Friday, November 25, 2016


Trusting our leaders and their intentions has proven to be a historical loss for the people.  Our futures have been considered expendable as the politicians feather their own nest by way of the finances of the top one per cent of America.  You know, the Wall Street corporate interests and the investor class that flood the Halls of Washington with their treachery.  Mr. Trump, you ran a victorious presidential campaign for the people, giving us an interest again in our government.  While our support and trust remains, in this post-election season, we the forgotten, powerless, deplorable little people are concerned. 

What is happening with the stock market?  The Trump bump, as it has been called, suggests that the investor class has been given an under the table signal that a Trump administration will first protect the interests of these upper crust folk, resulting in a further debasement of the working class.  This may be an unfounded assessment, the rise in the market could also be explained as a reaction to your promised pro-growth economic measures but the bump may foreshadow a deal made with the old failed priorities.  Why the bump, President elect Trump?
Will you continue the destructive paper money flow from the Federal Reserve with zero interest rates, thereby signaling business as usual?  This so-called economic policy has made an economy that works for the people impossible and sets the country up for another 2008 catastrophe.  We voted for a change, plain and simple.  The government you are forming seems to be the wealthiest grouping of the rich to come to Washington, ever, are they reformers or co-conspirators with the swamp creators?
You, Mr. Trump, are sending mixed signals and we, your supporters, are nervous.  The most problematic choice that you are considering is that of Secretary of State, Mitt Romney, really?   This man made his millions as a free trade guru, he is the poster child for the economic inequity that has devastated the middle class.   You made your billions building great structures not working the system that has failed the people.  Keeping your enemies close cannot justify such a choice and it would be a slap in the face to the Trump train.  

Mitt Romney said many hurtful things about you in order to elect Hillary as president.  This was more than a difference of opinion, it was a betrayal. The investor class believed that her election was a better choice to protect their interests, what was good for the country was not important.  Should you choose Mr. Romney, you will be complicit with this protectionist agenda.  The Romney's of this country are the problem not a solution to the economic inequalities suffered by the middle class.  . 

Just ask President O’bama, how he now feels about choosing Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. How did that work out his legacy? 

Who are you Mr. Trump?

Landers, Ca.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Our Protest President

We forgotten, powerless and deplorable little people voted to make Donald J. Trump the 45th president of the United States of America.  The voter turnout was a people’s protest to stop the progressive politicians and their forty-yearlong fire sale of American.  These political elites, both Democrats and Republicans, have traded political control of the people to facilitate the demise of America into a one world government without borders or national identity.  The wisdom of the people saw through their name calling charade and the leadership of Mr. Trump has given America the opportunity to step back from the very brink of the elite’s planned traitorous conspiracy.
A great victory has been won by the Trump train but the conspiracy is not dead for it still lives in the swamp of Washington DC, the major corporate news media, academia, open border organizations, the free trade lobby, government unions and the radical left of the political spectrum.  The progressive politicians and their allies will continue the name calling and fight to disrupt the America first agenda of Mr. Trump.  These disruptors reject the rule of law and replace justice with self-interest, gathering all such factions with promises that can only be fulfilled when America ceases to be the America of the people.  As a Trump supporter from the very beginning, I have no advice for Mr. Trump because we the people trust you and Governor Pence to take the fight to the swamp creators through all legal and constitutional means. 

The Clinton, Bush, Obama, Hillary and Washington elites of both parties are the progressive political swamp creators who are the co-conspirators in their criminal enterprise.  They can hide no longer for they have been forced out of their closet by the Republican Primary and presidential candidacy of Mr. Trump.  As Americans, how could we have been so blind to their globalist intentions?  One of our neighbors from Twenty Nine Palms sent me a copy of a paper written in 1974 by Richard N. Gardner, entitled “The Hard Road to World Order”.  Mr. Gardner, an economist and President Clinton confidant, gives this advice to their new under the table one world order movement, we should do “an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece”.  Mr. Gardner goes on to recommend that this “will accomplish more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”  Much of his paper is beyond my pay grade but this is the path followed by the conspirators.
The progressive end run around national sovereignty is an end run around our U.S. Constitution and our legal system.  Is that not what we have witnessed blossoming since 1974 and the longed for assault under President Obama.  A Hillary presidency was expected to be the final victory for the progressive elites who have no respect for our freedoms, historical American ideals or the American legal system.  Does not the criminal decision making of Hillary Clinton explain the motivation behind her stupid mistakes?  By whatever means, the intent was to lock the American people into a nation less state that would fit their global objective.  The price of their conspiracy was paid in American jobs, no growth economy and security for each of our families.  Now, we the people want full disclosure, just how close was America dragged to the world government abyss.  May we never allow ourselves to be so suckered again. 

Protest President elect Trump, we trust your intentions.  The swamp of Washington is the danger.  Until our Washington leaders prove by their actions that they agree to drain the swamp and agree to be accountable to the people, the protest White House should be in the Trump Tower.

Landers, CA.         

Friday, November 11, 2016

Game on !

Amazing, the sun came up over Goat Mountain.  This is a new day in which America has a last chance to be America.  All the crybabies are trying to tell we Americans that we are wrong, that somehow this country is their fiefdom, their own possession to be exploited for their own agenda.  The traditional American voters rose to the challenge this election day, November 8, 2016 and said, we are the America we were born to be!  The popular divide is stark but some of us will fight for real freedom if that is what they want to happen.  The riots, political corruption and criminal conspiracy of the political left prove their intent.  If war is what you want, game on!
Landers, Ca

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Go'in Dark

As the American people decide on our next president, I have come to a decision.  If the self-interested of America decide that they want a criminal president with no respect for the law, our borders or the hard working people of this country, our great heritage and history as Americans to do the right thing, this one voter will protest that decision by gon’in dark.  No longer will I respect what is right or just.  All personally agreed to contracts and responsibilities will be, if Hillary is elected, null and void.  No longer will I pay taxes, financial obligations or honor personal commitments.  No longer will I cooperate with the criminal enterprise that will then be the permanent future of our kids.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Hypocrites of the Morongo Valley

When your highest good is to be viewed as good, the result of your life and message is that you are good for nothing.  This is the biblical definition of Pharisee spirituality.  At the time of Jesus, the Pharisees were a part of the religious community of Israel and claimed to practically live out the instructions of their Old Testament religion.  The faith of the Pharisee was concerned mostly with being viewed as one of the good guys, the religiously pure, placing themselves at the front of the temple, giving grandiose prayers at worship and parading themselves in religious duds.  With their noses in the air, the Pharisees considered all others of lesser quality and questionable character.  Because of their self-imposed spiritual superiority and aloofness, their brand of spirituality had no influence upon others, they proved themselves to be good for nothing.
Christianity has always been conflicted at this point for just as the religion of Israel was stuck in the mirror, some believers are in that very same club.  These believers must be viewed by others as the moral ones, with moral values and moral friends living out a moral religion.  When Jesus entered the temple at age twelve, was he fellowshiping with the religious masters or was he debating with them?  In my limited understanding of the scripture, I believe that Jesus was debating with the masters about what was at the heart of their religion, a love for God which should culminate in a love for all others, sinner and saint.  This opinion cannot be proof texted for we are not told but this opinion seems to fit the before and after scriptures.

