Thursday, December 31, 2015

What is that dirty little word?

The conversation in America is avoiding a dirty little word.  At least one would expect it to be a dirty little word because it has disappeared from our vocabulary.  It has six letters so it is small like a dirty little word but this word can be expressed in polite company, in academic circles or when children are present.  The word is in the dictionary but most Americans under the age of forty probably do not know what it means.  You see, there is one problem with this word and the reason it is not used in America, the dirty little word is not politically correct.

All of our politicians for forty years have been silenced fearful to even mention this dirty little word for to some just speaking the word is akin to a treasonous act.  The vested interests roll out all the hyped up labels like isolationist or protectionist in order to shut down the slightest mention of this word.  No politician could withstand the assault that would come against them should they buck the vested interests.  As a result, the dirty little word is not talked about, ever, not by just plain folk, our politicians or a single media outlet.  We voters need to start talking and asking questions about that dirty little word, tariff.

The American people have been duped so long that most of us do not know what the word tariff means.  The Webster definition is “a list or system of taxes placed by a government upon exports and/ or imports.”  This simple definition is the way that all countries have operated for, perhaps, thousands of years.  Tariffs were and now are imposed to protect the national interest as defined by each government.  That is the rub, our politicians in America have confused the national interest with their own money interest which to them is more important than jobs for the people.  Our politicians fund their costly politics and their sometimes costly lifestyle by playing along with the vested interests opposing tariff taxes.  Their silence has been too easily gained.

The political mantra and rallying point against American tariffs is the often verbalized phase, free trade.  Democrats and Republicans have been united in their support of free trade for the last forty years, be it the Bushes or the Clintons.  I ask, what has it gotten the average American?  Personal income for the last forty years has flat lined while it has gotten more and more difficult to pay living expenses because of government intrusion into our lives.  The multitude of trade deals put in place by our politicians has depleted the middle class and forced millions of American on government assistance. We tell our kids the truth, nothing is free in life, somebody pays.  

The medium income in America is around $40,000, I ask, who can raise a family of four on that income anywhere in America but especially in California?  The answer is that it is not possible, you either have a high paying government approved and supported job or you experience the tragedy of being on the government dole.  There are few winners, the relatively rich are getting richer and the relatively poor are getting poorer, the middle class, the historical strength of this nation, is fading away.  Am I exaggerating our predicament?  Just ask the supporters of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump about the new normal America.  The people are not happy and they are angry. 

Mr. Sanders and Mr. Trump are the only presidential candidates railing against the American vested interests who have purchased the demise of the middle class.  Who are the free trade political operatives?  You guessed it, the Wall Street charlatans and their big business cronies with their stock market profits.  You know, the ones who gave us the financial collapse and then had their hands out so our politicians could bail them out.  Our politicians obeyed on cue with taxpayer money.  That was only half of their plan, they also wanted cheap money to feed the stock market and thanks to the Obama administration cheap money they got.

How long is America going to tolerate this injustice?   Hopefully not long if we, the voters, remember that dirty little word.  I will even say please.
Landers, CA.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

How do the people figure into politics, circa 2016?

Ever since the computer came around I have resisted and let the younger generations show me up.  Finally, I have forced myself to explore the unknown.  It may be because retirement is sometimes a bit boring or that a small slice of self-respect has at last risen to the surface, anyway, I took a course in Microsoft Office at the Copper Mountain Community College this past semester.  During all of the semester I felt like a duck out of water but everyone was extremely patient and supportive of this newbie.  It has been a very long time since I sat in a class room.

The experience informed me most about the quality of the young people attending the college, these are serious folk who value the opportunity that the college offers.  Looking back over the years I wish that I had taken life and learning as seriously as these kids.  Professor Boyer-Whitehurst assigned a Power Point project for each of us to present to the class, asking that we choose a subject that we were passionate about.  Doing as I was instructed, I prepared a presentation entitled, “Our Broken Economy”.  The point that I was trying to make was that the economy is a reflection of our politics but I was not aware that politics is sort of taboo conversation around campus.

Our politicians have always had their grubby hands in the economy but this new American economy has become politicized beyond all recognition over the last fifty years.  It was my hope that through the presentation I could convey to this new coming of age generation, the implications that our current economic environment was about to impose upon their lives.  Of course, they know the difficulties before them.  One of the ladies in the class almost yelled out during the presentation, “what can we do about it?”  I was so stretched trying to get the presentation fit into the allotted five minutes, there was no time to address the question but a class discussion was in order.

The simple truth is that our American economy is owned by corporate business folk through their lobbyists and politicians in Washington D.C.  As never before, both political parties have been hooked by the dollars flowing from big business in order to control the political agenda.  What do they want?  Simply stated, they want cheap labor and cheap money.  Our politicians have coughed them up to get elected and then cashed in, ignoring the interests and needs of the people who elected them.  The word that best describes their debauchery is treason, national treason selling out America and the American ideal of upward economic mobility for all.
The Democrats are the hypocrites who have their hands out while speaking empty rhetoric about the middle class and a “living wage”.  At the same time their espoused policies cut off the legs of the working class preventing upward mobility.  Policies like big spending, overseas trade deals that give away jobs and open borders immigration, all combining to further divide America into the rich and the relatively poor and getting poorer.  Hillary Clinton is the poster child for this duplicity but she has plenty of company.  President O’Bama is the grand poohbah of hypocrites.   His policies distract the people by dividing the electorate with racial animus while he opens the floodgate of cheap labor through both legal and illegal immigration.   I know how big his library will be, it will be befitting his royal status.
The Republicans are the worst offenders of the people.  They taut capitalistic ideals and a free economy as an excuse to give American jobs away overseas and to give tacit approval to the same immigration policies of the Democrats.  More importantly, the GOP only advances candidates for president that will give due deference to their big business donors.  The people have caught on to their deceit and this accounts for the popularity of “The Donald”, who is the only Republican candidate bucking the establishment GOP scheme.  America will conclude that Mr. Trump is the only real alternative to politics as usual.  Will he be any different if elected president, who knows?  At least he is talking the right game now.

Landers, Ca      


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

What are the people to do?

