Saturday, November 26, 2022

Deep Dive

Macro salvation* is ultimate safety.  Because you all are born a human being, regardless of the circumstances, you all will eventually graduate to eternal safety.  In or out of cultural or social norms, there is a God that has befriended you forever.  Do you know?  (Isaiah)

Micro salvation* is short term safety.  The individual can receive in this life a salvation awareness boost depending on what we all hear and come to believe.  Have you heard? (Isaiah)

Both salvation threads are trumpeted in scripture but religion seems to choose one, macro or micro, over the other, sometimes to the exclusion of the other.  The Church of the 1500 years post Jesus, saw itself as the lone dispenser of macro and micro salvation, according to their rules.  The eternal security folk believe in macro salvation but not for everyone, just the chosen few.  The free will crowd believe that God only has your back when you chose the right path in life, as they define it.  The most extreme of all three theologies relegate the unwashed, as they define the religion less, to eternal torcher and the fires of hell. 

All religion bound understandings of scripture attempt to put God in a box so that religion can dispense the salvation blessing.  Control seems to be the issue but the salvation message is bigger than religion.  The religionists, while claiming to do good, pervert the salvation message to the extreme so as to become spiritual terrorists. 

This proposed wisdom is merely a good guess that may give some clarity to all the theological and biblical chaos of the last two thousand years.

* This is my term but I probably got it elsewhere, I know not where.  


Landers, CA




Sunday, November 20, 2022


Sunday as it is traditionally named is a misnomer.  The seventh day of the week in which God rested after creation would better be named Salvation Day.  The fortunes of everything and everyone begin and end in salvation.  Moses stared into the light atop the mountain and shared with us what he saw in the book of Genesis, the ultimate reality he describes to us as the Garden of Eden.  In this place all of our needs are met without interference, it is, indeed, a place of ultimate safety.  Is it any wonder that the Hebrew Old Testament translates the Hebrew words for salvation as safety?   

This was the beginning of our history as humans, this history is worthy of regular celebration as we bring eternity’s safety into focus. You and I were born into a violent world where we become both victims and victimizers. However, each of us is ultimately bred for the safety of eternity. 


Landers, CA

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Jesus Said!

 Matthew 12: 30, 31, & 32.

Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.  And so, I tell you, people will be forgiven every sin and blasphemy.  But blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.  Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or the age to come.

Mark 3: 28 & 29.

Truly I tell you, people will be forgiven all their sins and all their blasphemies they utter.  But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal sin.

Luke 12: 8, 9, & 10.

I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God. But whoever publicly disowns me will be disowned before the angels of God.  And anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.


Jesus saw himself as the Holy Spirit appointed and anointed missionary Messiah to advertise the forgiveness of God to all men, thus his chosen moniker, Son of Man.  What this moniker doesn’t say is that Jesus understood himself to be part man and part God.  This Christ-Jesus fabrication became the official doctrine of the Christian Church of Rome without clear biblical support more than three centuries after Jesus rose from the dead. 

Jesus shared with the religiously unwashed that the God he knew is in the business of forgiveness. God the forgiver. God forgives in this world and in the next, eternity is the land of forgiveness with only one possible exception, the religious terrorists who routinely accosted him as all three writers of the synoptic gospels record.

Did Jesus just loose his cool with the religious terrorists or was he shaking the tree? You decide.


Landers, Ca

Monday, November 14, 2022

Isaiah 40: 27 thru 31.

27.  Why do you complain, Jacob?  Why do you say, Israel (Jacob),

“My way is hidden from the lord; my cause is disregarded by my God”?

28.   Do you not know?  Have you not heard?

The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.

29.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

30.  Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;

31.  but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.

    They will soar on wings like eagles;

       they will run and not grow weary,

           they will walk and not faint.



Landers, CA




Sunday, November 13, 2022

Election Results

Here we go again!  The establishment Republican leadership is being nice, good little losers when they had all the issues but not the balls to pull it off.  Heads need to roll, let’s start with McConnel and McCarthy as well as the Chair of the Republican national committee, Robin McDaniel.  Easy call, fire the Mc’s.

These are the leaders of the big government Republicans who are in politics for the money and not we the people.  They sat back and assisted the Democrats in blaming Trump, believing that the craziness of the left would return them to power.  Wrong again!

Unless the party changes there will be continued disaster.  The party must unite behind real conservative leadership, how about a Trump and DeSantis ticket for 2024.  That would be a winner in spite of all the Democratic election shenanigans.


Landers, Ca

Thursday, November 10, 2022


 There are two kinds of people.  Forget the routine stereotypes that the politicians use to divide us; male and female, black and white, poor and rich, educated and not, gay and straight, winners and losers.  These stereotypes do not tell the story of our lives.  Our days can best be described with two other descriptions, we all are born with a predisposition to be doers or a predisposition to be dreamers.  When push comes to shove, we all do what we have to do to survive but that may not be our natural bent. 

We dreamers envy those of us who are natural doers.  Life for them seems so simple with immediate feedback.  Dreamers most often live and die with no provable results.  Two brothers, the same parents and one of us is a natural doer and the other a natural dreamer.  Go figure.  The predisposition has to be hereditary but that natural system seems so unfair, the two brothers had no voice in the matter.  The parents of the two brothers had no voice in the selection process. 

Is the human family just a goulash of predispositions, heated by the uncertainties of life to produce progress for the greater good?  Define progress. What about the individual?  Can the process be God?


Landers, Ca





Herd Mentality

 Most of us just want to be lead.  We don’t want to think for ourselves or take risks.


Landers, CA

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Post Election


Forrest Gump:  Stupid is as stupid does!


Landers, Ca

Monday, November 7, 2022

E Day

 Election day is about to happen tomorrow.  All the pre-election lies have greatly expanded my vulgar vocabulary because the TV shows keep repeating the lies.  I could turn it off but retirement doesn’t give me many other opportunities. The most difficult election reality is the numbers.  How can half of the voting public still be Democrats after the last two years?

When the Democrats were swept into power in 2020, this blog pointed out that now, the crazies are running the asylum!  Little did we know the extent of the craziness.  During the election season of 2020 the radical left hide the fact that they had Joe Biden and the Democrat party in their back pocket.  The gullible and loyal Democrat voters were either duped into believing once again in the Party of old or they remained silent as a part of the elitist, winning at all cost option.  We the people didn’t understand the threat although we were warned by Donald Trump, a warning that we disregarded as hyperbole. The voters of 2020 now know what we have sown and the real cost thereof.

After the last two years, the polls once again have all Americans divided 50 / 50, that can’t be correct.  What is it going to take?  All the poles have to be outliers, the people can be duped once or twice but they are not forever stupid.  We hope!  That tale will be told tomorrow. 


Landers, Ca 





Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Open Your Eyes


The nay sayers are wrong.  Universalism as a Jesus centered theology that accounts for man, God and this world, can be verified in plain sight in the Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, no matter. The Church has not been honest with we the folk by teaching us just to accept only those parts of the Bible that fits their narrative.  We have been taught this limited vision from Sunday School to Seminary, the Church says in effect, the ground of our salvation is here in the Bible but now look elsewhere.  It is the elsewhere that has driven the Church to complexity and competition, limiting it's hard earned credibility.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA