers, CA