Everybody’s cousin is commenting on the Republican Debate so here goes.  The prospect of terrorism upon America took center stage Tuesday evening magnified in the wake of the massacres in both Paris and San Bernardino, California, USA.  Americans can no longer hide behind the “it won’t happen here” attitude engineered by the politics of Barack Obama.  Those chickens have flown the coup and the people are left vulnerable, exposed to Islamic terrorism by the political correctness of the one person charged with the responsibility of protecting the American people.  Yes, the failed one is our homeless president.

The American people have landed in the soup of terrorism that we all would rather ignore.  Can’t do, we no longer can hide as if the 14 deaths and 30 wounded in San Bernardino are acceptable losses, as if they don’t matter.  All lives matter except the Jihadies.  The families and friends of those two should be prosecuted to the full extent of our laws and then sent packing to distant shores where they will surely find life more accommodating.  Gitmo would be a suitable situation.  How did our politicians arrive at the conclusion that America has to house all the bad guys in the world?

This tirade could go on and on but let me tell you what really ticks me off, comments such as those by Governor Christy at the debate when he said the people of America are scared as a result of Islamic terrorism.  Scared, really?  Our politicians do not know the people they are seeking to represent, scared?  The American people are angry, we have been insulted by pathetic human beings and our politicians portray us as huddled together like a group of nesting penguins in the Antarctic winds.  We Americans are angry, enraged and pissed off at the terrorists and our slippery politicians.

The gutless Democrats should be worried about the guns flying off the shelves of the gun shops because it says that we, the people, have awakened to the reality that the government will not defend our honor, they will not defend our borders or our lives, therefore, we must defend ourselves.

Landers, CA   

Monday, December 7, 2015

Political Correctness

Political correctness in the face of terror threats is a fool’s mission!

Radical Islamic Terrorism has struck San Bernardino County.  This Monday morning the Board of Supervisors trotted out to address the carnage that occurred on their watch last Wednesday.  There were expressions of sympathy for the families of the victims and deserved praise for the community first responders who gave assistance to the victims.  All of this is well and good but there was no semblance of accountability.  Was the attack so unexpected that no one except the terrorist couple be held responsible for the deaths of our neighbors?  Was it not possible to see this coming?  Have we not been warned? 

Please allow me to place the blame for our national inaction in the face of real danger at a few doorsteps.  The terrorist threats have not been taken seriously because they have been buried in the president’s political correctness agenda.  This agenda has not only filtered through our national government but every state government that is controlled by Democrats.  The agenda says we must not take action to protect the country from radical Islam because we must not offend the American Muslim.  Fourteen Americans died in San Bernardino, thousands have died over the last twenty years, how many more Americans have to die before we hold the Muslim religion accountable?

Islam is the only religion that kills or ever has killed in the name of their God in order to advance their religion among the peoples of the world.  Islam is all about political control whether through peaceful manipulation or violent killings or outright war.  Until America accepts the fact that this militarism is at the core of this religion, we infidels will never be safe.  No appropriate national action to respond to the violent threats will ever be advanced by our Democratic power structure.  No action is not an excuse for possible overreaction.  Nation building in Iraq was an overreaction but no action is suicidal.  Appropriate measures must be taken even when our American Muslim citizens are offended.  If they will not fix their religion, they are accountable.

This opinion will be submitted to the Hi Desert Star newspaper in Yucca Valley California.  Their editor says that they have a corporate policy not to publish opinion that criticizes a particular religion and they have rejected a number of similar opinions. You will have to read this on my blog.  As for their corporate policy, it is rooted in the same political correctness that is enabling the terrorists to kill Americans and the newspaper also makes themselves accountable for the bloodshed.

Indeed, it is a difficult time to be a liberal Democrat, no?

Landers, Ca

Thursday, November 19, 2015

An Opinion

(Is the Muslim religion a threat to America?)

America is asleep at the wheel.  Have you ever been asleep at the wheel?  When did you wake up?  Were you alerted by the bumps along the edge of the road or did you only wake up when recovery was no longer possible?  If so, despite your foolishness, you survived but you risked your life and the lives of others.  Will this country, America, the country that each of us is blessed to inhabit, be so fortunate?  Please allow me to speak one opinion.

Our America will not survive the threat of radical Islam unless we wake up to the danger posed by this religion.  The threat is real, radical Islam is not a passing religious ideology to be managed until it loses influence in our world.  Radical Islam is a very old world order that has been fighting for world domination for 14 centuries.  The ideology will always remain in the hearts of it’s faithful, it will not modify the goal of world domination, it only adapts to current circumstances in the short term.  The goal is religious, it is social, it is ethical, it is militaristic and it is primarily about political control.

Radical Islam is not just another religion like all the others. This assumption is the primary reason for our lethargy, this religion preaches the control of every person and every facet of the lives of the living.  The concept of freedom, personal or corporate, is to be wiped from the dictionary and the daily lives of everyone in their expanding world order.  There is no freedom under radical Islam, it only makes exceptions for horny men and the religious elites.  Is this the new America that our political leaders, under President Obama, wish to bring upon the people?

If so, he and they are doing an excellent job of turning out the lights so the American public can remain in the dark and asleep.  The refusal of our president to call the threat by name, Radical Islam, is a case in point.  The argument made by politicians and Islam sympathizers is that we must protect the good Muslims. This is a noble goal but we must assume that there are few good Muslims because we don’t hear from them.  When these terrorist atrocities are perpetrated by Muslims believers, the so called good Muslims are either hiding or asleep like the rest of us.

There have been visible Muslim believers who have spoken up on certain occasions and who respect the notion of freedom for all, men like Muhammad Ali and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.  The regular Muslim community, however, is silent or asleep.  A few Muslim organizations seeking to change the religion do speak up but no Muslim religious leader has ever or will ever utter a single word against Radical Islam no matter how many people are slaughtered.

The question must also be asked, even in our drowsy state, why are the Mullahs silent?  Please, let me repeat the question, why are the Mullahs and the Mosques silent about their brothers who commit mass murder of those who cannot defend themselves and bomb airliners?  Most of us were taught at a very early age that 2 + 2 = 4, the answer to the question about the silence of the Mullahs is just as simple.
Could it be that the religion itself is inherently a terrorist organization that insists, one way or another, upon world domination?   Dah….

G. Goslaw
 Landers, Ca

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

How Far !!!

Hillary Clinton has to win the presidency or go to jail.  Those are the only options in her future.  If she becomes president she will only be a mouthpiece for Obama who has control of the evidence that proves she mishandled secret documents.  This is the deal she is striking right now. 