I am a short term, five year, resident of Landers and the Morongo Valley.  We love it here, my dogs, Hammer, Belle and our pet gander Herbert.  It did not take long, however, to assess that a segment of the religious community of the Morongo Basin may have a possible priority of looking good to the folk, no matter the cost.  You know, that forest for the trees thing.  This presidential election season has confirmed my suspicion as our Republican political leadership can only trash the man, Donald J Trump. Joining forces with the Democratic smear misters of the valley, Chad Mayes objects to Donald Trump on moral grounds?  I ask, what is moral about what you are doing, now, today, not twenty years ago?  Corneal Cook is hiding in his foxhole when his military brothers need a friend in the White House.  None of this makes sense on biblical moral grounds or if one prefers, with the use of pure logic.

The only possible explanation for their collusion with the left can be pure self-interest.  All the morality plays and hiding are cowardly actions taken to bring home the vote and rejoin the ranks of the politically corrupted.  I apologize but could we return to the Bible.  Was it not Jesus who slammed the religion of Israel six times in Mathew, Chapter 23, “You hypocrites!”, each time exposing another facet of their duplicitous nature.  The biblical Greek word that is translated hypocrite for us, means to be an actor on a stage, to be playing a role so it can be seen and appreciated by men.  Should we not ask, what is at the heart of our Republican political and moral hypocrites?   

Could it be the new trade agenda of Mr. Trump and the threat it poses to the funding sources of the political class of folk?  Could it be the promise of Mr. Trump to clean out the swamp?

Landers, CA.      

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Thank you, Mr. Donald J. Trump

Prime time television is one of the few distractions that remains for we old folks but that has changed with the new priority for overt violence and the amoral preferences of the young folk demographic.  Most modern movies are also more difficult to watch and they seem to lack any moral sense.  Movies that are entertaining as well as believable studies in human struggles and exceptionalism have disappeared.  Playing now on the obscure channels is one of the exceptions, a Tom Cruise movie that strikes a haunting chord reflecting our 2016 national political dilemma.  There is a sequel of this movie now playing in the theaters.

“Jack Reacher” rides into town on a bus without guns and luggage to help an Army buddy in a jam with the law.  Tough guy Jack cares little for money, power or our legal system but is big on justice, a rare commodity today.  In this movie, a violent criminal conspiracy is afoot.  It has woven a tangled web of murder, injustice and payola through the bureaucracy of the law and politics.  A conflagration ensues as the conspirators, at first underestimating the threat his presence poses, tries to take him out.  The action explodes for Jack Reacher is a different kind of hero but a hero that some of us still expect to show up in the nick of time.  I am not writing to Hi Desert Star to promote a movie, only to draw a dangerous comparison to the fortunes of we the people if we vote amiss in a few days.
The Clinton, Obama, Hillary Democratic machine is just such a criminal conspiracy.  Exaggeration you say, I wish it were so but the dots are connecting daily and bringing the tangled criminal web into bright focus just in time for you the voter to be the judge.  There is no life that is sacred, no law that cannot be broken and anyone who gets in the way is expendable.  The power of the law is used only to protect the conspirators and to punish the opposition by whatever means.  The machine is a threat to every American, first to the opposition and then to the very foundation of our democracy.  Wise men of every generation have rightly pointed out that money is the root of all evil and because of the Clinton, Obama, Hillary Democratic machine our national political institution is one big evil slush fund.

The 2016 presidential election is not about party loyalty our public policy and certainly not about the personal persona of each candidate.  The machine plays to the gullibility of the average voter. What is the presidential election about, really?  The question we will answer by our vote will be, will we the people submit our lives and the lives of our children to the control of the evil Empire?  There will be no return to regular politics, we, the voter will have sold our soul and futures.  The people are faced with a profound choice.  Will this country listen to Donald J. Trump? 

Will the machine promised milk and honey of the promised land arrive on schedule if Hillary is elected?  Or will the milk and honey machine cement our politics into the dictatorship of the evil money people?  Washington D.C. and most politicians are complicit with the conspiracy, those who do not willingly participate are condemned by their silence.

Thank you, Donald J. Trump, you are the hero of the people whether we wake up in time or prove our own gullibility.

G. Goslaw
Landers, Ca.

(Submitted to the Hi Desert Star newspaper, October 27, at 0815)

Saturday, October 15, 2016

moral me?

Morality among we humans is a very funny thing.  For starters, each of us has our own pet peeves and we all share an aversion to personally reflecting in our own moral mirror.  Not one of us should feel comfortable espousing attitudes of moral superiority but we do so every day, almost every hour if we are honest with ourselves.  Our presidential election conflict is a case in point.  There is no morally superior candidate for president although each is consuming extraordinary energy to convince we the voters of just that fact.  A rule of thumb, them that claim the moral high ground by disparage others really have none of their own and them that have the moral high ground seem to ignore the moral lapses of others.
This rule of thumb may or may not be a truism but it has been suggested by many years of observing human character flaws, both my own and others.  I grew up in the very evangelical church world and witnessed this truism played out regularly from church sinners and church saints.  The mature Christian hearts never dumped lapses of morality on particular people but were adamant about principle.  Those less mature believers used the trashing of people to make a point about a moral principle.  Big difference, whether the trashing comes from the people or the pulpit, this weakness is not a higher spiritual order.

