Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Why did Moses and the children of Israel spend forty years wondering in the desert?  If you believe the Moses spin that is up front in the Bible it was because they were afraid of the giants in the land.  This is what happened but after all the heavenly assistance rendered to them as they escaped captivity in Egypt, why would they fear a few giants and hostile peoples?  Their fear overwhelmed them because the killings at Mount Sinai was a choice to live by the point of a sword.  Moses had taken control away from God and they were on their own, a human religion had replaced God.

Eventually and without exception human strength will turn to weakness.  Crossing the Jordan River and possessing the promised land was to much to ask of a religion lead people.  They retreated into the desert where they wandered for 40 years.  To all those who say that God kills to get his own way, you are wrong. If God is a killer God, Jesus would have raised an army!  To all those Biblical literalists who believe that Moses was marching to the kill at the direction of God, you really don’t know God.

Landers, Ca

County Tyranny

This Landers resident is a newbie in our rural community but I have lived in San Bernardino County for the last twenty five years.  We have a wonderfully different lifestyle here in Landers, one that I greatly prefer to the more fast paced communities of this county with their paved and lighted streets.  Our sandy right of ways keep us close to the beauty of our desert environment.  It truly is a joy to live in Landers.

The last two and a half years in Landers has also been a learning experience as I have gotten to know the folk.  These people believe they have long been ignored, neglected and abused by San Bernardino County government.  You, the county, have said by your actions that the concerns of Landers are not be the concern of the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors.  This newbie is now another witness to the abuse and believes that you should be embarrassed and held accountable.

The abuse begins with the first request for county help in Landers, help that is supposed to be available.  Yes, we do pay county property taxes in Landers.  My own experience contacting county services is that their first priority of county employees is to be as unhelpful as possible, minimizing their response obligations.  Some of us are just stubborn enough to demand that the county workers do their jobs no matter how overtaxed they may or may not be, no excuses.  After repeated calls to code enforcement and animal control about a trashy property and loose dogs in the neighborhood, I finally made contact with the heads of each department and positive outcomes began to happen.      

Most offensive to the folk are two current issues in which the Board of Supervisors has been complicit in dismissing the concerns of Landers.  In June of 2013, the BOS approved a rate increase upon the customers of the county run W-1 Water District in Landers, effective in thirty days.  An emergency scenario in W-1 was dishonestly dumped upon the Supervisors to justify the increase, this dishonesty resides in the lap of county run and funded Special Districts.  While the BOS failed to do due diligence on the worthiness of this request for a rate increase, BOS should have known not to trust anything emanating from this rouge department, Special Districts.  The approval for a rate increase was a slap in the face upon the good folk of Landers who knew that the increase and the threat of future increases were financially indefensible.

When Bighorn Desert View Water Agency stepped up to offer relief to W 1 customers by way of annexation, Special Districts management went into panic mode and were suddenly content with just one rate increase.  The residents of Landers would like to know for whom else their rate increases were to fund?  Is this how the political leaders of this county operate, taking from the relatively poor and giving to the down the hill rich?  My requests for financial documentation from Special Districts were again dishonest, deflecting my request for information to the regular audit that was to be out in November. Here we are in January, has anyone seen their audit?  Something very shaky is going on and the Board of Supervisors is ultimately responsible. How is it that Bighorn Desert View Water Agency can operate more efficiently, with 100% financial transparency, in the same community with the same resources as the county run W-1?  The answer is that we the people have been asked to participate in the decision making at Bighorn.

The second issue is the counties expediting of solar projects in Landers.  Please let me be crystal clear, these projects are not wanted in Landers and while we got a slow start, our community has come together and is up in arms against the tyranny of our county politicians, we have had enough!  The Planning Commission, a board appointed by the BOS, approved the Bowman Solar Project with little community comment and no support.  Our solar leaders in Landers have filed an appeal of the Planning Commission’s approval of the project.  The Board of Supervisors will be airing the appeal at a January 6 meeting that should be well attended and of concern to all desert lovers.

We shall be saying, “Don’t trash my desert”!

Landers, Ca.


Monday, December 29, 2014

Twisted ...

Exodus 31:18
When the Lord had finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the covenant law, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God.

Exodus 32:19
When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned and he threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain.

Exodus 32:27, 28, 29
Then he said to them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says.  ‘Each man strap a sword to his side.  Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’ ”  The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died.  Then Moses said, “You have been set apart for the Lord today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day.”    (TNIV Study Bible)

Mother tells the story about church pastors at a church business meeting and an argument ensues.  One of the pastors rises and makes a point by saying that God said that the issue must be resolved “thus and so”.  Another pastor of the opposite persuasion immediately rises saying that God told him in his prayers that God wants the opposite point.  Did neither pastor hear from God?  Did only one pastor correctly hear from God?  If so, which one?   Our will is so easily transferred to the Almighty for distribution.  Is this not twisted?

Landers, Ca

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dear Governor Jeb Bush

Election season will soon be upon us again and from the media reports you are signaling a possible run for the Republican nomination in 2016.  No one can discount your qualifications for the office of President for you are a good man who would be an excellent chief executive.  The big money Wall Street interests are no doubt lining up to encourage your entrance into the race and the Republican establishment elites want another turn at bat.  We understand, we get it but above all else we concerned Americans want a winner!

In fact, we must win if an America with upward mobility is to survive.  We are at the point of no return, after this election, if the Democrats prevail, we will forever be a typical nation where birth circumstances determine one’s future regardless of personal intellect, effort, luck or creativity.  We shall then cease to be America so please consider your liabilities that are, admittedly, not of your own making.  They are, none the less, liabilities that will have to be hurdled in the 2016 presidential election if you win the Republican nomination.  Will you project enough mojo in November to win the battle, can you beat the Democrats?  Mr. Bush, only you can rightly gauge that probability.

Perhaps you can gain some insight into the decision by considering the ancient Chinese treatise, “The Art of War”, attributed to Sun Tsz.  There is no doubt that the Democrats consider politics a no holes barred war so Republican politics must have the same mindset.  Sun Tsz advises those engaging in war to know yourself and to know your enemies for the most intuitive combatant will win.  Ho Chi Min defeated us in Vietnam because he intuitively knew that the revolution had proximity to the fight and the support of the people.  He also knew that Americans do not have the stomach for a protracted bloody conflict in a far away place.  Ho was right and we keep making the same dumb decisions over the last fifty years, including your brother, President George W. Bush, who decided to do nation building in Iraq.  

Your presidential candidacy may be a dumb decision for another reason.  The Democratic candidate is sure to be a populist like Barack O’bama.  He takes actions that gathers strength from the economic bottom half of the electorate even though these folk are the one’s suffering the most harm from his economy.  At the same time he buys off the economic top half of the electorate by propping up the booming stock market.  This seemingly irrational strategy works because the Republicans play into the Democratic narrative by sending Wall Street and big business indebted politicians to fight the war, politicians like Meg Whitman in California and nationally McCain and Romney.  All of these politicians failed because the bottom half wins big elections and the Wall Street types are vulnerable targets.

Perhaps you are looking to run in the primaries because the Democrats are showing weakness as the 2014 midterms indicate.  Sorry to say but the O’bama Democrats are doubling down on the power of the little people and sending another “rich” Republican to do battle is asking for another failure in 2016.  Your candidacy is not the right fit America needs at this critical hour.  Is there a populist Republican among the very strong and broad list of potential candidates?  Is there someone from the little people out there who can give all the people a booming economy and who will lift the fortune of the entire country?

As we go into the primary season let’s find him or her and then you, Mr. Bush, can encourage the moneyed folks, the Wall Street folks and the big business folks to aggressively support that candidate.  Winning means that we all can govern and prosper together.  Mr. Bush, at this critical hour, please set aside your presidential ambitions for the good of the country.

Landers, Ca

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Dog Fight

The 2016 Republican primary season is shaping up to be a dog fight.  Judging from past primaries, we are in for a gargantuan hissing and spitting free for all of a Republican food fight.  The Democrats, especially the O’bama progressive left wing of that party are salivating as they fantasize about the expected spectacle.  Can you imagine 20 Republican candidates tearing up each other for months prior to the big event?  The election season that really matters will be a mere political skirmish giving us another big government Democrat in the White House.   America, can you survive another repeat?

Wisdom has not been the forte of the Republican Party but this time we have no choice, it is win or die!  This time, we must do the Republican presidential primary the Ronald Reagan way.  Each and every primary candidate must adhere to his Eleventh Commandment which reads, “Thou shalt not speak ill of any other Republican”.  Reagan lived up this mantra most of the time but resorted to personal attacks against Gerald Ford in the 1976 primary.  Then President Ford won the primary but was so weakened by the attacks of Reagan that he lost the presidential election to  Jimmy Carter (Wikipedia).