That is not what we need, another Obama presidency in absentia.  The Obama remake of America can then continue but if the Republican candidate wins, it means prosecution and prison. 

Our America stinks, how can anyone vote for a Democrat?

Landers, Ca.


Friday, October 9, 2015


Mom died Monday night.  The circumstances of this death are not what most needs to be told.  I am not glad that she is gone but this family drama has long needed to have a page turned.  Mom and Dad entered this world at the beginning of the last century, coming under the influence of a newly birthed Protestant denomination that, with other denominations, reacted against the closed religiosity of that day.  These new denominations emphasized the work of the Holy Spirit, bringing God down to men "to set the captives free” (Luke 4:18).  These new denominations gathered together into two movements or traditions, the holiness movement and the charismatic movement in America.

Mom and Dad lived the tenets of the holiness movement, a gathering of like believers that quickly was to become their first family.  The outer world was of little concern except as a field to be evangelized, this drama was to consume most of their energy.  Bob and Margie were very much a success among their greater family, Dad preached to the people from his heart and with a style that said my journey is your journey, this is the way to approach God.  Mom played the piano and sang the songs of the Hymnal like a soprano bird, her voice was not like all the others and carried an authority that was captivating.

They were a great ministry team for the church and the greater family, who praised and honored them their entire lives, including Mom’s 95 years on this earth.  This is and was, as it should be for they were blessed and were a blessing to thousands of people through their gifted ministry.

This also was not the entire story for they had another family, three sons.  The circumstances of one’s birth are as varied as the sands on the beach and the genes that combine to give every human being an individuality, a uniqueness, in the midst of challenge.  We all have our uniqueness as a gift from God and our challenges are just as much a gift from God but they leave us with the mostly unanswered “why” question.  Some of us appear “luckier” than others to be challenged by the lesser challenges which seem less of an influence.
The first son of Bob and Margie was challenged by a difficult birth blocking oxygen to the brain that proved to be debilitating throughout his 53 years on this planet.  Why were the second and third sons spared such a fate?  The answer of course, in a limited sense, is that we were not spared and that like all persons under the sun, the challenges are only different.
There is an old saying with some truth to give us, it says, “don’t speak ill of the dead”.  If the   speaking is done from a selfish bitter place, silence should rule the day but covering up the truth of a life lived robs the next generations of learning lessons, both positive and the negative life priorities of their ancestors.  As best as I understand my motivation it is to bring truth to the discussion of my departed parents.
It must be said that whatever liabilities they tolerated in their own lives, each liability was probably learned from their own parents and the circumstances of their own birth.  Also, my words are mine alone and no other family member should be held accountable for them, only me, the infamous second son.

This label is well deserved for my history is replete with doing the wrong things, at the wrong times, for the wrong reasons.  This propensity will probably remain a part of my life, even in these twilight years.  However, it has taken a life time to come to grips with where this all began.  While living it I had no clue.  The short answer is that I wanted and needed to be valued in the eyes of my father, to sit at the dinner table to talk and eat, to hear him ask, how did school go today?  One time, just once I would want to have heard him ask, what do you think about this or that, son?  You know, that small talk that says we’re in this together.  It never happened.
Being the silent compliant son did not get the attention of either of my parents so I became the rebellious black sheep of the family, messing up every real opportunity that happened my way. Looking back, this too was a failure for it produced not a single word of response, reproach or anything from my parents.  In my mind I can hear them bemoaning their son, “what he needs, only God can give.  When and if he gets saved and sanctified, then we will have our son.”  No, Mom and Dad, you needed to have had at least a friendly relationship with your children.  Your emotional life and relationships were all about the mission field but I do not remember you ever praying with your own children.  Something was amiss.
I like to think that this part of my heritage was not passed on to my children but it was the mother of our children who refused to let me be detached.  Zac and Kristin were both adopted and each struggled in their own way to know of their birth parents and each has wonderfully made that connection.  Not knowing was the issue, they considered that the “worst”.  I would like to respectfully disagree, the worst is knowing and being ignored for some greater good, that is the “worst”, to be ignored.

Thank you, blog, for giving me the opportunity to get this off my chest and turn the page, finally, hopefully, maybe.  Enough said.
      Landers, Ca.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Heeding the Way of Allah

Well, Well, Well, the American Muslim community has a voice after all.  They are upset and scrambling to speak up on every talk show that will entertain their nonsensical honor.  It has taken the words of Republican presidential primary candidate Dr. Ben Carson to get their attention.  Were they upset as their Muslim brothers were chopping off the heads of Christians?  Were they upset when their Muslim brothers dug tunnels into Israel to kill the innocent?  Were they upset when their Muslim brothers planted road bombs in Iraq that killed and maimed thousands of American soldiers?  Were they upset when their Muslim brothers flew passenger loaded airliners into the World Trade Center buildings killing over three thousand Americans?  Were they upset when their Muslim brother, Army Major Nidal Hasan, a highly educated psychiatrist, killed 13 and wounded over 30 of his defenseless Army brothers while yelling Allahu Akbar (Arabic for God is greater than any earthly authority)?

No they were not upset, the silence of the American Muslim community in the midst of these tragedies was, in every instance, deafening.  They were and are guilty of a blind allegiance to a perverted representation of God, the murderous Allah who breeds killers to further world domination.  They have feigned loyalty to America to wait patiently, infiltrating the political process, certain that someday soon, Allah will bring Muslim political dominance to America and a Muslim majority can institute Sharia Law which will make religion a perpetual president.  This is the plan, a plan that has been repeated successfully hundreds of times over the last 1400 years of human history.  There is no plan “B” in the Muslim playbook. 

So what did Dr. Carson say that has finally upset the American Muslim community?  Dr. Carson rightly questioned the fitness of a Muslim believer to be the President of the United States.  Why does this note of caution so upset the American Muslim leadership?  You got it, it is a hindrance to the Muslim plan to capture America, without a Muslim president there will be no executive orders from a dictatorial oval office.  Orders that will trash the American Constitution by instituting a system of Laws that are beyond questioning by any human being.  Without a Muslim president, the Muslim capture of America will be slowed to a crawl but Allah will ever be waiting to make the kill.  The fury of the American Muslim community is perfectly understandable if rightly understood.
America, listen and heed what is not said, more than what is said!