This is not solely a church problem for it is a universal human character flaw that impacts each of our days.  The God of the heavens is now rolling around the clouds laughing hilariously at us and our moral childishness.  We just refuse to get it.  The voters of America are to blame most of all for the morality fisticuffs prior to the election.  Sex sells.  Give the people the opportunity to trash someone else for the guilt they carry for their own struggles and the important stuff gets buried.  Again, it is as plain as the nose on your face, we as humans and voters are so gullible and so easily manipulated.  The Hillary forces have been using this political campaign tool their entire careers and quite frankly, it is smart.
The question before us is how long will, we the voters, allow ourselves to be suckered?  How long will we allow ourselves to wallow in this morality play?  When will we get enough satisfaction out of trashing someone else who has more status, more charisma, more opportunities in life and most of all, more money that he has legally earned?  How long will we ignore what are good policies for the people?  How long will we ignore the financial pain that the Obama-Clinton dynasty has inflicted on the people with the current government run economy?  How long will we accept political leadership that betrays and sells the interests of the people for profit?  How long will we be lied too?

The God of the heavens is not laughing, there are tears rolling down his cheeks. His heart is breaking again, how long?


Landers, CA.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

In the Moment

In moments such as this American moment in 2016, we would have talked.  That personal loss is now the missing link in my life, to know, to experience and honestly share with one other person, one other human being, each new sunrise, each new happening, good or bad.  When one has such a blessing, the rest of the world can go hang for the best possible gifting is not to face the whatever alone. The human tragedy that besets all of us is that we rarely appreciate what we have when we have it.  Not until we are without do we completely understand.  Is America going to have to learn the hard way?  Is freedom no longer to be our national character?  Maybe, just maybe, we are due to feel the overt pain of political oppression before we can rightly appreciate what it means to be free.  As a country, in this political season, we are at such a moment as this, a moment that will shape our future or the lack of it.

As Americans we have been spoiled by two hundred fifty years of government that largely reflects the will of the people.  Our freedom is summed up in the word democracy.  Webster’s Dictionary defines a democracy as “government in which the people hold the ruling power either directly or through elected representatives, rule by the ruled”.  We the people and our interests are supposed to be what matters to our politicians.  Our freedom loving democracy is historically unique to this world as envisioned and enshrined by our forefathers in the Constitution.  Our new American establishment politicians of both parties say by their actions that this ancient document has become obsolete in our modern world.  No longer is their primary concern the people that they are supposed to serve, instead the people are to serve the rulers.  Their new plan is, in effect, a third world like political coup of America.  Some of us are sickened by that possibility and sickened as well that so many Americans seem not to understand the threat.  To remain America, we cannot ignore the fact when you betray the people you betray our democratic system.
The unaware or otherwise invested will object saying, wait one minute, our representative political system is not changing, we will be electing the same number of politicians to Congress and the White House.  The voting will go on!  Yes, the voting will go on but if both choices are self-serving politicians serving their donor class, the people have no real choice and the election result can only mean that the governed have no voice in their government.  Politics will continue to be as it has long been, only about words, empty promises and money, not doing the will of the people.  When there is no real choice given to the people by our elite politicians and their donor contributors, America will no longer be America.  Each voter needs to ask themselves on November 8, as Americans, who are we, who are we really?

I have been talking to cousin Jerry via email who comes to this election from a liberal mindset but is willing to use his brain.  He asked the question recently, when Mr. Trump loses the election, will you be disappointed in him?  My response, absolutely not, he is the hero of the people, willing to shoulder every abuse to finally give America a real choice.  Should the people choose to abandon our heritage, this country will have to learn the hard what freedom means.
We the people have the last opportunity to restore American integrity to our politics by electing Donald Trump.

Landers, Ca.

Thursday, October 6, 2016


The routine goals of life seem to have largely passed away.  That unavoidable retirement arrives and regardless of our relative ease, we seniors experience the reality that this time in life is about loss.  Once life was a Buick rolling along the freeway but now we ride in a golf cart down a narrow alley.  Raising a family, working a job or a career, finding new toys and chasing a few good times were, as we now understand them to be, little more than distractions.  Sure, they were largely positive distractions but being busy about such things, as fulfilling as they might have been, must surely be less than our destiny as humans?  Why are we here at this hour?  Why are we here at all?  Is our supposed contribution to the ongoing life mix our only reason for living?  Does life not mean more than this?
Distractions are what blocks these types of questions for all of us, the eternal questions remain largely unexplored and routinely avoided at all costs, even to the point of embracing destructive distractions.  This is the human condition and our modern secularism goes further and denies the relevance of the eternal questions.  As a result, we are reaping a whirlwind of distractions, more and more of these are negative life destroyers.  Substance abuse, greed, the thirst for political power, narcissistic behaviors, hateful name calling, abortion on demand, the popularity drive, acceptable life losses for others, the avoidance of meaningful relationships and any sense of a shared destiny, all are destroying the young and the old among us.  None of us are totally immune but it would seem that unless we are dealing in some way with the eternal questions, we are adrift, tossed to-and-fro without a rudder.
Human history is replete with examples of those persons who have limited their distractions in order to attempt a connection beyond the routine of life.  Some of these persons retired voluntarily to a place of solitude while others were driven by circumstances to a place where distractions were few and the big questions remained.  They may have retired to a desert, a cave or a monastery, thereby trashing what is normal, making themselves a laughing stock, a supposed waste of a life.  In our present secular world, the seeming plight of these folk is ridiculed as failure and lunacy.  Secularism tells us that we only have one opportunity at life so be all you can be, grab as much as you can and forget about the rules.  Self-sacrifice is no longer a noble ideal and it is alien to the playbook of humanistic secularism which is fouling most all western cultures.  America may well be the last man standing but we too are on the verge of our demise on November 8.
This senior has a profound faith in the American voter to trash the distractions.  We will not be suckered.  Hillary, keep mouthing them for just thirty more days and then America will put you to bed.  We shall vote for no more progressive secularism; no more scandals; no more constant lying to the people; no more disregard for the Constitution; no more caterpillar economy; no more unholy Supreme Court; no more globalists meddling in America; no more anarchy on the streets; no more politicized Justice Department, IRS, Federal Reserve and VA; no more open borders; no more unrestricted trade that panders to big corporate donors; no more feeding off we the taxpayers; no more radical Muslim inspired death on our streets; no more gun control and finally, no more promises from your forked tongue.
Landers, CA  

Friday, September 2, 2016

The Guilt Merchants

Guilt is good.  Guilt tells us who we are and why we are alive.  Guilt is an internal emotion that alerts us to a possible threat to our human sense of right and wrong.  We all have this sense because it organizes every society regardless of character.  We are all blessed to have this warning system but when we stuff these signals beneath layers of compromising excuses and refuse to be authentic, we cease to be human.  When we do so, the individual becomes me centered, life is narcissistic and only about the animal like survival of the fittest.  As humans, we are “more” beings, more than the simplistic life of the animal and plant worlds.  More than money, more than fame or an identification with any race or religion, we are internally driven to do what is right for each other.  For some strange reason, best left with those who know more, we are all birthed to search out our guilt instinct.