If personal attacks were not allowed, each and every primary candidate would be judged on their vision for America, how well they communicate that vision and then how well they sell it to the electorate.  The O’bama way works only for the political elites, not the people, any of the people.  Just imagine 20 Republican candidates bashing the status quo of the Democrats instead of each other, the media might have to cover that show.

Landers, Ca    

Sunday, December 14, 2014


This fancy word is one of my favorites, it means to be opposed to something, or to contrast with something or to be the direct opposite.  Religion is the antithesis of Jesus.  The Ten Commandments are the antithesis of The Beatitudes.  We are familiar with the rules of the Ten Commandments, these are the beatitudes.  This is the only way, a bottom up way but the only way to please God in this world. .

The Beatitudes of Matthew 5 : 3-12  (Today’s New International Version Bible)
  1. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
  2. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
  3. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
  4. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be filled.
  5. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
  6. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
  7. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.
  8. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
  9. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me, for great is your reward in heaven.
10. Rejoice and be glad, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

The Beatitudes of Matthew 5: 3-12   (The Message Bible, Peterson)   ( Goslaw amplification)
  1. Happy are those who are unworthy of God, for they have a future with him.
  2. Happy are those who grieve over their failures, for they will find the strength to try again.
  3. Happy are the powerless in their own circumstance, for God will provide powerful results.
  4. Happy are those who chase after the way of God, for that way is never ending.
  5. Happy are those who care about others, for they will find that same care.
  6. Happy are those who take the inward journey toward a right heart, for they will reflect God outwardly.
  7. Happy are those who do not demand their own way, for we then become a part of the God gathering.
  8. Happy are those who upset the normal folk by chasing after the way of God, for then you are sure of your destination.
  9. Happy are those who are attacked with insults, persecution and evil lies because of their faith in Jesus, for God’s gathering process is it’s own reward.
10. Happy are those who are attacked because they listen and speak for the Voice, for then you are in the good company of the prophets.

Landers, Ca

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Speaking of Moses

The base line conflict in the Bible is between the religion of Israel and the voice of God.  Can all the books written explaining the theology of the Bible be summarized in this little sentence?  If it is possible, then the simplicity is frightening and marvelously freeing for the conflict is not between God and Satan or sinners and saints or cowboys and Indians, it is between men who usurp the throne of God and God himself.  God considers the height of arrogance the assertion that any man or woman can somehow adequately guide the rest of us to God.  God is God to every man, whether they know it or acknowledge it for themselves.

Each religion on the face of this earth is heir to this usurping arrogance regardless of their relative value.  Some of you by now are shouting unfounded anti Semitic accusations at this author.  The fact is that the religion of Israel has preserved a peoples identity and inherent character for over four thousand years.  There is no more significant an accomplishment in the history of mankind and God will always consider you, the Jewish people, his first born.  However, like all other religions, including Christianity and Islam, the voice of God is always drowned out by human effort.   In the context of the middle East four thousand years ago, Moses was the founder of the religion of the Old Testament and this is how it happened.  

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, the patriarchs of the faith, were only listeners who were blessed by the Voice.  Moses became a listener in the isolation of the desert, heard the Voice from the burning bush and with much trepidation, did as he was directed.  With God in charge freedom came to the children of the patriarchs.  After crossing the Red Sea, the traveling city of Hebrew peoples made camp at the foot of Mount Sinai and the Voice told Moses to climb the mount alone.  As the days passed waiting for Moses to return the people got bored so they did the human thing, they partied.  The going’s on were reaching a fever pitch when Moses reappears.

The partying infuriates Moses, the consuming anger that drove him to kill in his youth again ignites.  He raises the tablets of stone with a message for the people of God above his head and throws then into the rocks where they forever shatter.  Then he gathers the good guys around him and slaughters three thousand of the family with the sword.  The heart of Moses had turned dark for he had taken control of God’s people and this event gave birth to the religion of Israel and a top down human agenda.  There were tears and wailing in the camp that night, there was questioning, is this the way of God?  Are we to be driven to a positive spiritual place by threats and the sword?  Religion says yes and so it has always been.

One might ask, what message from God to his people was on the tablets of stone that Moses shattered?  After a fifty year familiarity with the Bible and the Church, that question was never asked by me or anyone else.  The assumption made by all was that the first tablets were the same as the second version that Moses would soon bring down from the Mount, a religious document, a list of rules that would become the founding legal document of western civilization.  However, what if we do not go to court with God?  What if we really don’t have to earn the love and acceptance of God?  What if the first tablets was a bottom up document, a promise that whatever negative experience we may have in this world, it is not God. Could the shattered tablets have been a bottom up document similar to the “Beatitude” of Mathew 5:3-12?  Jesus told us the way.

Landers, Ca.  

Friday, December 5, 2014

The War of 2016

The O’bama Democrats are doing extreme, no holes barred politics, it is war.  There are no political rules or traditions that remain unbroken.  Fighting a war means there is a time to mount an assault, a time to retreat and a time to hold your ground.  Trying to do the normal political stuff in this environment is like going to war with a nuclear power using only an arsenal of pick up sticks.  To fight a frontal assault under these circumstances and at this time is political suicide for the Republican party and our democracy.  The Republicans will be slammed and blamed for the chaos, our president knows it and is desperate for such a frontal Republican political assault.  So what shall we do? … Nothing? … Yes, nothing!

President Obama has two years left to do his reshaping of America but the people have already awakened to the fact that this pudding will not gel.  Under his leadership, no distraction trumped up by the White House can put Humpty Dumpty back together again, so America be cool like O’bama.  The 2016 presidential campaign will begin in earnest a year from now, that is the time to begin returning fire from the wealth of Republican national leadership.  The war that matters is for the White House in 2016.  Win the White House and we can restore order and take back America, the land of the free!

Landers, Ca.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The new legal illegals

Re: “Within the law”  (Richard Boyd)

Thank you Mr. Boyd for your attaboy of November 30, Daily Press.  While we can all agree that the president’s action is not amnesty, as you narrowly define it, you do agree with most Americans that it is a path to citizenship. It is an illegal path to citizenship given to a large group of people without congressional action.  There is no law giving the president the authority for this give away and is therefore not within the law.  I repeat, it is a criminally illegal action by the President of the United States.  We are being ruled over as in a banana republic, for shame!

You site the actions of Reagan and Bush but America is tired of this repeated distortion.  You know and we know that their actions were small fixes to legislation that was passed by Congress.  Why can you not accept the obvious?  You claim that the new legal illegals will not be voting but they will have Social Security cards and drivers licenses, how stupid do you think we are?  You claim that the house will not act on immigration and this is another distortion.  The House has sent legislation to the Senate but Harry Reid and the President don’t like the step by step approach to immigration reform. It is the presidents way or the highway, sounds like a dictatorship to me.

One might ask as I do of you, who is the real liar?

Landers, Ca.

Moses and the Movies

In my blog posting of August 28, 2010, “Holy Moses Wash”, an attempt was made to identify and evaluate the biblical record of the life of Moses.  This blog posting has been the most often searched out opinion of my writing experiment.  It has been viewed 764 times out of 11,513 hits over the last five years.  These are not very impressive numbers but almost every week there is a hit on this posting indicating, at least to me, that there is some interest out there in Moses.  Another biblical epic and Hollywood movie is about to hit the big screen to tell the story of Moses.  Who was this man, Moses, a humble savior of his people who followed the voice of God or a morally blinded killer who terrorized his enemies in the name of religion?  Could not Moses have been both, both a model spirit for us and a life warning?

Christian Bale, the actor who is Moses in the movie, is seemingly correct when he considers Moses a schizophrenic personality.  Moses in life earned both our admiration and our condemnation.  You will hear little about the second terrorist Moses in your Church because mass murder is not a particularly uplifting narrative.  Conversely, my expectation is that you will not fully hear of the first Moses, the divinely lead humble servant of the voice of God in the upcoming movie, “Exodus, Gods and Kings”.  Hollywood will attempt to nullify the power of the first Moses and demonize all peoples of faith by demonizing the second Moses.  Both understandings of Moses, that of the Church and that of Hollywood, are in error and amount to kinder garden stuff.

The question that should be asked of the movie and the biblical narrative is whether Moses had a psychological or a spiritual impairment.  The movie will say that the story is about the psyche of Moses but allow me to argue for the latter, the spiritual understanding of the man.  The central starring character in the biblical narrative is not Moses but God, the divine reality who rules the heavens and the earth.  As long as Moses was a humble servant of the voice of God, God took actions to defeat the Egyptian power grabbing God imposter, Pharaoh.  Moses got into trouble when he got in the way of God and also became a power grabber and like Moses we humans are cursed with a like desire to be the man, the up front game changer, the one to make a spectacular impression upon this world.