G.Goslaw                                                                                                                                                 Landers, Ca.                                                                                                                                                            

Monday, September 21, 2015

Hoping into the election of 2016

The political beat goes on and on to consume the energy of the voters and the primary candidates for president.  The beat is like a large bass drum carried at the back of a marching band.  The constant beat is about distracting every interested voter from the core issue of this election.  Every new news cycle gives us another marginal story that dominates the political conversation.  These stories or trumped up controversies only feed the next news cycle so that no one can talk about the elephant in the room.

While we are distracted with the latest political tid bit, the silent elephant in the room is the influence of the almighty dollar in our politics.  Them that have the dollars get taken care of by our politicians regardless of the cost to those folk who are less fortunate.  It is why the large corporations, the banks and the Wall Street entities get bailed out financially by the taxpayer, it is why the economy is so narrowly defined only by the success of the stock market.  Jobs, good jobs are not the priority of our politicians, they don’t care about the people because they are about cashing in.  Our country is in crisis mode and we the voters are stupid to let the politicians and their deep pocketed donors get away with their distraction games.

The long term cure is publicly funded national elections, every candidate would have equal funding and, therefore, they would have to live close to the people.  The short term cure is to somehow force our candidates to talk about their funding and to whom they are indebted.  The silent ones are in the bag to the almighty dollar and will never stand up for the people regardless of their blather.  There are only two politicians speaking for the people, Bernie Sanders in the Democratic race and Donald Trump, the lone voice for the people among the many Republican candidates.  Both of these candidates have their weaknesses but more importantly they are both speaking to our America as it now is.

Income inequality is a nation disgrace, the middle class is shrinking, education is about jobs and political indoctrination, American upward mobility has been severely damaged and the income gap is only getting worse.  Our politicians open our borders to everyone, further depressing wages for the working class and burdening the taxpayer with long term payouts.  The government will soon be the only employer.  Meanwhile our politicians make bad trade deals that are unfair to the American jobless, trade deals written to please their large corporate and stock market masters.  Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are the only candidates to mention these evil deals and their impact on the people who have only one hope, the election of 2016 to modify the trend.
One might ask, why are the rest of the politicians silent?  Why does the media not ask our politicians to declare themselves?  Why are the politicians and all the media content to distract us with the little things?
It’s the elephant in the room, stupid!

G. Goslaw
Landers, Ca

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Whoa, Mr. Trump?

Please explain yourself, are you pro-life or not?  Your conservative competitors accuse you of being a loose cannon whose public policies shift like the sands of the Sahara Desert.  Your latest comments in regards to Planned Parenthood may prove their point.

 The government must take care of the women, really, what does that mean?

Planned parenthood does a lot of good for women, really, what does that mean?

There is only one way for this pro-life conservative to abandon your cheering section and that is for you to abandon the pro-life message.  We all applaud your stand against illegal immigration and our politicians who give away American jobs to other countries to please the big business lobby.  These are issues of great importance to the little people of America who have been left behind by the status quo politician.  The little people are the politically powerless and they are us.  We had been the historical American majority but are now ignored by Washington.  No one had spoken for us until you lit the fires of hope within our ranks.

Your sincerity about the life issue, however, is a potential deal breaker.  Some of us speak for the 40 million littlest people aborted and ignored by the body politic in the last half century as well as the estimated million plus deaths each year.   This is and has been the American holocaust. Planned Parenthood is the chief national exterminator of these unborn human beings, each of whom had the right to life given to them by God.  Do you also speak for these little people, Mr. Trump?

It is our hope that you do so speak, Mr. Trump.  The only women who will be offended are the guilty.  As for me, I would rather be pennyless and ignored than to join in the carnage.

Landers, Ca

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Trump to the Rescue

Mr. Trump has ignited the hopes of the little people, he understands the anger among us because the political class takes campaign money from the Wall Street and the big business types to send our jobs elsewhere with lousy trade deals.  The Republicans joined O’bama just a few weeks ago to do just that.  Then the business types and the Chamber of Commerce buy influence to leave the borders open so that illegal aliens can take the jobs of Americans citizens who, understandably, will not work for less than what welfare will pay. Cheap labor is the evil in both cases and government picks up the tab.

The little people are not stupid, this evil is destroying our country and the Democrats and the Republicans are chopping off our heads, those of our children and their children.  Every Republican standing at the debate, except Mr. Trump, can’t speak against this evil because they have been bought.  Some of them speak about bringing manufacturing back to American but it can’t be done unless every trade deal is renegotiated, no one suggested that solution.

That is where Mr. Trump comes to the fore, he is not beholding to the business class or the political class and can confront those countries who are ripping us off.  The rest of them may be slicker politicians and better debaters but he can not and will not be bought.  The evil ones are scared and that makes Mr. Trump a target and Fox News did their best to embarrass Mr. Trump because they are sympathetic to the business class.

The little people do not care if Mr. Trump is a short term conservative, divorced, filed bankruptcy or has made a few chauvinistic jokes in his life.  At least he hasn’t used a 20 years old intern on her knees in the oval office to do the deed as did president Clinton.  Tell me, who is the woman hater?

Landers, Ca

Friday, July 31, 2015

Democratic Grand Conspiracy

Kill 40 million Americans over the last forty years by way of abortion, Americans who may or may not have been Democratic voters and replace these souls with illegal aliens from South America who will be Democratic voters.  It is a win, win for the Democrats.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Women who kill their own babies in their own womb are the foulest narcissistic perverts on the earth.  They worship themselves.  All lives in the womb matter and this country is going down to oblivion because we allow the killing to happen.  We all are and shall be the forgotten of God.

Landers, Ca                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Pied Piper of the People

Donald Trump may have been wrong in 2008 about the then presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama but he was also right.  After almost seven years of his reign as the “Arab King”, the president has left all of America questioning the heart of our supposed leader.  Even some Democrats are aghast at the obvious bigotry of our president against everything traditional in America. The Democrats sadly manage to hide their outrage behind claims of party loyalty.

This may change as the president again bypasses Congress as he takes his nuclear deal with Iran to the United Nations for approval and the release of world sanctions.  Should that happen, the donkey party will forever be know as the Islamic terrorists of Washington and the asses who are responsible for the unleashing of a  possible nuclear holocaust upon the world.  Is this a gamble that makes the American people safe?  As things stand now, this will be accomplished while the Republicans offer only verbal, face saving resistance.

