Wednesday, February 23, 2022


 Hold onto your hats, buckle up that seat belt, hang on for a wild ride. This dull intellect got an eternity message from the somewhere and something called Google.  No way you say?  Just hang on and let me try to explain.  To the four people that follow my blog, you know that the Bible is front and center.  The Bible must be understood as a struggle within history between spirituality and religion. The question needs to be asked, is the history of the next 2000 years after the biblical record any different?  Can we not interpret all of history in this spirituality religion context?

Through all of my life, I had assumed that the historians are best qualified to comment on the turnings in our history.  I had never thought to ask any alternative questions but a term began buzzing in my bonnet.  The message I got was “the Dark Ages”, repeating for days, “the Dark Ages”.  Finally, I decided to ask Google, why did Europe experience the catastrophic 1000 years of human tragedy called by some “the Dark Ages” (approximately 500 to 1500 A.D.)?  Surely google would know, after all, google knows.

The only sensible answer that google could offer was that the Dark Ages were caused by the fall of Rome and the fracturing of political leadership in Europe.  This opinion was first touted by English historian Edward Gibbon in his six volume History of the Rise and Fall of the roman Empire published in 1776.  This opinion is as old as our country, also birthed 1776.

Could it be that the fall of Rome was only one side of the coin?  The other side was that the fate of Rome left a political vacuum in Europe that sucked the Roman Church into filling.  Whatever spirituality remained in the Church at this time was increasingly buried beneath tons of political intrigue and wars. The human spiritual balance was way out of whack and darkness unmercifully ensued. This would seem to be a fuller explanation. 

Anyway, I would like to have this opinion taken to task by a real historian.


Landers, CA    











The voter po

Sunday, February 20, 2022


 There are days and then there are days.  Life demands from us a constant stream of adjustments, even for most of us, hourly changes.  The only alternative is to become mentally and emotionally stale, consciously or not, we begin looking for death’s door.  Can it be that we are trapped, all of us, when we run out of the will to make adjustments, we die?  

Maybe I’m just having one of those days, or maybe our human situation is not this dire.  Then again, maybe Darwin was right, he called his evolutionary theory the survival of the fittest but could we not better describe and understand the theory as the survival of the adjustable. Either way, this is how life is but is this all that life is?       

Beware of the ruts.


Landers, CA

Friday, February 18, 2022


 The voter polls are telling us that 40% of America still supports the Joe Biden administration.  Such loyalty is impossible to understand because the future of America is being wrecked day by day.  Wrecked not by circumstances beyond the control of the White House but by the very policies that they have championed.  The list of these policies is long and growing but they have one commonality, they all are intended by the Democrats to make America poor.  Inflation is a Democrat policy fueled by Democrat led overspending.  Illegal immigration is a Democrat policy fueled by an invitation from the Democrats to the world, come one come all.  Covid lockdowns are no longer about the safety of the people for now the China virus is a weapon to diminish our national economic wellbeing.  The Democrat Green Agenda will functionally send billions, if not trillions, of American wealth around the world. Why, you ask?

Even if you don’t care to ask, the answer is obvious to all that care to look beyond their own self-interest.  The Democrat goal is to make America a part of the new centralized world order championing equity or equality for all nations.  This means that the economically successful must be punished and made poorer, elevating the unsuccessful and rewarding them for what they have not earned.  All Democrat Americans must decide, do you want to be a part of this new order that will result in all Americans as well as all the world being led around with a ring in their noses, pig style? 

The new equalizers will shoot back, this is an extremist conspiracy theory without merit.  An article by Michael Rectenwald with academic degrees a plenty, documents this new world order which has been named by most commentators, the Great Reset.  Speaking in the “Imprimis” newsletter from Hillsdale College, he lays out the agenda of the Great Reset and the actual conspiracy.  This is a must read if you want to know truth from fiction.  In this article the Professor Rectenwald comments on the use of the word “fairness” as the guiding principle of the Great Reset.

“Fairness requires lowering the economic status of people in wealthier nations like the U.S. relative to that of people in poorer regions of the world.  A function of woke ideology is to make the majority in developed countries feel guilty about their wealth, which the elites aim to reset downwards- except, one notices, for the elites themselves, who need to be rich in order to fly in their private jets to Davos each year.” (P. 5)

Democrats, the Democratic 40%, you are being suckered, tell us where you stand, are you loyal to the Great Reset or America?


