Friday, February 28, 2014


Our country has groveled in despair much to long and it is difficult if not impossible to be optimistic.  The privileged political class has advantaged themselves ignoring the bleeding regular folk.  Is there any hope for us out there?  Maybe, for the first time in almost seven decades of my life on this earth, a double rainbow has appeared. Two distinct rainbows, one brighter than the other but two just the same.  They arch above the San Bernardino Mountains as we look to the west from Landers, California.

Could this not be an omen for better times ahead, when politics could take a second seat to the good of the country and all the people?   I have never even thought to look for such a double rainbow, so we may very well be surprised.

Landers, Ca


The First black President and his Democratic enablers are all about gutter politics.  On cue Harry Reid gets on the Senate floor and calls everyone who complains about the inequities and failures of ObamaCare, attention seeking liars.  Has the politics in power no shame?  It would seem that when they are caught lying the best defense is to double down on the lies.  These folk care not one iota concerned about the people, any of the people, black, white or Hispanic, their only concern is political power.  They will say and do anything to keep political power until they bury themselves in the mud!

Landers, Ca  

Friday, February 21, 2014

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Americans you have been played by the Obama Democrats.  They are laughing at you!  They believe that the voters of America are naive suckers to be manipulated by the promises of their government and those who lead from the White House.  The promises are disguised lies that are but the bait in a giant con scheme to fundamentally change America, his words.  Their mantra is to promise them everything and give them only what the liberal progressive socialist lobby wants for this country.  If they had ever laid all their cards on the table, from the beginning, they would be the losers in all national elections, especially the 2012 presidential election.

They are the new privileged political class who will dictate the future for you and your family to further their own interests.  Black America, you have been played by one of your own.  Hispanic America, you have been played.  Single women of America, you have been played.  Unions, governmental and private,  you have been played.  Large corporations you have been played.  Healthcare insurance companies, you have been played. Wall street and their investors are being played.  Are you all expecting a bigger piece of the pie?  In the short term it may seem advantageous but beware of the scam.

Their only objective is to be the American bosses, the dictators of everything and destroyers of all liberty.  With the pen and the phone, our president is gleefully trampling on the U. S. Constitution to further this agenda. The welfare of the people is of no concern to him or them. Presidents Putin in Russia and Obama in America are political blood brothers who will deceive the people and even kill the people or their enemies to further their vision and ensure a place in the national future.   Nothing is sacred but themselves, they are cowardly narcissists on steroids!

They are cowardly because they will blame this attacking but truthful statement on racism.  America, are you tired of being laughed at?  Are you fearful of when it will be your turn to be a laughing stock?  America stand up, we have been played long enough!

Landers, Ca.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


There have been those moments in human history when the God of the galaxies has made contact with our earthly situation.  Each was akin to dropping a bomb of divine understanding into the pig pen.  It is as if God, in Star Trekking fashion, opens the gate of divine illumination and then steps back to observe the human response.  God being the God who knows in advance what our response will be, allows time for us to interpret and adjust but patiently has the another bomb awaiting the next precise efficacious moment.  The point being that God is a our leader not our dictator.

Some of us would prefer a dictator God but let us begin at the beginning.  The God of the galaxies has gathered the sticks, twigs and grasses of his universe to construct a nest to incubate his human creation.  We share common attributes with all other life but we possess one attribute that is most unique.  The web site live science .com claims ten unique attributes for the human family.  No one can argue with the uniqueness of these attributes but they are earth bound, small ball and pale in comparison to the one truly unique human attribute that is not mentioned.  This is it...we have been endowed by our creator leader God with the capabilities and inevitability to be joined with the divine reality.

Landers, Ca.  

Monday, February 17, 2014


When married life resulted in honey do lists, I was guilty of resenting female management.  Now that I am retired and living without a women, I make my own “to do” lists to control my demons.  That is how the worm turns for all of us.

Landers, Ca.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


These are the words of Leo Tolstoy from the preface to his book,  THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU, 1893.

In affirming my belief in Christ’s teaching, I could not help explaining why I do not believe, and consider as mistaken, the Church’s doctrine, which is usually called Christianity.

Imagine that, one hundred and twenty one years ago this great Russian novelist was arrogantly questioning the authority and workings of the church.  In his time, as in ours, there was a divide between the faith of a few biblical believers and the doctrine of the church.  The issue of his time and seemingly every time was the evil of war and violence.  The state, supported either actively or passively by the church, says that it has the right to order the killing of another human being for political purposes.  The state says it is the duty of Russian citizens to kill as directed.  The church was silent.

The term church may be too broadly defined.  The top down institutional church of whatever flavor will not confront any issue that questions political authority even when these politics conflict with divine authority.  The institutional church has the status of a mere human religion whose primary focus is it’s own survival.  This church always forgets, neglects, avoids or reflects the sad state of the people because the salaries of the institution must first be paid.  In addition, the hierarchy of the church would find it more difficult to raise the budget if evil were to be reduced or eliminated by calling the people to action.  Far better is to preach an other worldly spiritual salvation of non-action.

This was the state of spirituality in the time of Jesus.  Judaism had long been mired in religious priorities despite a long history of God sent prophetic voices who were silenced by the religion.  Jesus was one of these voices who began a revival of Godliness condemning the failure of man centered Judaism.  Before you begin that anti-Semitic mumbo jumbo, the same degeneration is equally valid for Christianity, Islam or a religion of any other flavor. There is more that we could say about Jesus that is grounded in scripture but we must first begin with Jesus the religious revolutionary.      