An American birth certificate does not necessarily make one an American.  President Obama has proved himself, by what he does and what he doesn’t do, to be only a man of the world order who will never be an American loyalist.  Both he, the Democrats and the stock market Republicans have betrayed what it means to be an American and the people will again be left adrift further out to sea, thanks to our politicians.

Landers, Ca.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Community Organizer in Chief

Our Democratic president doesn’t have to worry about a silly little thing like the truth, everything is about spin as it is on the streets.  He sends his white pet liar, Josh Ernest, out to the cameras to spin away our presidents culpability for the murder of the young lady on the San Francisco Pier.  The illegal Mexican alien who did the deed had been deported 5 times and had 7 felony convictions in America.  Where is the federal law to protect us?

The Democratic San Francisco injustice system had him in custody just days before the murder and refused to turn this dangerous felon over to federal immigration authority.  Instead they released him on to their own streets to prey upon their own people.  The Democratic Mayor and the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco have been caught with their pants down and their hands in the cookie jar.  Their only response is, who me?

But wait, the Democratic spin is that this is a Republican problem??  Go figure!  The Republicans refuse to pass a new immigration law that gives the rest of the world ownership of America and the Republicans are the bad guys?  What about the immigration law that is already on the books?  The truth is that the Democrats are guilty of selective enforcement of our present law in order to scare the public into giving away the country.

The Democrats want Americans to die, they want our people to be victimized by these skumbags in order to bring about the American giveaway.  Spin all you can, Democrats, the truth doesn’t change!

Landers, Ca

Monday, July 6, 2015

la revolution

If an illegal alien messes with my family, a politician will reap the same consequence.  Forget the skumbag who did the crime, we should line the politicians up against a wall and exact retribution.  We do not need a guilty verdict because all politicians, with few exceptions, enable the violence to get votes.  In this world, practical justice is an eye for an eye and this is the time for practical justice.  Every politician who sanctions the killing of Americans, you best duck..

The violence happens every week, be it the killing of police officers in Texas and California or the killing of an  innocent tourist on a San Francisco pier this weekend.  Just as guilty is the drunk illegal with five DUI convictions using a car as the weapon of choice.  The political correctness of our day hushes up these crimes and the illegal status of the offender.  The newspapers won‘t even tell us when the criminal is illegal but many seem to have a Latino sir name.  O.K., don’t tell us the truth, we will have to surmise.

Mr. and Mrs. Politician, if someone in my family has to die to further your political agenda, it means war. This is no longer America!  A revolution is in order and you are the first targets, first at the ballot box..

Landers, Ca.


Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Voice of God to Moses

The impossible confusion in the Old Testament is a result of the commingling of two voices.  The first voice is the Voice of God to Abram and to Moses as God brings the people to the promised land and then up out of Egyptian bondage.  The other voice is the voice of religion.  This voice also came to us through Moses as he takes over control from the Voice of God at Mount Sinai.

The first time Moses comes down from the mountain he finds a party going on, breaks the message from God written in stone that is intended for the people and kills 3000 of the family.  The second time Moses comes down from Mt. Sinai he brings down a redacted version of that first message from God and this one is called the Ten Commandments.  So began the religion of Judaism.

All Old Testament theologies seem to lump these two voices together and then try to make sense of the resulting confused understanding of God.  Is God a God of love and forgiveness or a cosmic judge and killer?  Today’s New International Study Bible has the following note on Exodus 19:5, the third time Moses comes down from Mount Sinai.

“The covenant between God and Israel at Mount Sinai is the outgrowth and extension of the Lord’s covenant with Abraham 600 years earlier.  Participation in the divine blessing is conditioned on obedience added to faith (p.117).”

For all intent and purposes the obedience added to faith that is  mentioned is the obedience to religion.  Religion takes the place of God in the affairs of men and men use God as an excuse to kill.  All Old Testament theologies that place obedience to a human religion on equal or greater footing than with the Voice of God are corrupt and leave the people confused and dazed.

These two voices need to be contrasted.  The first historical Voice of God comes to Abram, a grossly insignificant tribal person living a very insignificant life.  Then the Voice of God to Abram speaks an impossible promise to an impossible Abram in Genesis chapter 12: 1-3.  The voice says:
         “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you.
          I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.
          I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you
          I will curse, and all the peoples of the earth will be blessed
                              through you”.

The only condition given to Abram is to go, put one foot in front of another believing in the reality of the only true “I .. God”, who will do whatever it take to accomplish the divine purpose and promise to Abram.  The promise to Abram is not religion, there are no maps, no guides and most of all, no killing, just the invitation to follow the “I .. God”.  There is no other long list of ethical norms, no required character, no required belief in a dictated dogma and no allegiance to an earthly demigod.

The life of Abram is a mixed bag, one moment he listens to the voice of religion, his own humanness, and the next moment the Voice of God.  Abram is full of doubt, he cowardly passes his wife Sarai off as his sister to the Pharaoh of Egypt.  The royal family catches a disease, probably the crabs from Sarai and Pharaoh angrily threw them out of the country .  Back in the promised land, Abram takes in a concubine women to give him the future that the “I .. God” had not yet fulfilled through Sarai.

In the midst of these character flaws God again blesses Abram, giving him the new name of Abraham, meaning the father of many nations.  The name Sarai is changed to Sarah.  A future for the family is again promised and sealed by making circumcision the outward sign of God’s blessing.  The “I .. God”, then renews his promise of a son, Isaac, to be born to the aged Sarah and Abraham. Not fully convinced of the promise, Abraham and Sarah poke fun at the promise of God.

The “I .. God”, true to his word, brings Isaac into this world, the son of Sarah and Abraham.  The years pass and Isaac is now at least a teenager and the beloved son of his father who believes Isaac to be the promise of God.  The Voice again is heard by Abraham.  Religion would never give such a confusing message, the  “I .. God” tells Abraham to go to the region of Moriah, to a mountain he will be shown.  There Abraham is to climb the mountain and sacrifice his son, his only son, Isaac, the God given son of promise, the son through whom the promise to Abram is being fulfilled.  It is extraordinary that the unpredictable Abraham does not hesitate.  You and I would have objected to this confusing instruction, is this not shear lunacy?  The “I .. God” could have responded with the question, in whom do you trust, biology or me, the “I ..God”?  You tried biology once Abraham, do it my way now.  At the last moment the “I .. God” provides another sacrificial option to save the life and promise of Isaac.