All guilt is not good.  We all have struggled with false guilt in our lives.  Every human society or culture around the world organizes itself to some extent by exploiting our guilt signals.  Instead of the individual searching out their own inherent warning signals we allow the culture and the religions of that culture to tell us why we should feel guilty and how to expunge these feelings.  The how usually involves a perceived enemies list that is surely a greater threat than any supposedly fraudulent warning signals.  There are those persons or institutions within the culture who use guilt to manipulate the folk, in effect they are guilt merchants.  The task of searching out the source of our guilt is a very personal trip, it is difficult and confusing but to accept the unauthorized version of others is a recipe for moral failure.  The moral failure of the individual has negative consequences just as the moral failures of cultures, societies and countries make consequences impossible to avoid.

America is suffering under just such a consequential burden imposed upon us by our politicians.  These guilt merchants want the people to feel guilty for anything and everything so that they can maintain political power and control our destiny.  The Hillary-Obama agenda is the forty-year old Democratic guilt playbook on steroids, designed to make the people feel guilty about racial injustice and the economically less fortunate.  While the people are wallowing in their false guilt, the Democratic Party politicians are holding an American fire sale and our country is being auctioned off to the highest bidders.  The highest bidders are first the free trade lobby funded by Wall Street, the big corporations and their stock market prices.  Second, the Muslim communities who are buying access with their oil money to further the replacement of our greatest treasure, freedom, with an Islamic cultural oppression.  If one is watching, it is as plain as the proverbial nose on your face and the consequence of these Democratic policies can only result in economic collapse as our safety net becomes overwhelmed by the deluge of poor immigrants, legal and illegal.   Where does this leave the American citizen?
A refusal to be authentically human is like a snowball rolling downhill.  As the snowball rolls it picks up speed and grows in size.  The Clinton political forty-year dynasty is the snowball that has reached gargantuan size as more and more revelations are exposed about the Clinton Foundation.  The negative consequence for the American people is that the snowball will crush the hopes of all the people at the bottom of the hill.  Voting in 2016, as never before, is a political as well as a moral decision that will determine our consequences and destiny as a nation.  The destiny we choose will be lived out by our children and their children.  Should we not all pause to consider the consequences before we vote?   Search out your own internal signals, are you being manipulated by the guilt merchants?

Landers, Ca

Monday, August 22, 2016

The Henhouse

The question has been raised about the conscious character of America.  Namely, is America a hen house as stated on this blog?  Our illustrious local paper calls this accusation discrimination.  We shall see as the women of America have a choice to express in this presidential election.  Is the vagina body part the most distinguishing qualification for the Oval office?  To this point in the opinion polls, the answer from the hen house is in the affirmative.
No other conclusion can be reached by any rational observer of the facts.  Message doesn't count, the future of all Americans doesn't count and the forked tongue of the lady candidate matters not at all.  Hillary is the most anti women candidate to seek the office of what has always been the most distinguished leadership position in the world.  

The clincher has surfaced that Hillary's closest confidant, Huma Mahmood Abedin, the long time chief assistant to Hillary in her post as Secretary of State and a fixture in the Clinton Foundation is a graduate of the Muslim ideology that sends all women to the back of the bus.  It should be noted that this privilege will only be accorded if there is a seat available that is not occupied by a man.  Go figure this if you can. 

How else can this insanity compute?  Hen house ladies use your brain this time and prove that this blog is in error.

Landers, Ca.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The election for the future of America

I have a secret admirer.  She sends me cards without a return address in response to my guest posts in the High Desert Star.  We were on the same wave length when discussing money in politics as she supported the brief candidacy of Bernie Sanders.  This last card begins, “Glen, you are such a dope!”  What has gotten her all riled up you ask?  Right, her boy sold out for a Hillary funded house on the lake and she is left with only Donald J. Trump as an alternative.

I get it, this is a female response of displaced anger but then she proceeds to recant the Democratic talking points against Mr. Trump.  “Trump is a trigger happy whack job and suffers from terminal adolescent arrested development.  He will not win, and he will withdraw before the election because his ego will not accept his tanking in the polls.  He won’t release his taxes because he has a great deal to hide.  Love your libertarian friend.”  One might question her thinking but most of all her definition of love that precludes considering an opposing opinion.

The American female, particularly the older white hens, disrespect Mr. Trump because he is an Alpha male, an old school alpha male type that has never shown his face in American politics for about forty years.  It must be a real shock to accept the fact that there are just a few left around.  The definition of an alpha male is a dominating character among a group of individuals.  We have coyotes out here in Landers and most are emaciated specimens in survival mode except for one good old boy who is the leader of the pack.  He is fat and happy with a swagger that refuses to run when confronted with a human foe.

My libertarian friend, America needs an alpha male in the White House at this historical hour to stand up for the interests of the little people, those of us without political power.  Yes, Mr. Trump fits the definition of an alpha male, he does have a very large ego but that ego is our only hope to change the hen house that America has become thanks to our predictable and precise politicians who have sold out America to every moneyed interest in the world.  No one who is not an alpha male could stand up against the growing fury from our domineering freedom robbing American political structures.

Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt said, “I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.”  Please allow me to list the enemies that are confronting Mr. Trump, then judge him.  Possibly, Ms. Libertarian, you may discover an alpha male that is not really that offensive to your delicate nature.
These are the enemies of Mr. Trump because these are the folks who are enslaving the people.

1.    Big government Democrats who will need a greatly expanded tax base (taxing the rich won’t do it).
     2.    Big government Republicans who only care about their funding sources from the free trade lobby.
     3.    Minorities, red, yellow, black and white who have been deceived and as a result will make their America the land of the rich and the poor.
    4.    All politicians who get their paychecks from taxpayers, the Wall Street moneyed interests, corporations and the big banks.
    5.    Government bureaucrats, federal, state and local who are being paid by the taxpayers and want their kids on the gravy train.  
    6.    Stock market investors who depend upon unrestricted free trade.
    7.    The broad based 401K voters who prize their own self-interest.
    8.    A majority of the ladies of America who are offended by Mr. Trump, his male demeanor, no nonsense personality and fresh thinking.
    9.    The open borders political action crowd with their globalist intentions.
   10.     The mass media, every newspaper and almost every broadcast media are ganging up on Mr. Trump to try and slander him instead of his pro American agenda.

