Friday, May 3, 2019

Bucket List

My bucket list is short, very short.  The only item on my list is to be informed definitively as to who killed President Kennedy.  It was my freshman year in college when the radio blasted the news during our Rook card game in the dorm.  Was it the Mob, Cuba, Russia or Oswald?  Was Oswald the shooter or was he the fall guy?  Fifty-one years later we still don’t know the truth.  The Warren Commission Report was an obvious whitewash denying any conspiracy beyond Oswald.  What about the Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy shooters?  The similar facts in all these assassinations is that all these shooters are either dead or strangely silent.   Before I die, I want to know who done it!

Critical documents withheld from the Warren Commission and which may have the answers, are now on your desk, President Trump. The release of these documents to us is your decision, why are you stalling?  Why all the extra secrecy?  If the bad actors behind the assassinations were only foreign actors, the people would have been given the documents decades ago.  The only conclusion left to us is that at least one or more American political leaders were implicated to some extent in the assassination of President Kennedy.  This can be the only reason for continued secrecy.

Could there be such devilish, bad actors burrowed into our government?  You, Mr. President know the answer to that question because you have been the target of such bad actors.  Question, which is worse, a bullet to affect political change or conspiracy to affect the slow demise of a president in order to bring the desired change? The late 60’s was an economic boom time but there was a deadly conspiracy afoot.  The last two years have been a return to these boom times and to a governmental conspiracy to dump you from your podium as president of the United States.  Different times but similar scenario and I hope that in this time, the bad actors will get their due.

Please Mr. President, the people have been guessing in the dark for much to long, make the documents public.  Our country is not perfect but we can only achieve such greatness if the light is allowed to shine.

G. Goslaw
Landers, CA