This is not religious obedience, Abraham gives us an example of what it means to live by the Voice of God. Religion objects on cue, it can’t be that simple, if God doesn’t bless religion, who will be in control?  Control just may be what is confusing the issue, divine freedom can not be humanly controlled nor is it predictable.

Let us contrast the message that Moses brings down from Mount Sinai the third time.  This message is recorded in Exodus chapter nineteen and unlike the message to Abram, this message is a very conditional promise.

“Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession.  Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites. (Exodus 19 : 5&6)”

The question should be asked, would the "I .. God" even bother with such an arrangement rooted in this world?  The TNIV Study Bible says in the notes for 19:3 -- 24:18.  “The Sinaitic covenant is cast in the form of an ancient Near Eastern suzerainty-vassal treaties of the second millennium B.C.  It contained the divine pledge to be the Israelites Suzerain Protector, if they would be faithful to him as their covenant Lord and obedient to the stipulations of the covenant as the vassal-people of the kingdom (p.117).”

The covenant from God is now bound up in the little word “if”, it is an “if covenant”.  This conditional agreement between God and man is the very definition of religion.  To the little word “if”, add the little word “fully” and all of humanity has no hope of pleasing or being in the good graces of the “I .. God”.  Moses became a political religious tyrant who tried to kill the Voice of God and largely succeeded.  No human being can be “fully” compliant with any religion and this supposed agreement leaves all of us without hope and under the thumb of religion..

This being the reality of our human predicament, what are we to do, to whom are we to go?  The confines of religion is one life answer to which the vast majority of humankind gravitate.  Religion as an ideology, masquerading as spirituality is responsible for all manner of ugliness perpetrated on humankind in the name of God.  We quickly point to Islamic terrorism but the same can be said of the Christian Church in the midst of slavery, or the silence of the church as the Nazi ideology is roasting Jews in the ovens.  Some gravitate to a secular political ideology that rules out the very possibility of the Voice of God.  All of these and others are a brand of humanism, settling for our self involved animalism.

We can choose as Abram did, to listen for the Voice of God or we can be a Moses and choose deafness.

Landers, Ca  

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Voice of God to Cain

“Then the Lord said to Cain, why are you angry?  Why is your face downcast?  If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?” (Genesis 4: 6&7)

The first eleven chapters of Genesis are literary devises intended to deliver us a message about God and our human condition.  They are not history for the voice of God is first heard by Abram in chapter twelve and the words of chapter four are most certainly not the words of Moses.  Chapter four is a fictional look back to the first children of Adam and Eve, Cain being the eldest and then Abel. No one was there to document these events so we must look elsewhere for their origin and these twenty six words are the key.

The question we should want to ask of chapter four is who told this story about a God conversation with Cain and Able?  Who tells Cain that a gift from the bounty of the field is not acceptable in the sight of God?  Who tells Abel that his gift of a portion of a kill from his flock, this blood gift was acceptable in the sight of God?  If one takes the words of the text at face value, God is doing the messaging to Cain and Abel but remember this is a story.  The self interest of the storyteller, who links  the voice of God with a justification for a particular religious practice, must be considered when assigning meaning to this passage.

If we accept that God is doing the talking to Cain and Abel, we must believe that God expresses himself and his character to all men through a particular religious organization. If the story was told by religious men in order to cement their power and extend control over believers, religion then becomes the enemy of God and lessens the character of God by binding him to human definitions.  Which is it?  Is chapter four a religious statement or are these the words of God himself?

The decision is for the reader to make but let me argue for a religious understanding of Genesis chapter four.  The religious crowd at least a 1000 years after Abram, gave us this story about the supposed voice of God.

1. The text itself is the best evidence.  If this chapter were only a morality play about the evil of murdering your brother, why is a religious motive assigned to this crime?  The authors of this story were expecting that the telling would guarantee them a place of authority in Judaism by confirming the priestly practice of a blood sacrifice as central to the faith.  God, however, wanted this story in the Bible to sound a warning, a warning that among men, religion kills.

2.  Why has the Bible been preserved over thousands of years, through all manner of calamities and adversaries?  Is the purpose of Scripture to engage men with God or engage us with religion?  From the story of Cain and Abel given to us by the religious crowd we could assume that the job of the religious crowd is to engage God and our only job is to accept their religious cues. How does that sit with you?

3.  Religion not only kills but it begins with dividing and marginalizing some people within our created order.  Those of us who conform to the demands of the religious crowd are deemed to be “acceptable” in the eyes of God. This amounts to little more than a social religious cast system.  The anger and downcast spirit that welled up into the life of Cain is to be expected of any of us who are so burdened by the religious crowd.  The lack of empathy by the God character in the story is apparent as God says to Cain that these feelings are sin crouching at your door, you must control them.  Religion always plays the blame game.

4.  The entire Bible is either a witness to the voice of God or an orchestrated avoidance of the voice of God in the form of a man made religion.  The voice of God in the biblical record is surrounded by facts, people and places that are verifiable in secular history.  The voice of God as given through religion is surrounded by human intrigue, drama, politics and killing in the name of God.  The voice of God is heard in the midst of dire human circumstance and the voice brings rescue or reform or both.  The voice of God as given to us from religion is surrounded by political-social power and money grabbing to the extent that it kills body, mind and spirit. All religions are enemies to the voice, some being a lesser evil than others but there is no religion that pleases God.

The only plausible answer to this argument is that the voice of God in Chapter four was only a useful religious trick.  The actual voice of God actually spoke to Abram, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. The voice remained silent during the four hundred year captivity in Egypt and then spoke to Moses.  Upon reaching Mount Sinai, the people being lead by the voice were chained again by religious bondage lead by Moses who killed thousands of his people because they were having a party. (See: 28, 2010; Holy Moses Wash)      

Landers, Ca

Thursday, May 28, 2015


This has been a good year so far for the people of Landers.  Congratulations are due to all of our leaders and particularly the Board of Directors and General Manager of Big Horn Desert View Water Agency.  Their leadership has resulted in the annexation of county run water agency, W1, who dictated unsupported water rate increases upon our neighbors in Landers over the last few years.  Local control has been the strength of Bighorn water and now all of Landers is stronger because our board undertook this challenge.