We might as well call Mr. Trump the ultimate underdog!  Only a very large ego that has been responsible for building a very large business in the private sector can and will stand for the people who have been left out of the decision making by our corrupt politicians.  Mr. Trump has never taken a dime from these folks and it scares them to death and they are reacting with predictable name calling fury. 

We voters, are we to be hood winked into a third world America?  Mr. Trump thinks not but should you decide to be stupid at the ballot box, remember, that vote ensured the demise of freedom in America.  Mr. Trump, will not quite, he will shoulder the abuse in order to give all Americans a more prosperous future.  Should the voters of America decide for the status quo corrupt politics, the election will have consequences (Obama words). 

Can you be shamed out of standing up for the future of America?  

Landers, Ca.   

Sunday, August 7, 2016


Sitting on the front porch and watching the sun rise over Goat Mountain every morning is the best of each day. The wonder of the rising sun, day after day, year after year, century after century, why should it be so?  It is quite impossible for we humans to fathom the meaning of that little eternal word, every.  Can the rising sun be that consistent?  Such a question leads to others and we are forced to think beyond our petty limitations.  Perhaps, Burt Bacharach was searching the “every question” when he penned the tune so many years ago, “What’s it all about, Alphie”?

The lyrics of this song say the answer is love toward our world and humankind but is this not, in at least one important way, an answer based upon our limitations?  Is it not an earthbound answer?  There was a time in my life when such thoughts or questions were understood to be nonconsequential to this seemingly significant human.  There was a time in my life when it seemed prudent to shift into that comfortable place, the God scenario of heaven and hell as an excuse to never have to ask such questions again.  There was a time in my life when I gave up asking or thinking about the eternal question because there were no answers that seemed appropriate.  The asking was pointless and so far removed from the daily grind.

This time in my life, the “every question”, remains the only question without a full blown answer.  Could this not be an answer?  Our limitations were meant to leave the individual, every individual, without an answer.  As humans we are meant to freely search the hinterlands for the consistency that the sun brings every morning, to search without success in this world.  Life is either that pointless or our search was meant to teach us the meaning of something.  If there be a God, an architect of this unknowable seemingly immoral existence, the word that he would have us swallow is freedom.  We are free to make our limited world whatever the individual reckons to be most rewarding. Freedom cannot be the exclusive possession of the few.  Freedom was designed to be the highest order of this world.  Freedom is for everyone, it is meant for everyone and we depend upon every other human to achieve that freedom.  Freedom is the life value most desired by humans whether we acknowledge the desire or bury it.  Yet, freedom is the most difficult value to give to another.  Now that is a long term goal that makes sense.

The evil in this world says just trust me.  Evil says don’t search, don’t think, don’t question, just trust me.  The mother goose of religion says just trust me.  The mother goose of political government says just trust me.  The mother goose of social order says just trust me.  The mother goose of wealth and privilege says just trust me.  The mother goose of human allegiances gives comfort to life but it also says, just trust me.  The mother goose of violence says just trust me.  Each claims to have our future best interest as their motivator but the claims are a lie.  Self-interest is at the heart of their message.

There is only one messenger from whom I would take counsel and from whom I have failed to emulate.  Jesus of Nazareth never used the word freedom but he lived the word on this earth for a few short years.  He was truly free from the political intrigue of his time and place.  He was truly free from the religious dogmatism of his ancestors and so-called leaders.  Jesus condemned no one but encouraged all to endorse and embrace  the eternal value of the rising sun, the freedom of another day or days.

Landers, Ca.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Boom or Bust?

Saturday, July 30, 2016

America, it is time to hunker down.  Past time really, Middle America has increasingly felt economic distress for the last twenty or more years.  Our politicians have put us in this predicament, relegating the people to a no win economic situation that is beyond any human control. There will be more pain and the bad news, the pain is about to explode to a place that we, as Americans, know nothing about.  The Democrats will call this prediction doom and gloom as if the prediction is merely a political talking point.  Our reality, the reality of the little people is already here, it is the reality of 2016.  Regardless of who is elected president to shoulder this blossoming American economic crisis, there will be more pain for more Americans and the pain cannot be avoided.

The Obama administration has doubled down on those same economic policies that made the pain inevitable preferring to distract the people with race baiting and blaming the political opposition for all that is wrong with America.  Their social engineering has been purchased with the future well being of the great majority of Americans. Our American nemesis is not the military, the police, the middle class, capitalism, white privilege, abortion rights, guns, male political dominance, conservative thinking, racial and identity discrimination or any call for personal responsibility.  These are but Democratic attacks intended to distract and whip up the electorate to maintain political control for the moneyed interests who shovel money to the few political elites who can keep hold of the power.  We the people are an expendable commodity and this country is no longer America.

The nemesis that is tearing away at the fabric of America is easy to spot, if one is really looking.  The bad guy is money in politics.  The large corporations, Wall Street investors and the big banks have one focus, their stock prices not the people.  Americans are valued only as consumers to buy products from their growing overseas investments that take American jobs to third world countries.  Growth in the American economy is not in the Wall Street play book.  Are you watching the American growth numbers over the entire O’bama rule?    The numbers have been less than 2% above zero and falling lower of late, these are historically low markers.  Do we the people need four more years of the same old?

The stock market greed misters are politicking to scream, yes we do!  Fox news reported yesterday, the 28th of July, that the greed misters have given 53,000,000 dollars to the Hillary campaign and to Donald trump a mere $19,000.  Still not convinced, Charles Payne of Fox business dared you to google, “protection team”.  The insane and artificial rise in the market of the last few weeks is an orchestrated bait by the Wall Street working group to fool the millions of 401K voters to vote for Hillary and not the pro-growth policies of Donald Trump.  The sad truth is that this ploy may dupe the unsuspecting.
This uninvolved stock market watcher believes that the bust in the stock market is closing upon us regardless of who wins the election.  The market as a whole is a bubble just waiting to burst.  If Hillary wins it means another four years of zero interest rates and the Federal Reserve pumping billions of dollars to the greed misters of Wall Street.  Our only real chance to minimize the damage and pain of the coming bust is to go the pro-growth route with Mr. Trump.
Landers, CA


Monday, June 27, 2016

Who are the political fools of 2016?

Simply stated the political fools are many in 2016.  The whites who blindly follow Mrs. Clinton and her elitist dictatorial Wall Street agenda, are fools.  The blacks who blindly follow the agenda of the first black president even though he has made their everyday economic situation more intolerable, are fools.  The Hispanics who insist that our country welcome all their distant relatives even though this will make America into the banana republic they escaped, are fools.  Women who insist on the woman being president, regardless of her history, loyalties and integrity, are fools.  The gay and lesbian communities are fools if they assume that practical freedom resides in liberal politics.