As a young man, Moses tried to bring change his way, the human way, with violence and killing.  The news got out and he fled in fear into the desert and decades of isolation from his God and his people.  Moses slowly yielded, let go of his plans and just listened.  Surprise, surprise, God took action as the central character in the rescue of the called out people of Palestine, the people of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  When Moses stood before Pharaoh it was always, “God said, let my people go!”  It was not a request but Moses had no earthly power to enforce the demand of God.  Pharaoh laughed.  It is a grand story worthy to be told over and over again, the movie is therefore welcomed but no matter how good may be the movie, the movie will not do the events justice.

The Bible comes out the winner in the realm of storytelling for it preserves the whole story, the good, the bad and the ugly, so that we can make a truly informed life decision.   As for the movie, one can always hope.

Landers, Ca.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Who are we?

America, it is time to abandon our historical nicety and the self imposed verbal boundaries that have been our political dialog.  Two hundred and thirty eight years after we began this political experiment, our politics has become the killer sport of cold calculating criminals.  They have risen to power and maintain that power by exploiting the simplicity of the people, a simplicity that believes government can be trusted.  While the American people may be simple minded, we are not stupid, we just don’t want to believe that our political process, fostered by the good intentions of all, could result in the trashing of our national goodness.  We would rather believe the lies, we would rather cling to the national denial of reality, than to admit the truth, our country is ruled from top to bottom by a self indulgent criminal enterprise.

Landers, Ca

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Demanded Apology

On Sunday, November 16, 2014, the Daily Press printed portions of my opinion letter and the title was changed to, “Our Banana Republic”.  While it is always a privilege to be given the opportunity to express my opinions as one of the many knowledgeable writers of this paper, in this case, I resent the rewrite by the Editor and expect an apology.  My letter as sent to the paper is entitled, “Open Season”, which can be examined fully as posted on my blog, ggoslaw.blogspot.com.  Daily Press, print or ignore what I have to say, that is your right, but don’t touch my words!

Readers, you be the judge, is my opinion advocating violence?  Any reader of the full text of the letter could not rightfully come to that conclusion.  Was the letter confrontational?  You bet it was and it was so intended.  The Democratic left uses violence and the threat of violence to promote it’s political agenda whenever and wherever possible, i.e., Ferguson, Missouri.  Should we sane and law-abiding citizens of this country be so castrated by the fear mongering of the left that we let truth, justice and the American way slip from history?  I think not!

The Daily Press also did not like my description of our President as a criminal.  The oft repeated saying, if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck, definitely applies to this President.  There is a criminal duck in the White House.  For the last six years the Daily Press itself and the many every day commentators to this paper have chronicled the criminality of this President.  He is devoid of a moral compass and will say and do anything that will further his own personal agenda, i.e., the common criminal mindset.  The favorite and most violently destructive weapon of the criminal is the lie, the untruth.  The lies told to us by President Obama have also been well chronicled by this paper, our liar in chief has exposed himself to be the criminal that he is.  Oops, there goes another quack!  

Landers, Ca        

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Open Season

Our criminal President is up to his tricks again.  By the stroke of his pen and his sole authority, he will grant practical citizenship to over 4 million illegal aliens in the coming days.  Like never before, we are no longer a country of laws passed by the duly elected representatives of the people, we are now a banana republic ruled by an all powerful dictator in chief.  We are experiencing a typical south American political coup, a desperate power grab to make 4 million illegal aliens, legal Democratic voters.  Voters that will hopefully soften the impact of the Democratic rejection mood of the country as indicated by the midterm election.  The President has decided that chaos is better than the historical moderate, middle of the road politics that is America.  

It is time to declare open season on illegal aliens from whatever country.  This is not a call for violence but a call to put our niceness aside, this a call to mobilize the people to call out the lawless conspirators of illegal immigration.  The illegal political action groups, the Chamber of Commerce, all businesses that hire the illegal and all Democratic politicians unless they speak out against this crime.  It is time to declare open season on all who are aligned with the Democratic cause or fund the Democratic crimes.  Eighty per cent of the people want a legal reform of our immigration system but the key word is legal.  Democrats, as lead by our dictator in chief, only want voters not full citizenship for the illegal, they care little for the illegal alien whom they value merely as a tool to maximize Democratic political power.

If the President does not respect the Law, should we?  Of course,  we will remain respectful of the rule of law but sometimes we are tested.  This is such a time.

Landers, Ca

Friday, November 7, 2014

What do the election results mean?

November 4, 2014 is an American revival.  The people have spoken loudly for we want another chance to be the country our forefathers believed was possible.  They did not create perfection but gave to succeeding generations a foundation upon which to grow, a foundation of self rule by the people, small government and free enterprise.  They demanded their freedom and we want to be left alone to freely build our future.  Our country will not be defined as Republican or Democrat, black or white, rich or poor, women or men, religious or secular, liberal or conservative, we are Americans, we are one people with a dream that we share together.

At the core of this dream is justice for each of us regardless of wealth, political influence or family social standing.  There will be no freedom for all if each of us is not given the same shot at one’s own dreamed future.  All the reporters are asking, Republicans what are you going to do now, post election?  The list of priorities is long but the answers have all missed the people’s priority.  The people want unity and this can not happen if we are divided economically.  There can be no unity as the few relatively rich gorge themselves on the lazy earnings of the stock market while ignoring the economic trashing of the largest percentage of the American people.  Our earnings have steadily dropped for the last six years while the prices at the grocery store have steadily gone up.  Politicians, slow and stop the printing of paper money by the Federal Reserve, do this first and by doing so you will act on behalf of all the little people.  

The inherent fallibility of humankind is to be takers at the expense of others.  Fox News gets a lot of unjustified criticism from the president and our left leaning neighbors but the talking legs do tell us the truth. The problem is that they do not tell the whole truth.  Fox News is one of the takers who glories in stock market riches and says very little about the criminal conspiracy between political power, the Federal Reserve and the stock market.  By their silence, they are saying all wealth is good and it matters little how it is obtained.  Is this Robin Hood?  Somehow it does not sound familiar.

The criminal conspiracy is obvious, the president picks the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, he or she is confirmed by the politicians in the Senate and then serves at the pleasure of the President.  This politically empowered chairman orders paper money to be printed and flushed through the financial system to prop up our economy in order to protect the politicians.  This unearned wealth is reinvested in the stock market causing stock market prices to rise to new records practically every day.  These are boom times for the few while our politicians put out the lie that the Federal Reserve is independent and acting in the best interest of the country.  Somehow that does not ring the bell.

Politicians, are you serving for the few or all the people?  This election should say to you, Democrat and Republican, do not be content with your political games and leave the little people to see their American dream blow away from political interference and neglect.  We know that it is a lot to ask in the face of the power of money in politics but please put the heat on the Federal Reserve to slow and stop the printing of unearned dollars to give to the rich or, better yet, give the dollars to us, the little people.

Landers, Ca

Monday, November 3, 2014


The Church betrays the calling of God if it fails to speak the truth of God to social and political power.  With the exception of Pope Francis, the Church is silent and squirms from engaging our increasingly Godless culture.  The pop theology of another time surely applies today if we were to ask, what would Jesus do?  Why don't we ask?  We don't ask the question because we have not the courage to hear the answer.      

Landers, Ca

The Handwriting

Election season is painfully tiring about this time but the political promises are about over.  We choose and they rule over us.  The day after the election the promises and the will of the people fade like the sunset over the San Bernardino Mountains.  Frustration and the resulting depression are the order of the day amongst the California voters who believe that this state is, after all, America.  Forget it, California is little Mexico and our politicians, from Governor Moonbeam on down the ladder of the politically privileged, are responsible for the sellout.  The new California is the glaring example of what the southern takers of this new nation will accomplish for the future.  Beware Californians for the handwriting is on the wall?

What does the handwriting say?  You know but it is easier to play dumb, dumb and dumber!

1.  Economic collapse for the wealthy few will increasingly abandon the state for a friendlier American tax systems.

2.  Private enterprise is no longer, we, the people expect the government to provide.

3.  The federally funded economy, nursing and healthcare, will deteriorate as federal spending approaches a $20 trillion federal deficit by 2016?

4.  The state tax base dwindles further eroding all government services: police, fire, code enforcement, dog catcher, etc.

5.  Our politicians will create better and better ways to nullify Prop 13 and it’s protection of the property owner from greater taxes.  The state supreme court will strike it down.

6.  Violence is the California norm, the extinction of a right to life is ignored except by the innocent victims.  Murder in the womb will foster murder on our streets, they are morally linked and unseparable (Urban Dictionary).    

 Good luck, California………..

Landers, Ca.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Bucket List

The “Bucket List” is both a movie and a philosophy of life.  The main characters in the movie decide to experience every unfulfilled wish or hope in their last few days on this earth.  Their journey says to us that the meaning of life is somehow out there beyond our own person.  Is life all about crossing off items on a list, can the meaning of life be that simple?  How is that possible when the vast majority of humanity is fighting every day for enough food and safety to survive the vicissitudes of this world?  The bucket list philosophy is only about the compacting of life experiences, places and relationships assuming that this will bring meaning to our lives.  We all should ask, will it?