As the celebrating subsides, the united people of our water agency need to be alert and refuse to let down our guard.  Success can be the occasion to grab increased levels of power from the people who should make local control happen.  Flares are already rising from the actions taken by the board in the last few months and the proposed future agency budgetary projections.  The question every customer of Bighorn needs to ask is who are we?  Is community unity of purpose an excuse to chase after the doings of the larger water agencies?  We are Landers folk.

Board of Directors, just tell us why water rates will be rising after this year, 2015-2016.  The projection makes little sense when in the current year, 2014-2015, spending is said to be 10% under budget (Director McBride @ 5-26 board meeting).  New spending has already been enacted, a little here, a little there, these are not huge changes nor are they unreasonable if we want to be just like the big boys.  Most worrisome to this customer is the spending changes that are in the works.

Bighorn Desert View Water Agency Board, how do you understand the projected rate increase or increases?  Even if this customer of yours is a lone voice, I am asking for an explanation.  Please find a way to include us in your planning.

Thank you for the opportunity to address my concerns, something that is now possible for all the folk of Landers.


a strategy

It appears that no one has the slightest idea what to do to counter the mess in the Middle East, a mess dumped on the world by both Republican and Democratic presidents.  No one has a clue because the progressive left says do nothing and the right wants a repeat engagement in Iraq.  The American people do not have the stomach for either alternative so may I suggest a middle course of action or strategy for the Middle East.

Our military leadership surely has a long list of possible actions that would stem the tide of Isis but these possibilities are being ignored by the politic in the White House.  Allow me to be bold or arrogant enough to make an admittedly amateur suggestion. There may be a downside to this plan but it is designed to be pro American, no longer will we be dooped by conflicted Arabs.

The strategy is for an American permanent invasion and annexation of the Al Asad Airbase in Iraq.  No notice, no invite and no coordination would be given nor expected from the pitiful Bagdad government.  American troops would no longer defend Bagdad.  All decisions and authority would be American and Iraq would be forced to pay voluntary reparations or have their oil fields blown up. Other Arab counties who have a vested interest in the stability of the region must contribute financially or America would take no action in their time of need.

The mission at Al Asad Airbase would be  primarily to control the airspace for  500 miles in every direction. Nothing moves without American permission.  A secondary mission is the annihilation of all the violent gangs in the neighborhood.  Mercenaries would be hired to do most of the fighting, be they American, Sunni or whomever.  Regular American special forces would be imbeded in the assault teams for leadership.  All non American participants would be housed outside the inner sanctum of the airbase for security.

The long term mission would be to confront and dissuade Iran and their evil intentions all around the world. If Russia gives them a missile defense, we base stealth aircraft at Al Asad. If they insist on a nuclear arsenal, we bomb at will, with no notice and no quarter given. The nations of the Middle East who have been ravaged by sectarian violence would have a chance to organize for the betterment of the people but it would be their call.

Got a better plan, speak up.

Landers, Ca

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Friday, May 8, 2015

that smell

Islam is a "dirty religion" and the bowl will stink until you clean yourselves up. Your dilemma is that you are bound to the Qur'an, your Holy Book.  The book has a lot of good stuff but the core message of the Qur'an seems to be a fundamentalist "them and us" rant whose God, Allah, rains vengeance and violence down upon all disbelievers.  To the believer goes salvation, forgiveness, a blessed life and a male dominated blessed eternity. The believer is not directly told to be the violent judgement of God upon the infidel but it is not a far reach.  The Qur'an is the problem, how does the peaceful Muslim advertise a civilized religion when at the core of this religion is a killing God?  The sole mission of Allah on earth seems to be world political conquest, one way or another.

Some would say that the peace minded Muslim believer is not an authentic Muslim. When the terrorists kill Christians and the peaceable Muslims they are sending to their own a message. Are you with the true believers and the Qur'an or do you desire the fate of the infidel?  They say to be a Muslim is to kill for Allah. As Christians we should have more respect for the honest warrior Muslim who is willing to die to make their God rule. While the storm rages elsewhere, the American Muslim is silent and claims to not be responsible for the killing.

The peaceable Muslim must make a clear choice and reject the religion of the Qur'an.  Jesus was correct when he said we cannot serve two masters for we will choose the one and hate the other. If you choose the warrior religion at least be honest. There is, however, the one true God who is waiting to come to your rescue and my rescue for he loves everyone equally. He is the equal opportunity God who has already spoken to you through your Muslim religion. Please choose the other path, another Holy Book and follow the heartbeat of a loving God who is all around us.

The world has been forced to deal with the warrior religion for about 1500 years and the battle cannot be avoided.  Try as we might, over and over again, we sniff the air and Allah reappears to take more blood, maybe yours, maybe mine.

Landers, Ca

Doubling Down

Doubling down are you, Mr. O’Reilly?  Why are you being defensive?  According to you, the “stupid” free speech conference lead by Ms. Geller in Garland Texas was legal but not “the right thing to do”.  Suddenly, Bill O’Reilly and Franklin Graham are the moral conscience of America?  With all due respect to the both of you, some of us question if any of us are worthy of that lofty perch.

Once that claim is made, one becomes accountable for the truth and vulnerable to criticism resulting from the slightest impropriety in what we may do or say.  No living human being, no prophet or spiritual leader has earned the right to so speak with the authority of life and limb, except Jesus.  You ought to write another book about the prophet Muhammad entitled, “Killing Christians”.

That brings us to your assertion that is the burr under my saddle.  Somehow, you assert that Jesus is in your corner and not with those of us who praise Ms. Geller.  You must be under a lot of pressure to make that assertion for such an argument denotes weakness.  It has been used by the proponents of every new thing that has been dumped upon we believers in Jesus over the last two thousand years.   It is the lamest of excuses for an opinion.

Mr. O’Reilly, you assert that Jesus would not go to that conference in Garland Texas.  Jesus did not mock others.  Mr. O’Reilly, you don’t know your Bible and your history is suspect.  Jesus mocked the religious establishment at every turn, on Judean hillsides, at the River Jordan, from a fishing boat on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, around a well in Samaria and on the Jericho road.  By standing up for the people, by speaking of the God who loved the little people, Jesus mocked the religious radicalism of his day.