The biggest fools of all are those who follow after a candidate or a political party and vote without knowing why?  Some of us say at election time, I’m a Democrat, some say I’m a Republican or an Independent and by saying so we have an excuse to stop thinking.  Some of us react to candidates emotionally as if we are electing a new family member or a pastor for the congregation.  No emotional reaction will give us a clue about the ability of a man or women to lead the country.
You can easily identify these folk because the total sum of what they have to offer is a string of personal insults, presumed character flaws and name calling from a stagnant brain.  Our politicians of every strip, get all warm and fuzzy by preaching to this mindless choir because they will accept anything they are told.  Please let us think together.

Landers, CA   

Monday, June 20, 2016

Why should the people elect Donald Trump as President?

Wearing my Trump hat around Yucca Valley is just plain fun.  At times the reaction is silence or on one occasion there was a gathering of multicultural young people around my van.  While waiting at the drug store, a senior lady asked why I would be voting for a candidate such as Donald Trump.  This question was quite welcome but along with the question came an obvious disgust for the man.  Cloaking an opinion in a question while really not wanting an answer, is a female trick that we, in your face males, find offensive and cowardly.

Responding gruffly without thinking, I asked the question, do you expect me to vote for that Hillary hag?  She was quite startled but the dictionary says that a hag is a female demon or evil spirit, an ugly, often vicious old woman.  This is Hillary, she has proven herself to be a hag, time and time again, over a life time.  She has also earned other appropriate monikers such as greedy, a liar, crooked and a criminal, a woman who has made millions and millions of dollars from selling political influence to powerful donors, foreign and domestic.  This is not another Republican talking point for it is the Hillary reality show, just talk to Bernie Sanders.
Enough said, please allow me to answer the question from the senior lady, why Mr. Trump, you ask?  Donald Trump is the man that country needs at this hour.  The U.S.A. has been in crisis mode for decades but now this country is one election away from never again being a true democracy whose future is in the hands of the people instead of the big donors and the political elites.  Our politicians of both parties have pandered away our future to every interest group who pays to play with money or potential votes.  As a result, politics is about being nice and saying the politically correct words that the donors and the interest groups want to hear, it is about spinning the truth. 
Our politicians assume that the people are so gullible and so invested in their own interests that they will believe or accept all the lies as normal.  Hey, people, are the politicians right?  Do we not care about the truth?  Do our own personal economic interests rule our lives or can we reach beyond them to again find the peoples’ democracy?  Are the Wall Street donors to be in charge of our future?   This is the fundamental issue in this election and Donald Trump is the only candidate for president that can and will say no to a dictatorship of the wealthy. 

This is as clear as the nose on your face but if you remain skeptical, take a close look at the very long Trump enemies list.  The Wall Street stock market types are funding every stop Trump movement because their only priority is unencumbered free trade even when it cripples the middle class.  The Republican establishment politicians are fighting his leadership because their donors are pissed and it flows downhill.  The big government Democrats are promising free goodies and race baiting because they don’t want to talk about the selling out of our American democracy.
Mr. Trump only promises a better, safer and more prosperous America, so what’s to hate?  He is not a hard line ideology who will insist upon his way resulting in another decade of national stagnation.  He is a negotiator and a builder who brings people together to accomplish the task at hand.  He is a doer.

“Make America Great Again” is not just another cutesy political slogan devised to win an election.  Some of us believe it is his heart felt desire for all the people.

Landers, Ca


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Trade, Jobs and the Political Ruling Class

America has not been America for forty years.  The American ruling class of politicians have increasingly dumped onerous free trade deals upon the American people while refusing to close our borders to illegal immigration.  The result has been a widening divide between the rich and the poor.  Our elite politicians do so to further their own electability and personal fortunes at the expense of the working and middle class.  Looking back through the mirror of history, it is difficult to discount the conspiracy theories about a secret regular meeting of worldwide economic power brokers intent on manipulating the peoples and politics of the world for their own financial good.  Somebody has to be pulling the strings.
In America the strings have been pulled by the ruling political elite class of politicians lead by those of us named Clinton and Bush.  Political affiliations matter not at all because the strings have been pulled regardless of who wins a particular election.  In 2016 this political reality would not be changing were it not for two candidates running for the presidency.  Both Republican, Donald Trump and Democrat, Bernie Sanders, are calling for radical change that would again focus our politics on the welfare of all Americans and away from Wall Street and the big money power brokers who insist on cheap labor.

Bernie Sanders would like to solve the dilemma with an even bigger government that will be intimately involved in making the economy work for the little people by regulation.  Mr. Trump seems to have an economic plan that may come to be called, smart capitalism.  The buying power of the American consumer is the only leverage left to us that can protect the American worker from economic abuse from abroad.  Mr. Trump believes that this leverage could be applied to trade negotiations in a smart fashion, if and when there was the will to do so from the top.

There has been no will for the last forty years.  Nothing has exposed the bottom line issue for the Republican establishment as this primary election season.  The scrapping has not been about conservative principles, it never was.  The traditional application of free trade principles is why the so-called conservative billionaire Kock brothers have given up fighting Donald Trump and will likely support the Clinton campaign.  Support for Mr. Trump is not dependent upon foreign policy as claimed by former Senator Sununu on Fox News today, May 9.  Newly elected speaker of the House of Representatives and past vice presidential candidate, Paul Ryan, now refuses to endorse Donald Trump.  Is he hoping to out maneuver the Donald on the issue of trade in exchange for the party unity, good luck.  Stupid free trade deals are the issue that the people want confronted in 2016 and the Donald is the man.

We the people must ask our political representatives the question, do you endorse Donald Trump?  I want to hear from my own Congressman, Col. Cook, congressman, have you joined the Trump train?  Being the simpleton that I am, I placed a call to the office of Col. Cook in Washington (202-225-5861) and was told that the house ethics committee has ruled that a house member can’t or should not have an opinion on a particular presidential primary candidate.  So I called the House Ethics Committee (202-225-7103) and was quoted a Rule 7 as a justification for the lack of candor they were promoting.  Does this talking point make sense or are they all blowing smoke to protect their Wall Street funding?

Marine Col. Cook has his head down in the foxhole!

Landers, Ca.   