This philosophy is targeted to the few and says nothing about the only meaningful life opportunity open to every person, regardless of their circumstances.  Some assert that the meaning of life can only be experienced in the psyche of the individual also defined as the totality of who we are without the illusive trappings of body parts.  This journey is the exploration of inner space and our bucket list must accordingly shift into reverse.  Knowing one’s self was the goal and the teaching of the ancient philosophers and we never get modern enough to find completion on any other journey.  The bucket list is the latest modern philosophy that will deflect us away from the inward journey.

All of us avoid this inward journey, we are hard wired as humans to prefer the external fluff of life, content and complicit with our satisfaction with the externals.  We pretend that the inward journey is not even necessary while choosing to focus on what we assume are the really important things in life.  The list of important things is long, anything and everything can distract or deflect us, the destructive behaviors and the positive behaviors are equally guilty.  A life addicted to drugs will deflect the addicted from the inward journey but so may an education, a career path, positive relationships and even religion.  Wait a minute, you say, religion is all about the inward journey!

Is it?

Landers, Ca        

Thursday, October 30, 2014

W 1 Water

Mr. Michael Wildes
Principle Budget Officer
Special Districts Department
San Bernardino County

Thank you Mr. Wildes for the prompt response, however, it appears inadequate and does not address my concern.  Budgets are not spending, my information request is for spending transparency.  Your response seems to give credibility to the rumors.  What is your bank balance now in relation to the June 13 audit?  What spending occurred to this date?  Don’t you do monthly reporting of some sort?  Annual audits are not the whole story.

My W1 neighbors have long believed that you have not given them a fair shake and believe the recent rate increase makes you even more accountable on the spending side.  What spending have you sanctioned since you became aware of a possible annexation?  My concern will not be brushed aside as easily as you would hope.  Please explain as originally requested on October 9.

Glen Goslaw
Landers, Ca.

Joshua Bill and the truth

Thank you for your concern and it is gratifying to know that somebody reads my stuff.  Your description of the article in question cannot be described as a “rant” because the dictionary describes a rant as a verbal exercise that is spoken in a wild or vehement manner.  My written words were a fact based rational summary of the O’Bama government without emotion.  The word that I find most offensive is “typical”, for the new world order will relegate everyone to typical status.  You should be more careful about the words you chose to communicate your displeasure with the truth.  Sorry, the truth is that President O’Bama is a leftist extremist whose intent is to destroy the American Constitutional government of our forefathers, pure and simple.

Let me give you some real ammunition, Barack O’bama will run again, he will run for President of the World. If the future shacks out as he intends, his campaign will point to his reign in the White House as proof that the world will be better off under his direction.  After all, he believes in no borders, no visas, no fortunes, no small business, no discrimination against Ebola victims, no freedom, no religion and no personal responsibility.  Barack will then equalize the fortunes of all peoples and this equality will be distributed by the biggest possible government with the political elites calling the shots.  Is this “fear mongering”?  There you go again Bill, trying to sound smart.

Landers, Ca  

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Is the Democratic Party a criminal machine?

Our liberal Democratic brothers on the Fox Channel are bemoaning the use of name calling among conservative writers.  They find this kind of commentary somehow below respectable norms.  Considering their use of offensive racist labels by Democrats toward anyone and everyone who may disagree with their spin, this criticism seems petty and arrogantly hypocritical.  This writer is guilty of using descriptive words to describe our Washington leadership, that being said, my obscure words are also arrogantly true.  If these sandy words ever became an irritation to liberals, I would die a happy man and know beyond a shadow of doubt that there is a God beyond this world.

A blog that is meant to stir the pot is my last entitled, “How Shall We Then Vote?”.  This blog attempts to target the liberal progressive mindset that lives in the far left White House of Barack O’Bama.  The name calling used was to equate this White House with the criminal mobsters of our land.  This is a very accurate description of these schemers who consider themselves above the law, it is their way or the highway, they are able to pick and choose their facts and everyone is either a friend or an enemy.  There is no truth, no middle ground and no reality but their own agenda.  This agenda is propped up with threats and lies to include criminal acts, the destruction of evidence and the blaming of the innocent.  The factual parallels are astounding, what are we to think?

President Barack O’Bama is the “Godfather” of this mob.  Like Vito Corleones in the movie, Barack is Mr. cool, seemingly detached from his criminal enterprise while he does the normal stuff like playing golf and parading around the country doing Democratic fund raisers.  At critical moments, determined by opinion polling, he appears before a camera to say a few politically expedient sound bites and then returns to his recreational pursuits.  The practical engineers of the Godfather's agenda are the “caporegimes” or capos. Valarie Jarrett is the criminal puppet master protecting the the Godfather from the White House regardless of the cost to others.  Harry Reid, the commander of the Senate, is the other capo who protects the Godfather by refusing to consider all legislation that is not his own. Protecting the criminal enterprise from any legal or law enforcement entity is their lawyer, “consigliore”.  Our gang on the hill is protected by our chief law enforcement officer, the Attorney General, Eric Holder.  In his department of justice there are no crimes worthy of prosecution against Democrats, only perpetual investigations.

When are the people of America, particularly Democrats, going to wake up to the reality of the criminal conspiracy in the White House?  If you remain silent, the entire Democratic machine becomes criminal, doing trick or treat all year long in the costume of politics.

Landers, Ca.      

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How shall we then vote?

President Obama is a far left liberal progressive extremist.  The political strategy of his Valerie Jerrett mobsters is to get out in front of the truth by accusing the rest of the country of being extremists.  The truth is that these folk have the most anti American agenda this country has ever known.  They are so far left that most Democratic office holders consider him a political pariah but must passively support him because he one of their own and raises a lot of money.  What mindset does a far left liberal progressive use to interpret our world?

Look for his presidential actions not his politically motivated deceiving words.  The greatest good for the Obama mites is all about governmental control of the common man who ignorantly assumes that the individual matters.  The progressive believes that this individualism is dangerous and a threat that must be managed from the top as all other crises are managed.  The common man must accept his or her place in society.  Therefore, bigger and bigger government is the greatest good.  If they really believed in God they would not consider themselves to be God’s over us.  Sadly they do.

What is the ultimate scenario for the liberal progressive extremist?  The ultimate is the biggest possible government, a one world super government that will presume to know and then take actions to equalize all the people under it‘s control.  Any action by America that conflicts with this dream scenario will be trampled by the heavy heel of the liberal progressive.  All are asking, why does America have to endure an invasion across our southern border?  All are asking, why are we forced to endure the Ebola epidemic in this country without  this overbearing government doing everything possible to protect the people?

The simple answer is that Americans must die and live in a declining economy to bring to pass the new world order envisioned by the liberal progressive.  Is this what you vote for on election day?

Landers, Ca

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


The American political system is dying because the people have become the peons of modern politics.  As the peon toils in obscurity and has no access to a better life, the lone voter has no real choice on election day because the ruling political class and their government funded workers hog the ballots.  Once elected, the political class only grants access and the ear of influence to the ching, ching, of the cash register.   The American electorate is then divided up into a shell game of voter constituencies to be pandered and played off against one another to win an election.  The result is voter bondage and our state and our nation is now on life support.  California is first in this one thing, the American progressive demise.

Landers, Ca

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hillary Hype

The Democrats reduce their politics to only one criteria for the Oval Office, the next president must be female.  Forget about leadership ability, honesty, accountability and a successful track record serving the people, the next president must be a she.  Since Hillary Clinton is the only she that has any semblance of name recognition in the Democratic party, this she will be their woman in 2016.  According to the ladies, America owes her the honor because the Democrats rejected her in 2008 and this country is long overdue to elect a woman to be president.

The emotional hype is so strong that any woman will do as was the case in 2008 when the hype was any black man will do, newspaper press don’t ask anything else of him, how has that worked out America?

Landers, Ca

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Voice

There is a yearning in the heart of every human being who has confronted mortality, a yearning to somehow touch a reality that is bigger than the mundane survival existence that consumes our days.   For most of us that reality has a name, God.  For those who are aware of their yearning for such a realty, we have neither the time nor the space to argue the plausibility of God, He just is.  The disbeliever is a mere annoying blimp on God’s radar who is destined for eventually surrender.  Our yearning is matched in biblical history as well as in human history by those sparse moments when the voice of God somehow touches a human heart.

Every religion in the world, without exception, began with one man hearing the voice of God.  Also, in every case, without exception, that man or his succeeding generations turned the voice of God into a human religion in an attempt to explain, interpret and thereby control the people.  The religions of the world are as different as the men who first heard the voice and as different as the environment in which God spoke.  Since my exposure to the religions of the world is limited, this word is about the Bible and the Judeo Christian religion both of whom have been entangled in four thousand years of human history.

