Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Day 21

Some say, “there is nothing really new in Christian theology”.  At the time I didn’t want to hear such a seeming repudiation of the need for a theological education.  Faith found me later in life and the younger learners were motivated to express the approved Christian theology to further their calling.  I wanted to be where they were but a nagging confusion was driving me to first look for answers.  What was wrong with me?  All the other learners seemed comfortable with our theology as presented.
It has taken this slow learner a life time to understand what I believe was being said in this statement and how it applied to my quest to understand my new-found faith of forty-eight years ago.  

After years of floundering study and decades of worship experience, the long-delayed understanding that has arrived is one for which I am extremely grateful.

G. Goslaw
Landers, CA