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Pro-Life Failure

The Pro-life movement in America has always been a failure, the movement has always lost the spiritual and political quarrels with the culture for one simple reason.  The Pro-Life movement has tried a politically correct approach to speak to the killing instead of a spiritual approach.  Sure, we march and carry signs as if to say, aren’t we righteous!  Jesus would scold, you hypocrites!
The movement allows the woman who kills her child in the womb to play the victim.  The woman is not responsible, only the doctor who does the killing can be blamed.  The woman is just unlucky to become pregnant when her circumstance are not ideal or uncomfortable.  The religious communities give her a pass and thereby exacerbate the killing.   The greater Church is scared to tell the woman and the culture the truth, the truth that the only relief for the murderess is to accept the responsibility for this action before God.


Landers, Ca  

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Hang in there for us Mr. Trump

The Republican Party is fractured because our American national identity in 2016 is fractured.  In American history only one other fracture can be compared to our present state and that was the civil war between the states of 1861.  That war was fought to prevent a complete fracturing of America into two governments and two armies separated by the economic issue of slavery.  The political leadership of the southern states demanded an economic model that required a large poor underclass to support the privilege of the relatively few wealthy.

Today America is also fracturing on the same fissure, there is again a war like atmosphere between those who have a stake in this economy and those who have none.  Slavery is gone but the economic bondage of the underclass has ballooned in the last twenty years.  Half of Americans are making less than thirty thousand dollars a year and they know they are politically powerless.  Good paying jobs for Americans and a future for our children is the only real issue that matters to the underclass.  Instead, our politicians trade away jobs and crush our children with trillions of dollars of national debt that will consume future federal revenue when interest rates rise.
These are war times, the political leadership of both parties, sometimes called the establishment, are solidly on the side of the few economically powerful.  The establishment politicians fund their careers by taking money from the Wall Street corporations, the too big to fail banks and the stock market sensitive folks.  These contributions obligate the politician to support the national policies that benefit the wealthy few.  The only critical issues of concern to the wealthy few are free trade and free immigration, both policies give the wealthy few cheap labor benefiting big business and thereby inflate the stock market.  All politicians are of the establishment and want only to manage the decline of America on behalf of the wealthy few, it is that simple.

2016 is different only because of the candidacy of Donald Trump, he is the Lone Ranger on a white horse riding into the fight against political and economic injustice perpetrated upon the American underclass.  Mr. Trump is the ultimate outsider, the nonpolitician who only promises to apply commonsense to every issue and vehemently defend the interests of the underclass. Mr. Trump gets it, he says what the underclass wants to hear and has the courage to stand up against all the political elites of both political parties.  The fact that he is not a polished politician able to spin all the accepted political lingo is his greatest strength, not a weakness as his opposition claims. 

When he began his campaign, Mr. Trump only wished to be treated fairly by the Republican establishment.  This was probably a naïve request but it was more or less adhered to by the overconfident establishment through December of 2015, expecting the Donald to fade away.  Instead, the Trump bandwagon took on a winning character and the stock market reacted with a dip of 2000 points in January 2016, the donor class woke up and demanded that the Republican party stop Donald Trump.
In the following two months few if any person running for the presidency in the history of America has been so viciously attacked by the other Republican candidates, the Democratic candidates, the left wing stooges, the pontiff, the former president of Mexico as well as the President of the United States.  And what is their grip?  Mr. Trump is not a polished issue wise politician who can be controlled by money.  Well, praises be!

G. Goslaw
Landers, CA

Friday, February 12, 2016

Bloody Bastards

Four Ohio folk were slaughtered today by a machete wielding Mohammad from Somalia.  We ask for such bloody terrorism because of our political correctness. Will Governor Kasick of Ohio do anything besides express condolences to the families?  Will he agree with Donald Trump to stop allowing Muslims among us?  Who are the real hatters?  America will only get silence from the so-called peaceful American Muslim when asked this question.  

Allah is a fraud clung to by the stuck minds of 1.6 billion people worldwide. There is nothing good about the Muslim religion as long as killing is considered by these people a sanctified holy divine act.  How can so many be so deluded? Give all of them a ticket to la la Allah land, ship them all out of the country. No Muslim can be an innocent bystander to the killing, they all are guilty because they are silent.  If your name is Mohammed, watch your back, violence begets violence.  

* O.K.. there were no deaths, four hospitalized, one remains in serious condition. The machete motive is being investigated??

Landers, CA.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Our Moral Universe

"If you do what is right long enough, the doing will always come back to bless you and yours."   Tuskegee Airmen on Fox News interview, February 7, 2016

Landers, CA

Thursday, February 4, 2016

California Nuts

Don’t you just love those California pistachios?  Both delicious and nutritious, they are so good that eating just one is impossible.  There is another schoolyard definition of the word “nuts”, the children use the word to insult and dismiss an offending playmate.  On such an occasion the word means insane or just plain crazy.  We have all heard it and we have all made the accusation, your “nuts”!  When used this way, out of anger or ignorance, the words are an extreme exaggeration that is not intended nor does it have a reality in fact.
Mr. O’Reilly was not talking about the delicious pistachio nut on his factor show on the 3rd of February.  The schoolyard “nuts” insult was flung by Mr. O’Reilly at all persons who disagree with his deluded understanding of Islam as just another religion.  The context for this childish insult was the visit by President Obama to a Mosque in Baltimore.  The message that the president brought to the Muslim folk was to assure them that America is about religious freedom and that an attack upon one religion is an attack upon all religions.  Frankly, the president should go back to school, banning criticism of any religion is not American religious freedom.
The fact that President Obama visited a Mosque is no surprise.  The fact that the president made another speech to hand out politically correct spin is certainly no surprise.  The fact that the president of these United States was somehow compelled to defend Muslim killers is no surprise.  This California nut is surprised, however, at the just plain ignorant words and simpatico of Mr. O’Reilly with the deceit of our president.  A high school student could discover the facts of Islam by checking out Wikipedia or any history book on the rise of Islam. 

The prophet Muhammad began the violence as he conquered the peoples of the Arab lands 1400 years ago.  The spiritual betterment of the people was never the primary motivation for the conquests by this religion, all the killing was and is about political control and the establishment of Caliphates.  This word does sound familiar, no?  The rise of Islam has always been by the sword, economic manipulation or at the ballot box.  Guess what is planned for America, could it be all three?  

Why would the president and Mr. O’Reilly soft peddle the threat?  Islam and all other religions will never just get along because Islam wants to control the whole earth and 1.6 billion people is a good start.  When push comes to shove, the so called peaceable Muslims in America will fall in line with their religiously defined family and real freedom will go bye, bye.