Landers, Ca



Tuesday, February 15, 2022


 The traitorous Democrat cabal is cornered.  The Durham investigation is proving the Hillary conspiracy and the conspirators are now clamoring for the first deals.  The midterm elections are looming to reverse their hold on America in the Congress as the people want their country back.  These are dangerous times, what will the bureaucracy in Washington come up with next to preserve power?  What will they choose?

1.    A war with Russia

2.    China and Dr. Fauci will release another variant on the world.

3.    Biden will declare a national emergency and disable all dissent with the cooperation of the military, the seizing of bank accounts and canceling all Social Security benefits.  This could be a full-blown dictatorship from Washington that will mean a war with the spilling of blood among we Americans. 

How would Jesus handle such a situation?  Fight, flight or stand our ground.


Landers, CA  

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


There is an inexpensive solution to the homeless and drug problems that are rotting our country.  Society needs to take charge to benefit the engaged populace.  Those who want to just be takers in our society by living in tents everywhere must be separated and then reintroduced as the individual reaches rock bottom.

The solution will not require a great building program with multitiered staffing costs.  It is so simple.  Take an island off the California coast for the homeless and drug addicted to live in freedom as they wish.  Uncle Joe can drop in all the food and drugs they can consume. There will be two buildings on the island, a crematorium at one end and a recovery center at the other end. They can choose, life or death. 

This is by far the most humane solution.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Idol Worship

The modern dilemma (2022) of the Christian Church is the question, how do we speak about Jesus to this age?  This question has been relevant to every age for 2000 years but at no time has it been more important to allow Jesus to speak.  Science and medical breakthroughs have dulled our spiritual senses into the possibility that to believe in a God is merely a relic of the uneducated tribal minions of the past.  The more modern belief system is in ourselves and is called secular humanism.       

Christian theology seems to have no answer to secularism.  No longer can the Church hang on to the elevation of the flesh and blood Jesus to idol status, status as the son of God, whatever that may mean?  Does God have sexual relations, with whom?  This construct is foolishness to the modern world.  It made sense 2000 years ago when almost all political leaders demanded to be revered as God and man, blurring the obvious distinctions.  Only the Christian religion of 2022 hangs on to this duplicity.  Both terminologies are in the Bible, idolatry and sonship, but Christianity must clearly define these two words but to define is to offend.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA





Friday, February 4, 2022

Red letter Words

A fun exercise is to take the words of Jesus and explain them in your own words.  The words I used when I was 30 are not the same words I now use, 48 years later.  Answer this Jesus question.     

“Do you understand what I have done for you? He asked them.  “You call me ‘teacher’ and ‘Lord’ (Sir), and rightly so, for that is what I am.  Now that I, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.  Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”    (The Gospel of St. John, Chapter 13, verses 12b -15 & 17, TNIV)   

The most intimate relationship known to humankind should be between all believers in the eternity message of Jesus.  If one believes, then that one has no earthly enemies, only a shared future to celebrate.  Believers in the eternity message of Jesus have no need to carve out kingdoms among men.  Religions carve up kingdoms because religion believes that eternity is for me and not for thee, my way or the highway.  This is the spiritual disconnect of religion whose vision is largely fixed on the stuff of this world, doctrine, budgets, buildings, ethical standards, membership and cemeteries.

This is where it gets uncomfortable, no earthly enemies?  What about justice?  If they are trying to kill you and yours, are they not enemies?  Mahatma Gandhi was a lawyer by trade but was disillusioned with the lack of justice in the justice systems of men.  He was intrigued by the words of Jesus in the Bible but was very unimpressed with the Christian religion. 

Gandhi figured it out, they may be killing me but I have no enemies!  He would have said to them, “You know not what you do”.  He stood up for justice and love for the people who were trashed by the powers that be regardless of the personal cost.  This was the example he saw in Jesus.  Both men gladly entered into eternity at the hands of religion.


Landers, CA









Panzi Democrats defines a Panzi as the wimpiest of wimps.  A Panzi will back out of every challenge with a lame excuse.  Can you think of any real-life examples?


Landers, CA