Entangled is the appropriate word because at this hour we have hundreds of Judeo Christian religions, all of whom demand their uniqueness from the Bible.  The splintering of the Christian religion is rooted in the prevailing opinion and biblical methodology that uses the Bible as a God given religious textbook.  This purview is so fundamental that it is accepted by almost all adherents of the faith, no red flags go up and no questions are asked.   The Bible is presented every Sunday as the authority behind the words of the sermon and justification for every unique dogmatism.  The question that is not asked but should be asked is whether God preserved and protected these words for a religious purpose?  Is God really about religion, any religion?

A religion is always a top down experience with the greatest authority lodged at the very top.  The splintering of the Christian churches, particularly in the last 500 years does not change this top down dynamic.  The splintered group only changes the top and again assumes all the biblical authority of the group from which it sprang.  Every Christian religious structure operates day to day in this manner and they all claim that Jesus is the model.  This is a fraudulent assumption because Jesus was not a founder of a religion but one who shared in an atmosphere of total freedom the voice of God.  Jesus did not rule as the church rules, he treated others as God treats each one of us for he assumed all others to be a more worthy receptacle than himself to hear the voice.  Jesus was so unwilling to bend to religion that he was willing to be judged by it and killed by it.

Satan did not do the deed, the Romans did not do the deed, the Jews did not do the deed, the religion of the Jews did the deed with the same kind of top down authority that rules every group of the splintered Christian Church.  If we can place our heads and hearts into the life of Jesus, walk as he walked, think as he thought, we would know that this man was not a top down religion builder but one who wished to share and introduce the God of the galaxies to whomever would listen.  Whether on a Judean hillside or by a Samaritan well, there were those who were eager to listen.  There were and now are no qualifications only a willingness to listen for the voice, it may be today or it may be tomorrow but the Voice will sound.

Landers, Ca



Friday, September 19, 2014

The Gun

Divine intervention seemingly lead me to stumbled across 1990 Gibralter Road on the website Zillow, May of 2012. So many things came together in these days that this landing strip just seemed to be waiting and it was an affordable retirement home.  The rebuilt 2 bedroom, 1 ¾ bath bungalow with a large detached garage on 2 ½ acres of desert is perfect.  There are majestic Joshua trees for and aft of the house, a large Eucalyptus tree and a pepper tree in the backyard.  All of this abundance for less than it would cost to rent a one bedroom apartment almost everywhere else in California.
My dogs and I take hikes on our sandy roads while trying not to explore exactly the same route twice.  From my front porch I can watch the sun peek above Goat Mountain and then slip beneath the San Bernardino Mountains each evening.  The night is the most spectacular event of the day with the light show above and the darkness that surrounds our little world.  The  barking dogs in the neighborhood give us the security necessary to avoid those nasty street lights of the civilized world.  We have said good bye to that world in exchange for the wild, wild, west character of our small community.    

The good fortune that we enjoy in Landers is being threatened again by our politicians.  The legislature has passed AB 1014 and it sits on the governors desk awaiting his signature by September 30.  This legislation is an addition to present gun law and is called  “the gun violence restraining order”.  Anyone would be able to report to the police any legal gun owner that they deemed a danger to themselves or to others.  A judge, without evidence, a hearing, representing attorneys or a trial, can order the police to remove the legal gun, or guns, from the possession of the legal gun owner for up to a year and the removal can be renewed indefinitely.  This “hear say” persecution of the gun owner is a clear violation of the Second Amendment given to us by the U.S. Constitution and every legal gun owner is at risk of being harassed by such an order.

Everyone in Landers has a gun including the elderly ladies.  A gun is the last means of home defense when an emergency call to the sheriff means a thirty minute response time.  How long does it take to break in the front door?  We are not a wealthy community which is regularly subjected to this type of crime but we have our crime risks and having a gun in the house is a deterrent.  Our politicians are not at all concerned about the safety of you and I, only how they can score a few public relation points by doing something even if that something is boneheaded.

Our legislature is reacting to the killings in Isla Vista, California in May of this year.  While the weapons of Elliot Rodgers were registered and legal they were also recently purchased.  Mr. Rodgers was a 22 year old student who experienced a schizophrenic break with reality killing six and wounding 13.  No one saw this coming, not his family and he got close enough to kill his first three victims, his roommates, with a knife.  This mental disorder occurs most regularly with young men at this age but not in the general population.  Would it not be a more sane public policy to delay legal gun sales to men in this age group than to over regulate the vast majority of gun owners?  

Every legal gun owner in California should be on the phone now to express your displeasure with this new regulation, Governor Brown please do not sign AB 1014.  The Governor can be reached at 916-445-2841 or fax 916-558-3160.  Thank you.



Here we go again doing stupid stuff.  ISSIL is a Muslim extremist group the likes of which the world has not seen for hundreds of years, if ever.  Stupidly the peaceniks refuse to accept the world as it is with all the ugliness that we humans carry with us.  Somehow they doggedly cling to the assumption that all of humankind is essentially good and that condemnation of anyone is condemnation of all.  If we refuse to overreact, as the peacenik believes, the violent extremist will eventually understand their error and join the community of civilized humanity.  Be cool America, confrontation with ISSIL will only energize the violent and demean our civility.  If you believe this, stupid is the word.

The stupidity does not stop with the peaceniks for there are still those who believe that violent Islamic religious extremism can be destroyed.  The destruction language is a broken record.  The religion of Allah has been about world conquest for over a thousand years yet we in the twenty first century arrogantly believe we can destroy extremism?  Have we not gone to war for the last thirteen years to destroy Islamic extremism?  How has that worked out?  They are back with more violence than any civilized person can imagine.  Instead of advocating for the destruction of Islamic extremism we should be asking what are we doing wrong?    

O.K., what are we doing wrong?  We are not fighting smart and if the truth were told we are being damn stupid.  There are so many world leaders who can only manage to use the fear of the extremist as a political tool to divide.  We must do better than this for the threat will not go away, they win or we will thrive in the long term in spit of the threat of Islamic extremism.  Most importantly, we must thrive together and by that unity attract all the peoples of the world to a sane Godly treatment of one another. This can only happen in the world order if it is first happening at home, in our kitchens, our governmental policies and our courts.

Are we now, circa 2014, a country of equal opportunity and dignity for all?  Combating extremism begins with our willingness to combat our own selfishness.  Now is that not a long term project?          

Landers, Ca

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


There is no place for the young man in our new America.  Our public teacher job programs do a lousy job of educating the young man and if they do graduate they will have a limited education, no sense of the great history of this country and no hope that there is an opportunity for them to make a positive contribution.  All of us need that feeling in our soul, that feeling that we matter in the search for the greater good and to each other.  How can the young man even think about a family in the traditional sense when there are no respectable jobs, no means of earning a way in this life and no sense that America is their home.  What are the options?  Where can he fit in?  There is little opportunity besides partying, weed, drugs, crime and jail, the last form of public assistance.

What do our politicians do?  They force the manufacturing jobs overseas with burdensome taxes and regulations. Then they import uneducated and unskilled labor from anywhere in the world to compete for the low wage jobs that do remain.  Why are these illegals more important than American citizens?  No longer are there those traditional stepping stone jobs for the young, those low wage jobs that if the worker applies himself, flipping burgers will lead to a better job and a more secure future.  Not everyone is suited for a college education and few can afford today's outrageous costs involved. You tell me, what is the young man to do?

The nay sayers will point to those young men who have made a place for themselves despite the odds but in complimenting the few the vast majority are somehow trashed.  The plight of the young man is a case study in social Darwinism, if you have the right breaks in this society, you will survive.  What happens to the vast majority of young men who have no education, no family, and no friendly connections to any societal opportunity.  They may just go join ISIS or a like minded terrorist organization to vent their anger.  That anger, the anger of the American young man is justified.  

Our politicians are getting filthy rich in Washington and our federal, state and local government jobs are given regular pay raises, their jobs are secure regardless of performance and they are permanent.  The stock market investor with their IRA's, hedge funds and trading accounts are enjoying the government funded boom years.  Instead of glorying in their success, these selfish takers should hang their heads in shame, they are killing our kids and that is acceptable to them as long as the kids are not their own.

All of America should be ashamed of this trashing of America deceitfully labeled as an economic recovery.

