Sunday, January 13, 2019

Day 12

This is a warning for all those globalist, establishment and duplicitous Republican politicians, "beware what you wish for".  You can hide in your closet and withhold support for the entire President Trump agenda but more and more of we voters are coming to an accurate understanding of your true identity.

The Republican party has always been the party of the rich and big corporations, governing to protect the interests of this minority.  For at least the last forty years, Republican politicians have taken orders from their overlords, selling off America in order to somehow open world wide markets.  The games began when President Nixon opened up China, telling the lie that moving China toward capitalism would change China into a democracy and a friend.  What a fraud!

Under your leadership, the lives and well being of working people have been disregarded and inconsequential.  The Romney's and Bush's care not for the people, with their hands out, they have been paid to deceive the people resulting in depressed wages while the stock market financiers have been the only winners.  Companies have closed their doors to the people, because you made this betrayal financially advantages.  Who got the bailout of billions in the crash?  Big business that cannot fail.  The people only suffered, our financial security trashed by greedy Washington politicians, Democratic and Republican.  You claim to support our legal system while you have made border security impossible for the last thirty years by cooperating with the open borders Democrats behind closed doors.  Your game is simply to depress wages.

Sure, capitalism is the only economic system that works for the people and must be preserved but capitalism does have a soft underbelly.  You, the globalist establishment Republicans are selling out to that underbelly.  Keep it up, what you are wishing for is really socialism.  The Trump Presidency has changed the Republican Party into politics with a heart for the people, all people.  When are you going to get on board?

G, Goslaw
Landers, CA