Why is it that the Islamic reform organizations fail to influence the Mosques of America?   Why are the Mosques in America funded to a large extent by the brothers in the Arabian Peninsula?  Why are there no apologies or condolences given by American Islamic leaders for the killing of Americans by these nuts? Why do mosques not inform on their radical brothers?  Why are potential terrorists not ratted out by their American families?  Terrorists blowing themselves up so that they can have perpetual sex with the virgins in heaven, this is insane craziness, you would think that even sex would get tiring after a few thousand years.

This California nut is tired of all the Ostrich like behavior from our church, political and media leaders.  These folk must get their heads out of the sand and be Americans, their blind passivity is criminal and traitorous.  The Muslim believer is a Muslim first and an American second.  Every religion asks their people to positively influence the culture through the voting process but no other religion advocates the dismantling of a national political structure.  The Muslim religion orders all secular politics be destroyed.

Allah says you must believe or die an infidel.  Are you tone deaf Mr. O'Reilly?

Landers, CA

Sunday, January 31, 2016


There is no separation between church and state within the faith of Islam.  Anyone who believes otherwise is ignorant of history, Mohammad and his followers have been demanding political control for the last 1400 years. The demand may come from the barrel of a gun, economic intimidation or the ballot box, either way, Allah will rule the world!

Landers, CA

Friday, January 29, 2016

Core Beliefs

1.  America is the land of opportunity for every citizen or it is the land of opportunity for no one.  If we are to keep the capitalistic system, it must give all Americans a possible pathway to economic mobility.  Socialism would be a fairer governing system for the little people if the powerful continue to forget to be American.
2.  Every woman who kills her own baby in the womb, regardless of the circumstances, spits in the eye of God and chooses death over life.  Equally responsible is every man who spreads his human inheritance fraudulently.

3.  There is no religion that adequately represents the God of the galaxies, none of the big three, Christianity, Islam or Judaism, can claim divine exclusiveness.  Any religion that chooses human death to promote itself advertises their religion as divinely bankrupt and a fraud.  God is about giving life opportunities. 

Landers, CA

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Stiffing Fox News

Congrats Mr. Trump, we who believe in your candidacy for president of this America, agree that your stiffing of the debate is smart.  These media types think they are divinely lead to embarrass your candidacy and then call it reporting.  Their questions are sometimes not about policy or what the country is desperate to find in their leader, to them it is about ratings, money and career.  Every person running for the office has vulnerabilities that can be exploited for personal gamesmanship.  Just because a candidate has the mojo to do the job and has the courage to seek the office, does not necessarily mean that he or she is perfect in every way.  It is what is ugly about American politics, a candidate should not be fair game.
Some candidates would have us believe that they are so close to perfection that they deserve the office.  These candidates have an agenda and it is not the agenda of the people, certainly not the agenda of we working and middle class folk.  Should they ever have to be honest, like the rest of us, they will have to show their warbles.  All of us have them, you know, those lumps or tumors beneath the skin of the back of a horse, imperfections caused by the constant motion of the saddle under pressure.  Are any equestrian types out there?

Life is about surviving under the pressures caused by our circumstances, the pressures we inflict upon others and our own poor decisions.  Mr. Trump, you have warbles like the rest of us, wear them like the badges of honor that they are.  As you do, your example is an encouragement to the rest of us.  Ignore the debates, ignore the unfair journalism, do whatever seems right, we are in your corner.  No other candidate will buck the system and bring jobs home.  No other candidate will buck the system and make illegal immigration a distant memory.

Every other candidate will give us more of the same injustice perpetrated upon we the most vulnerable in our society.  Every other candidate will fuss around the edges but avoid what matters to us.  Every other candidate, even the conservative Ted Cruz, will not be able to buck the system or get elected in the first place.  Trump, you are the last hope for the Republican Party and the last hope for American jobs.  

Should the Republican electorate or power structure turn against you, this Republican will care only about a better climate and leave America to the Recycling Bin.  We might as well go south, at least there will be lots of sun and a lower standard of living.
I will be haunted by the knowledge that we sadly left the mess for the kids.

Landers, CA

Saturday, January 23, 2016


Conservatism is great.  Political conservatism that demands limited government, adherence to the Constitution and personal freedom is the America of old.  This America hasn’t existed for at least a hundred years and when it did, the country wasn’t big enough to handle that much freedom.  One man’s freedom began to intrude upon the freedom of others and the government had to grow to mediate.  This is an oversimplification but for this discussion, the point being made is that conservatism has never been a political or societal cure all.

Conversely, today’s political landscape has reached an extreme dependence upon big government, robbing America of the God given freedoms passed to us by the founders of our nation.  Both political parties have contributed to this American demise but for different reasons, the Democrats are willing to trade freedom for societal control and the Republicans are willing to trade freedom for economic control.  Both parties have gotten what they wanted but we the people have gotten shafted because politics is no longer about us.

The political debate for 2016 is largely about labels such as conservatism.  The National Review, a conservative magazine has gathered more than 20 of their brothers to bash Donald Trump for being, according to their criteria, a phony conservative.  These are radio, TV and print personalities who trade on their conservatism and will accept nothing short of their purist understanding of the term.  The people do not matter, the fact that the working and middle class are paying for their retrenchment does not matter.  They are, after all, selling their wares.

Our country must change course and retreat toward the conservative principles that gave our nation such a great beginning but it won’t happen tomorrow.  First the bleeding must be stopped, first aid says apply a tourniquet, the people say apply Donald Trump.  There is no other logical choice.  A purist conservative candidate will never win the 2016 general election with our divided national electorate.  The people ask, how long must we put up with a conservative movement that is content to be only the loyal opposition, content to be losers?

The working and the middle classes of American are angry, our wellbeing has been ignored by our politicians who they lie and deceive to keep us under foot.  The Pied Piper has spoken the two words that matter most to us, jobs and borders.  No longer will Wall Street and the too big to fail banks be allowed to destroy the American wage earner in order to open exports to feed the big corporations and the stock market.  That is a heavy price to pay for 1% of the GDP and who picks up that check?  No longer are we content to allow an open borders policy made possible by our politicians of both parties who are being paid to bring in cheaper labor.  America has become wretchedly immoral.

Pie in the sky conservatism will not help our take home pay next week.  Why do they and all the other politicians avoid the magic words?  That’s right, they too are on the payroll of those lobbyists in Washington D.C.  Mr. Trump is the only person on the ballot who is free of these lobbyists and is willing to say the magic words.    
Will a Trump presidency stop the bleeding?  Who knows, at least the people will get the opportunity to stick it to those blood sucking politicians.  This is the only option left for the people and it feels so very good, even better than sex.

Landers, CA