Landers, Ca      

Monday, September 1, 2014

Water Panic

California is going into panic mode for a lack of water.  The current three year drought is the third worst in over 100 years of California history and we all must be concerned.  The bad news is that the water shortage has reached critical mass and Governor Brown is correct to sound the alert by enforcing prudent conservation practices.  The fact that California is water fragile is no surprise, our history has had cycles of conflict with the water poor taking from the water rich to ensure water solvency for the large metropolitan populations.  This drought is different, this drought is first of all about the rapidly wilting central valley agricultural economy that is making conservation practices necessary in our large water districts.  (120)

The good news is that every recurring water crisis is a cyclical event, as is the weather.  This crisis will resolve with the good fortune of rain or the state will implode to limp along into an uncertain future.  The weather will change at some point and some weather outlets are forecasting that this may be an exceptional El Nino year.  Because we have been here before, we the people must not panic by enacting self imposed bad policy, policy that only reduces the anxiety of our situation without resolving the crisis.   (92)

Almost all of our politicians in Sacramento have united to put a  7.545 billion dollar bond issue on the November ballot for a vote by the people, claiming that it will resolve the water crisis.  It is a thirty year bond or loan that will be paid off from tax revenues from the general fund estimated to cost all of us over $500 million dollars a year, let me repeat, for thirty years.  Autumn Carter in the June 11 issue of California Common Sense, points out that the yearly revenue instability of California is a result of our state’s tax structure which is based on personal income.  Revenue is up the last few years only because of stock market profits and no one believes this revenue stream will last thirty years.  What if there is no rain in the next few years and the state experiences a decided and tragic downturn, what if more and more of our wealthy taxpayers move out of state because of liberal tax politics, who will make those 500 million dollars mortgage payments?  (176)

The bond issue is a wise commitment and sacrifice if it actually solves the water crisis.  Every voter, before the vote, should take a quick glance at the high points of the bond issue and ask themselves if this bond issue is a resolution of our crisis or an anxiety fix?  It seems to be the opinion of everyone that this bond will not make this water shortage go away, nor will it greatly improve our long range water availability.  How do we know?  We know by the silence of our politicians and their water people who, to date, will not defend the bond issue against criticism.  The silence is because the various water entities, special districts large and small, are afraid of offending their political enablers.  It is in their best interest to go along to get along.  (130)

Very simply the bond provides $2.7 billions for the construction of two reservoirs to service the central valley.  These are worthy projects but they will not be in service for ten years and are subject to the inevitable cost overruns.   Why should all Californians pay for these reservoirs that will only service the central valley and the agrarian economy?  Also, there are other multibillion dollar water construction projects that will be left blowing in the wind.  The remaining 4.85 billion dollars could become a huge slush fund to be distributed by politicians to benefit their political sympathizers.  To whom the billions are directed will be a decision made in Sacramento regardless of what the general plan may say, shall we again trust our politicians?  (118)

The answer is no on the bond issue.  (9)

Landers, Ca

Thursday, August 21, 2014


The Favorite Song blog is a dedication to the man who lived and died this selflessness, U.S. Journalist, James Wright Foley, God Bless.

We the people of America

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


There are those moments in life when a mulligan would seem appropriate.  On the first tee, with three anxious foursomes watching and waiting, with a big swing you hit a dribbler down the middle of the fairway at least eighty yards.  In our rule book of fair play, a mulligan, a do over is required of any respectable golfer caught in this situation.  In life most of us have made decisions, life changing decisions at pivotal moments that are worthy of such a mulligan but life rarely gives mulligans.  Because life is so ordered, the hindsight that the years force upon us make “what if” fantasies a part of our old age.  For this old man it is and was baseball.

Here we are, America in 2014 and we have been told that the threat of radical Muslim terrorism has been put behind us so we Americans can relax.  As sure as shooting, up pops ISIS.  We can trace their rise to power and attempt to assign blame but the big question remains, what will America do now?  Are we going to live in the fantasy land of denial until the killing bits us in the ass here at home?  Some of our leaders point to the polls that tell us that the American people are tired of war, tired of paying for a war and tired of sacrificing the best of us on the battle field.  These emotions from the people are real and grievously justified.

Hillary Clinton has now questioned the foreign policy of the Obama administration for a lack of guiding principles, their only foreign policy seems to be, at least in her own words, “don’t do stupid stuff”.  What she fails to mention is that as Secretary of State, “the don’t do stupid stuff” was all hers and it lead to the terrorist killing of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya.  Hillary’s responsibility in this affair does not change the fact that the Bush administration did lots of stupid stuff by going to war as it did in Iraq.  The Democrats fault President Bush for leading us into a ground war in Iraq but what they fail to mention is that many Democrats also voted for the war and President Bush at least took the war issue to Congress.  Few politicians are squeaky clean on the war..

The war was not stupid but an appropriate response to the twin towers killing of Americans.  We were attacked and we are not cowards.  Why Iraq?  We can second guess the choice but the biggest moments of human history have happened in this land.  The stupid part is how we fought the war and the stupid assumptions that made the war so costly.  The first incorrect assumption was that the occupation would be a short term venture that could be effectively managed from half way around the world.  The second assumption was that a taste of democracy would be embraced by cultures who had been killing each other for a thousand years. Finally, we assumed that the gifting of blood and treasure would instill loyalty and respect for we the American benefactors.    

Understanding the many failures of the past, what about ISIS?  They just beheaded a journalist for the world to see, they have murdered thousands Christians and are on the march to Baghdad.  We were not cowards in 2001, are we cowards now, can this Muslim religious menace be managed or must it be sanitized from the face of the earth?  The vacuum we have created by leaving the mid-east has left our friends Jordan, Turkey and Israel vulnerable.  There will be no mercy.  Strategically, our presence in Iraq for the long term will bring stability and be a buffer against Iran.  America .....it is time for an Iraqi mulligan, ISIS has called us out and we have no choice but to fight smart this time.  Fighting smart might look something like this:

1. Insist on a twenty to thirty year status of forces agreement with the government of Iraq.  2. All oil revenues are to be distributed through our consulate with a large percentage of these revenues to be repatriated to America.  3.  Forge a new alliance of  countries in and out of the Arab world to help pay the cost of the war and our safety zone.  4.  Establish a protectorate around the largest airbase in the country for the air campaign against ISIS and the training of Iraqi troops.  5. Direct combat against ISIS would involve some American boots on the ground but the Iraqi army must carry the fight.  6.  The Iraqi government will continue with their democratic experiment but with an advisory role on national security matters.

Will the above principles work?  If these conditions are rejected by Iraq, then we are not responsible for the future of the country.  That is their choice but we will not be made fools of again.

Landers, Ca

Sunday, August 17, 2014


The Democrats are scared and stupid, they are scared of Texas Governor Rick Perry and they are stupid to pull the politically motivated indictment against the Governor.  The Democrats will rue the day gutter politics targeted Governor Perry.  With his stand against the border criminals, inside and outside of America and in Washington D.C., Governor Perry now becomes America’s best chance for a free growing future.  Texas has demonstrated economic success with conservative actions that are in stark contrast to all the failed liberal progressive tax and spend Democratic state political systems.  The choice will be obvious for the American voter in 2016….. growth and jobs or the Democrats who will comfort you on the couch as you smoke your weed.

Landers, Ca  

Saturday, August 16, 2014


The modern black mindset exploited by the progressive political left would turn the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.into a racist.  Does the modern black mindset judge a man by his or her quality of character or by the color of his or her skin?  From the top down the black mindset says that because I am a black man, America owes me.  Any criticism of the president's policies must be because the man is black and everyone else is racist, really?  The silence is defining.

Landers, Ca

Friday, August 1, 2014

Favorite Song

“The Impossible Dream”
from  Man of La Mancha, (1972)

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go

To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are to weary
To reach the unreachable star

This my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far

To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into hell
For a heavenly cause

And I know if I’ll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I’m laid to my rest

And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scares
Still strove with his last once of courage
To reach the unreachable star

America could be America again if just a few of us lived this selflessness.  California could be California again if just a few of us lived this selflessness.  The selfishness of the people has destroyed every successful country in history.  America is liable for the same end but are we not surprised that the threat is now!  Let just a few of us sing this song along with that great Marine, Gomer Pyle!

Landers, Ca

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Children

July 31, 2014

1990 Gibralter Rd.
Landers, Ca. 92285

Dear Congressman Paul Cook

As the Congressman representing the people of Landers, California, you are my go to guy in the federal government.  Please answer this question, does the federal government have plans to place illegal South American children in your district?  I suspect the government will spring this liability upon our neighborhoods at any moment while a few turncoats will reap a short term payoff.  It is politics by bribery.

It will be the property taxpayers we will become the long term deep pockets for these children when the federal government is dumping this responsibility upon us without our consent or knowledge.   This action by the federal government stinks!

How do you see it and what can you or we do about it?  Please respond in writing or e-mail.

G. Goslaw
Landers, Ca

Friday, July 25, 2014

Political Animal

Barrack Hussein Obama is only a political animal.  We Americans thought we knew who he was or at least hoped we knew who he was but after six years he has progressively removed the layers of deception from his persona exposing the heart of Barrack.  We have tried to understand him based upon the markers left by past presidents but these efforts have proven futile for he is a president like no other, he does not act for the American people, he is not a defender of Christians, he gives the Muslim world free reign, he ignores the interests of the black man and he considers every white man a racist.  He is only a political animal.  The extreme far left political agenda to which Barrack is enslaved rules the White House and they are very good at the game of politics.  The actions the president does take are those that advance his redesign of America by giving taxpayer dollars and influence to our entrenched national takers, the welfare community, the abortion community and the open borders community.