Landers, Ca.

Monday, February 10, 2014


To be precise, a zygote is the term used to refer to the cell as a result of the fusion of two haploid nuclei during fertilization until the first cleavage.  When the zygote starts to divide and multiply it is called an embryo.  (as defined by biology on line)

Each one of us were at one time a wondrous zygote.  Everything that is you is sculpted from this beginning when the genes of mom and dad combine in unpredictable ways.  The one celled zygote is a person, a like human being with great potential and possible great liabilities.  This person is within minutes of a dividing process that creates an embryo baby person, then a fetus baby person and after birth, a baby person.  So who is qualified to judge any of these persons without giving them a chance to choose their journey, isn’t that called discrimination?  

The abortion rights lobby believe that they and the mother have that right to judge.  If the mother is at all uncomfortable with a pregnancy, if the pregnancy is an unwanted complication for the mother or the state, it is better for the zygote, embryo or fetus to be killed.  They call it a termination but the medical definition in the Miriam Webster on line dictionary states that an abortion is a medical procedure to end a pregnancy and cause the death of a fetus.  Try as they might, this fact cannot be spun to hide the truth unless we will not handle the truth.

ObamaCare has made the hiding in the bushes tactic of the Church untenable.  Our new unhealthy care system makes everyone directly complicit in the killing because each of us are now paying for all abortions.  This concern was never raised when the Law was being debated or voted upon by the people.  The church has been silent but we can no longer feign ignorance.  Now that the Law is being implemented we have to wake up to the travesty but except for a few Roman Catholic protests and the Hobby Lobby folk, Jesus believers are still hiding in the bushes.

Did Jesus hide in the bushes?  No, He fearlessly spoke truth to religious power.  If we assume that God takes a personal interest in each one of us, how can we condone, either actively or passively, the killing of another person’s shot at life?  How can Jesus believers now stand by and claimed no responsibility before God for these deaths?  We can no longer sing the prison refrain, it wasn’t me Oh Lord!  God is counting the lies, they have totaled at least 52 million lives and lies perpetrated upon our fellow Americans by Americans.

Landers, Ca

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Few and Far between

ESTABLISHMENT REPUBLICANS are content to be the government authorized solution much like all of the Democrats.  They compromise any principle at the drop of a hat for political expediency.

SMALL BALL CONSERVATIVES talk the conservative small government language but there is little fight in this dog.  They play to a conservative constituency for the sake of elected office.

CONSERVATIVE TEA PARTY REPUBLICANS are fighters for small government, personal responsibility and freedom.  They will stand up for these principles regardless of the cost, whether they win or lose politically, believing that without this America there is no America worth a hoot!

Landers, Ca


A little juvenile shit head from Texas kills four while driving DUI.  If they had been my family, I would take the insurance money, pass it on to the family and then make sure the kid met an unfortunate accident sometime within his ten year probationary sentence.  The father and the judge are mutually culpable and deserving of the same fate.  Justice is blind to all but our moneyed interests.

Texas Republicans, why are you silent?   What no comment Governor Perry?  Could it be that money talks more than justice for your people?   Hypocrites, there is no honor among thieves, millionaires, homicidal drunks and politicians!  Your rank dishonesty is why the people have no trust in the working of governmental justice, Democrat or Republican.  Justice, like everything else is for sale!

Rehabilitation be hanged, my family has no chance for recovery but you say, does not God forgive?  Yes, God eventual forgives but some of us are not there yet.

Landers, Ca.


God is about gathering.  Any definition of God that fits our circumstances in this world, past, present and future, has this bottom line, He gathers.  Everything else that can be said about the God of the galaxies is secondary and derivative.  The word gather and it’s cousins appear 353 times in the Old Testament and 69 times in the New Testament, so we are not in uncharted biblical territory.  Granted a large percentage of these references are not directly God related but to discard them quickly is to reject their obvious foundational character in all things.

God has used his gathering process to form our world, our galaxy and the millions of similar galaxies that make up the endless expanse of space and time.  Can we comprehend it all?  Our small minds are trying to humanize the things of God by insisting on a short time frame for the age of the universe while the scientific time frame of an unknown billions of years is a credit and compliment to the God of the galaxies.  Did it all begin with a big bang or some other grand spectacle, is God a magician or an all powerful gathering creative force?  No matter, the how is not as important as the action of our God who by gathering put it all together and no amount of science can or will discredit this open cosmic gathering definition.

It works or explains the macrocosm and the microcosm of all things.  God has gathered together all life forms on this earth.  It may have taken six, seven or eight billion years but  the gathering God is in control and has proven Himself by the wonders of His creation.  Our world has been precisely placed by His gathering process into this Milky Way galaxy, into this solar system and at a precise orbit around our sun that makes life possible.  Are there other planets so wondrously placed in other solar systems of the other billions of galaxies?  Sure there are, but does that make God any less interested in our earth, after all, is He not God? Is not our reality His reality?

We must choose, is all this wonder an accidental freak of some naturalistic pointless process?  A believer answers that before all else there was God.  The possibility of change plus time equals a gathering which finally resulted in humanity, a humanity that carries the very image of that God.  A reflection of God is in our DNA and our journey toward civilization has always been as hunter gatherers.  About 12,000 years ago our ancestors expanded their reality to include the beginnings of socialization as we gathered as like people, domesticated animals and provided for this gathering of peoples with an agrarian economy.  And here we are today, not far removed from the gathering of our ancestors.    

Landers, Ca.