These actions, whether by phone or the pen of executive action, are the limit of his leadership.  In his heart, the entanglements of foreign policy are a bother so that American interests are easily given away by treaty. The many chaotic threats in the world are dismissed by surrendering to the forces that cause the trouble.
President Obama will not confront evil whether it is nuclear armament in Iran, proposed missile defense in Poland, shooting down of a passenger airliner by a Russian missile, chemical weapons used on civilians in Syria, terrorist expansion into Iraq, the genocide against Christians by radical Muslims or a barrage of missiles raining down on Israel from Gaza, etc., etc.  Confronting evil requires energy from the Commander in Chief and he apparently has no energy or prudent actions.  The chaos in the world is not on his radar because the redesign of America is more important to President Obama than extending American moral authority.  One might wonder if he believes America is morally capable or that that purview is in his job description.  

If you or I can help further his political redesign agenda, he will share a beer with you but if you stand in his way, he will marshal all the power of his government to destroy everybody and everything.  There are no rules, no crimes to be avoided, no constitution and no truth, only his political agenda.  Our president only has time and energy for fundraising for the next election proving his single minded priority.  The man is a dangerous political animal, as dangerous as any homicidal or suicidal terrorist because the lives of the American people are left exposed to the evil elements in the world.  Congresswomen Lee, we are ashamed of our black political animal in the White House who acts on animal political instinct not the moral interest of all the people of America. .


Thursday, July 24, 2014


Water is a precious resource that is much talked about these days in California.  With this resource being stretched statewide and with many of our communities facing mandated changes, the customers of Bighorn Desert View Water Agency remain relaxed.  We have only to turn on the tap and clean clear water is pumped from the reservoir beneath our feet and efficiently distributed to our homes.  The Board of Directors and our General Manager, Mrs. West, have fought very hard to maintain superior levels of service to every bdvwa customer.  The system is in good shape with improvements carefully mapped out for the future. The budgeting and cost controls employed at the local level have enabled our water agency to service their customers without a rate increase since 2008.  The residents of  Flamingo Heights, Johnson Valley and Landers are blessed to be able to take their water for granted.

In the last year the normal routine of bdvwa was interrupted by requests from the customers of the county run W1 system to join with our agency.  These folk are our neighbors, they pump their water from the same source as we do but county long distance management has resulted in higher rates with rate projections to go even higher in the near future.  One might ask, why?  Asking for some financial accountability from county officials is met with only blank stares and the unspoken accusation that Bighorn Desert View Water Agency is not operating in the best long range interest of the customer.  This groundless slander is typical big government excuse making for their own mismanagement and reckless spending.

Please forgive the pun but the grass is really greener at Bighorn Desert View Water Agency.

From the sand box

Thursday, July 17, 2014


So what is it going to take?  How about the shooting down of a civilian airliner from 35,000 feet killing 295 men, women and children?  Our president calls this deliberate act of war a tragedy. Really, an unavoidable tragedy?  Does that mean if your intention is to kill a plane load of Ukrainians and the Russian missile goes astray and collides with a civilian airliner, that is O. K.?  Does that mean that since the Russian inspired rebels lacked sufficient training to fire off this complex missile system, they and the Russians are not responsible?  Is it all a tragic accident?  Really?

Our President calculates that maybe there were only 3 Americans on the Malaysian flight falling at 120 mph for at least three long minutes to the Ukrainian tundra.  Wait, maybe there were only four dead Americans as was the case in Benghazi?  Are we playing Russian roulette with American lives?  What is the magic number Mr. President?  How many have to die at the direction of Comrade Putin and his hired terrorists?  Can Hussein Obama be moved to action by any number of dead Americans, how many will get your attention Mr. President?  By some estimates the number is more like 20 dead Americans on that  Malaysian airliner, how do these lives compute Mr. fundraiser in chief?

When is our President going to say no more dead Americans?   When is he going to stand up like President Kennedy did against the Russians in the Cuban Missile crisis?  When is he going to stand up against the Russians like President Reagan did at the Berlin Wall?  Every time our president hides from or conspires with the Putin bully, a bigger bombshell is just around the corner.  We the people are tired of war but we are more tired of being pushed around by the terrorist bullies of this world.  No matter what happens, a man,a women or a boy must stand up against a bully, win, lose or draw.
Your move Mr. President!

From the sand box  

Sunday, July 13, 2014


The editorial staff of the Hi Desert star claims that editorial cartoons do not represent the views of your newspaper.  As a short term resident of Landers and new subscriber to your newspaper, I would like to believe you.  Your argument is not unlike every other newspaper that cowardly hides liberal racist and anti-Semitic bullying behind such disclaimers.  The cartoon in question is in the Saturday, July 12, 2014 issue of the Hi-Desert Star, a cartoon by Mike Luckovich.

What is with the cliff?  Are the Jewish people not entitled or deserving of self defense?  Are they obligated to accept the rein of rocket terror from Gaza as a condition of U.S. aid?  The Jewish government will defend it’s people regardless of the cost or any supposed cliff, that kind of government ought to be respected by all fair minded newspapers.  The principle would be respected by we the people if our government was so moved.

The question can only be answered over time, do you also print cartoons that speak the truth?   As a newspaper, do you present the whole story?  I shall be watching.

From the Sandbox

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Roundup

The Hussein Democrats are setting themselves up for citizen payback.  So you think open borders are to your political advantage, think again.  What happens when you no longer have the power?  Could it be that is why you are scared and fear losing power?  You are desperate and have told lie after lie, trampled on every American law or tradition in order to stay on top.  There is nothing about america that is sacred, nothing about our history that is to be respected.  Will the citizens of America stay dumb?  You do hope that to be the case.

Some of we citizens of America have had enough, it is time for a citizen taxpayer revolt.  No more property taxes to support illegals, whether a man, a women or a child.  If you are in this country illegally, man women or child, you will be rounded up, all 15 to 20 million criminals and get an all expenses paid trip home.  The border will be secured with alligators in the Rio Grand.  Every country that sends it's people north will be cut off from all American good will and money.  One day soon, this will happen, no matter the cost. We will defend our country from our treasonous president, his political enablers of both parties and the Hispanic invasion.  What ever it takes, this is about survival!

Landers, Ca

Sunday, July 6, 2014

FLT 370....again

The 777 turned off the transponder, turned left and began a climbing zigzag pattern with no running lights, completely in the dark.  The pilot was looking for another aircraft before heading west, probably another  regularly scheduled aircraft who knew nothing about the 777.  Upon sighting the lights of the westbound plane, the pilot of the 777 entered a dive to approach from the rear and ride on the coattails of this plane all the way to Pakistan or Iran.  The Indian radar would never have been able to detect the 777.  Truly a risky and fun move by the pilot of the 777 but it may account for most of the reports to date.

At this hour the Australian Prime Minister has alerted us to possible aircraft debris off their west coast.  Really, we have previously investigated an erroneous satellite sighting by the Chinese just a week ago?  Just when the knowledgeable opinions were gathering for a Pakistani or Iranian hijacking, we are distracted in the opposite direction.  Our timid politics would really like this debris to be the 777, they would breath easier if all these people were dead.  If the debris is FLT 370 and suicide by pilot can be proven, there would be no need for a rescue and a confrontation with dangerous paranoid nations.  It sounds like peace but at what price?

One would hope that there is a method to their madness with this distraction.

Landers, Ca.

This blog was written on March 20, 2014, a few days after the disappearance of FLT 370.  In the intervening months, the authorities has spread the search over most of the Indian Ocean following one hot lead after another.  The reoccurring leads were then and are now distractions from the probable truth as we
outlined on March 20.  No wreckage has ever been recovered, no reported sounds from the depths have proven to be the aircraft beacons.  After each hot lead and it’s resulting failure, there is another hot lead, be it Australian, American or Chinese.  Could the airliner have been gently ditched in the Indian Ocean, somewhere in the thousands of square miles of ocean?

It is still possible.  The pilot was capable enough to pull this off but was his plan to commit murder and suicide, trapped in a state of emotional distress?  After the tragedy of such persons, we discover that they gave out signals in their lives that should have alerted others to their intentions.  No such signals are apparent in the case of the pilot of FLT 370.  Indonesia and the American FBI have produced nor even intimated that the pilot lived out any signs of emotional distress.  The FBI was into his computer and there is nothing?  With each passing month the more dangerous scenario described above on March 20, becomes a more likely happening.   A happening that our government has chosen to hide by distracting us to believe the more safe scenario.

Right now you are putting these words into the conspiracy nut cubby hole.  That is what the government would like you to think.  It is much easier to discredit these words than to identify and shoot down a 777 airliner with a nuclear bomb on board before it gets to New York City.  In a curios statement on March 26, President Obama said that he was more concerned about a nuclear bomb hitting NYC than the Russian incursion into the Ukraine.  The timing of this statement is most disturbing.  The kicker for this blog is that Foxes O’Reilly took a whole program to point to the Indian Ocean scenario, practically guaranteeing that there the airliner will be found.  The guarantee was and is meaningless until some iota of evidence appears and O‘Reilly is on the hook.

Landers, Ca  

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Please allow me to be crude.  The liberal left wing, primarily single, women’s right groups who promote free access and government paid female abortion and birth control of every sort, are guilty of penis envy.  They are highly jealous, wishing and advocating for a maintenance free reproductive system.  Hey, if you would rather be a man, get a sex change, do what you want with your own body but don’t expect the rest of us to cow tail or pay for your perversion.  This new world of ObamaCare makes the rest of us, men and women, liable for your obsession.

The Democratic, so called, War on Women is really a war by the left on the American male.  There was a time when we men were valued by the ladies, a time when women were proud to be the fairer sex.  Today they would have you believe the effeminate, bungling male stereotype advanced by the media.  Today, they would have you believe that traditional sexual roles are now somehow dirty and old fashioned. The truth is that women are different, different in many wonderful ways.  Some of us still believe that not everything old fashioned is to be disrespected.  Pray that there are a majority of women who are proud to be female.

Landers, Ca

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mr. Mayor

You don’t get it, the kids being dumped upon Temecua are illegal, I say illegal!  Why is it our responsibility to take care of them?  This is a "phony" crisis orchestrated by Hussein Obama and the State Department.  It is right out of the play book of Saul Alinsky, create enough chaos, watch the status quo overreact and then blame the status quo for the chaos.  Your new America will then be open to you.

Let’s call it what it is, government sponsored terrorism to change America by force.  These criminals in government have the power right now to create the chaos but red blooded Americans are still free to say not in my house!   Where are all the politicians hiding, Governor Brown where are you?

Temecula we are proud, very of your stand!!

Landers, Ca

Thursday, June 26, 2014

to the dogs

I love dogs but Pit Bulls do not qualify.  The problem with the breed is not their aggressive character but the people who own them, so many are just irresponsible dog owners, assuming that the loyalty and affection they receive from this breed can be loosed on the community.  They, the owners, are the criminals and a real danger to others, these owners should be reviled by all, no sympathy.  I hate Pit Bulls but I hate their owners even more.  This extreme selfishness is the state of our nation in the America of 2014.

Landers, Ca

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Stand Down

When is enough, enough?  How long are we the people going to let Hussein Obama trash our military?  How long is the military going to hide in foxholes when it is under attack?  When is the officer core of each service going to stand up for their people who are being bombarded with disrespect?  Caring about your men is fundamental to military leadership.  When the job or the rank is more important than the welfare of your people, there will be no leadership and we now have none. Officers, can you live with yourself in the foxhole?  A 5 foot 6 inch black Marine drill instructor, R.J Washington, modeled that caring leadership principle for me some years ago and I regret not being man enough to pass the principle on to others.

Senior officers of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines…. Stand up by standing down!  Do your duty, Stand Down!  Retire and then go on every bully pulpit and tell the country why you made the sacrifice.  Say it out loud!  No longer will I serve a President who lies and deserts our brothers under fire as in Bengazi.  No longer will we bleed and die for a president who will soon give the victory away to the enemy.  No longer will we trust the lies of the man who refuses to reform the Veterans Administration death trap.  No longer will I serve this weak kneed president who is comfortable being pushed around by every tyrant in the world.  No longer will I serve a president who leaves his people behind in Mexico but repatriates an antiwar deserter in exchange for five enemy officers.  No longer will I serve a president who is accountable for nothing and throws his people under the bus so that he can slink away.  Stand down my brothers, are you not a proud soldier?

Landers, Ca              

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Line in the sand

It is time to stop being nice to illegal aliens.  It is time to stop putting our heads in the sand with our asses in the air and getting fucked!  We don’t have to give all humans free medical care and a free education and free housing and a free paycheck.  Go figure, American citizens, born in this country, don’t get the free bees.  Americans have to be the stupidest people in the world and our politicians of every strip are even more brain damaged for enabling the insanity.

Landers, Ca

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Board of Directors
Bighorn Desert View Water Agency

After two years, the Goslaw household has become familiar with the desert community of Landers.  Our early fascination with the desert has not waned but increased as my dogs and I have gotten to know the people of this community.  Getting to know you, the Bighorn Desert View Water Agency has taken almost as long but with each contact I have become increasingly thankful that such good folk are in charge of our water resource.  My only experience has been with those big government operations so I had a great deal of skepticism to overcome.  Thank you Directors and the staff for your patience, you are, indeed, special.

Landers, Ca

Saturday, June 7, 2014


                                               Dead or Alive

                          $ 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000  Reward

                            All traitorous liberal progressive politicians
                          who are saving the world by killing their own
                           American citizens in order to keep power!
                                      Citizens for the American Way

                                              Landers, Ca

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


There is a moral argument for the existence of God.  Evil will be punished and goodness will be rewarded in this life and probably the next.  Why  can’t we just accept the truth of his argument?  It would seem that this is a truth that we humans were created to test as if we were lab rats.  Why do we have to prove it over and over again?  If we are honest, each of us can recognize the moral argument in our own lives for it is what we try to teach our kids, when you choose the good it will come back to you.  We humans universally know that it works and we universally, to one degree or another, put this truth to the test daily.  In effect, we are advertising the God of the galaxies by our rebellion.  God can take the credit when we do not sin and God can reap the advertising when we do, sounds like a win, win …….. for God!

Landers, Ca

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Minimum Wage

The political argument for or against a rise in the minimum wage is a smokescreen by both Democrats and Republicans.  All of our politicians are being deceptive.  This is nothing new, the political game played by our politicians is only to create excuses for accomplishing nothing good for the people.  In the case of the minimum wage, both parties will admit that it needs to be raised for this increasingly trapped workforce to participate fairly in the new America economy, the argument is over who pays for the cost of the increase.

The Democrats want the small business employer to pay for the hike in the minimum wage. Small business is not a welfare organization, the purpose of every business is to risk their own money by making an investment that hopefully will make a profit.  Profit is not a dirty word, the profit motive is the reason the American economy was the greatest in the world and the reason our country flourished.  If small business is forced to raise wages on their businesses they will have to raise prices.  The raising of prices will result in less sales which means fewer jobs in order for the employer to maintain a profit.  This is economics 101, a higher minimum wage will punish the underpaid by making some of their brothers and sisters jobless and unpaid.

The Republicans use this true evaluation of the problem to wash their hands of any responsibility to act in behalf of these people whom they also represent.  Of course, the underpaid can not and will not fund the political careers of our politicians so these profiteers do not care about the fortunes of the underpaid.  There is no motive for the politic to make a change, especially if that change will negatively impact their fund raising efforts.  The Almighty Dollar is the reason for the Republican claimed helplessness.

Is there another answer?  The best answer is to free the American economy to be what it was designed to be, a capitalistic system.  If the economy again provided the underpaid a way up the economic ladder with hard work and personal responsibility, the minimum wage job would again be a stepping stone to a better life.  Under Democratic control and the resulting new American economy, the minimum wage job is a dead end for most all of these workers no matter how hard they work. Assuming America wants to continue punishing itself with this economy, is there a possible fix?

Why don’t we try fairness?  Fairness seems to be a Democratic buzzword lately.  Why don’t our politicians find a way to have the stock market pay for these well deserved pay hikes?   The only sector of working American that has prospered in the midst of economic recession is the politically connected stock market invested Americans with their hedge funds and IRA’s.  Our government has printed trillions of new dollars which have poured into the stock market and inflated the value of these stocks and the wealth of all these investors.  It is a form of welfare for the already rich.  President Obama is the our leader giving bonuses to the rich and the Republicans sit in silence sharing in the profit.  Washington has become the richest city in the world and all of the politicians are racking in the dollars in the midst of seeming gridlock.  Purposeful gridlock is profitable for our politically connected.

How can the politicians bring fairness to the minimum wage given the new economy?  There are many possibilities but there is no political will!  Our politicians, Democrat and Republican could tax the purchase or sale of every share of stock to fund an increase in the minimum wage.  Another possibility would be for our politicians to place an additional tax on yearly stock market invested income.  A combination of tax credits and tax funded supports could make the life of the underpaid better.  Any solution along these lines is impossible for either political party for the rich stock market folk fund their politics.  The calls for fairness are camouflage to hide their money motive.  Short of a taxpayer funded political system, America is finished as an economic power, we are going the way of Rome. Surprise, surprise!

Landers, Ca