Jesus is here today and asking believers to mock the forces of evil Muslim religious radicalism.  Mr. O’Reilly, please reconsider.

Landers, Ca

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Mr. O’Reilly you are wrong again, this time in grand style.  How is that FBI investigation happening?  Where is FLT 370?  Where is your Mojo?  This “stupid person” says that the Muslim cartoon contest in Garland Texas was a righteous event and a glorious shoot.  You are surrendering our liberty, you and Donald Trump are so off base that it borders on cowardice. Was the Charlie Hebdo cartoon stupid?  How would you stand up to the threats from radical Islam?  Playing dead is an invitation to greater violence and you offer no “smart” alternative short of the old duck and cover adage.

Do we believe the "peaceful" Muslims, do we believe the parents, their Imam and friends of the shooters when they say they are shocked at their actions?  Their claim is bunk!  If the peaceful Muslims want to stay silent in the face of Jihad they are also a part of the problem and not to be respected or trusted.

Get some backbone O’Reilly and stop angling for another presidential interview….they are coming ...they are here!

Landers, Ca


Cartoons Away.....

Muhammad was not God … stupid!

Landers, Ca

Monday, April 27, 2015

Wait Just One Minute

Mr. Jenkins, your letter needs to be addressed.  This is America and everyone is free to have a political opinion so thank you for speaking up.  I read carefully your letter of April 22 responding to my letter of April 11 in the High Desert Star.  Your loyalty to President O’Bama is clear but his actions tell me that his loyalties lie, not in America, but elsewhere.  That being said, we disagree on a few other basic facts, please hear me out.

Human beings are not animals, we share many similarities but we humans are unique moral beings with an awareness of right and wrong.  Our moral inheritance is both a responsibility and a challenge, the animal kingdom is blessed to escape these worries.  Knowing and doing what is right is an individual learning process that may first begin in the womb.  We learn from our parents, from our written laws, from societal interaction, from our failures, from religion and from the perceived voice of God.

The sad truth is that we humans learn quite slowly, preferring those wrong choices.  When our wrongness rises to a certain level the word evil would seem appropriate.  Your second misstatement is to claim that Christianity and Islam are equally guilty of dispensing gross evil.  Is that what you are saying?  If this is your position you have been duped and for some reason find no need to move further into the truth.  Christianity has had moments of evil means in history but it is not fair to compare these moments with the warrior religion of Islam.

Is it unfair or inflammatory to characterize Islam as a warrior religion?  It certainly is inflammatory but it is also a fair reading of both history and theology.  The history is beyond questioning for from the get go, 1500 years ago, Islam expanded feverishly by the sword with political domination of conquered peoples their first priority.  Conversion to Islam of conquered peoples became convenient as the centuries passed.  If you care to know the history, just google the expansion of Islam.

The evolving theology of Islam has contributed to the radicalization and warrior mentality of the religion.  The Koran has little to say about how the religion should treat infidels but as the centuries passed, the theology gave the religion license to kill.  For an informed study one can go to the Faith and Freedom website and judge the theology of Islam from people who have come out from this violent tyranny.  This website is the other side of the liberal talking points that evade the truth.  First hand experience should be important when considering the character of Islam but this website is banned in many Muslim countries.

Christianity and Islam have the same roots in history but each expresses it’s faith in very different ways.  The radical element in Christianity has most always focused inward, demanding that believers worship in one manner or another.  The Crusades may be the only exception but they were largely a defensive action attempting to prevent an Islamic invasion and domination of the Holy Land which had been for 2000 years a Judeo-Christian holy site.  That being said, would Jesus have approved of the Crusades … the debate goes on?

Human religion is the problem.  Jesus said “my kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36)”.  Jesus believed so strongly in the separation of spirituality from politics that he willingly suffered and died an ignominious death at the hands of the religious politic of that day.  From the shape of the world today and the conflicts enabled by religion over the last 4000 years, one might assume that religious politics, whether internal or external are anti-God.  All of us, Muslim, Christian and Jew are very slow learners.

Landers, Ca.      

Thursday, April 23, 2015

politics tacking into the winds of fortune

The first rule of Clinton-O’Bama politics is to shift the blame from their own vulnerability by being the first to accuse their enemies of that same vulnerability.  This has been the first rule of Democratic politics for the last 25 years and still the Republicans can’t look beyond their own bank accounts to anticipate the next battle.  The Republicans are always on defense and they seem intent to be the forever political losers.

The current vulnerability of the Clinton-Obama machine is the school yard stuff that has dogged our politics for centuries.  The modern version, however, has reached new heights of seeming respectability because it is not the exception of the few but an every day political expectation among all of our politicians in Washington.  After all, everybody has to pay to play, there are annoying laws and procedures passed by Congress but doesn’t everybody do it?

Washington is awash with pay to play and the Justice Department of the progressive Eric Holder will only enforce the law against their own political enemies.  It is open season on integrity, Democrat or Republican and every level of the bureaucracy is for sale to the highest bidder.  Do you need a politic championed, be it green energy or lower taxes for the wealthy, contribute to a campaign or a super pack.  When business needs a favorable decision from the bureaucracy, just make a donation to a foundation and the winds of fortune will blow your way.

Hillary Clinton is the poster child of pay to play.  The new book, “Clinton Cash”, is reported to connect some of the dots between payoffs to the Clinton Foundation in order to get favors from the Hillary lead U.S. State Department during her tenure as Secretary of State.  Is it just a coincidence that she did her duties at the State Department off the book, beyond the reach of Congressional oversight?  Deleted emails, a tight circle of operatives at the top of the food chain, sounds like a vulnerability to this no body observer.

Confronted with her integrity vulnerability, what can we expect her story line to be?  Right on, Hillary says that she is the new champion of the little people, the middle class and the majority of Americans who are  attempting to scratch out an honest existence in this American den of thieves.  The Republicans are vulnerable to accusations of unconcern for the middle class but is Hillary that champion?  Now, really . …  Hillary?

Landers, Ca

Friday, April 17, 2015

Nuclear terror

April 17, 2015

Israel no longer has a choice.  President O’Bama is unconcerned about Russian missiles going to Iran and any sane American would wonder why?  The protection that this missile defense will give to Iran will make any  bombing threat from Israel a joke.  O’bama is giving away all sanctions at the negotiating table and the day after Congress is united against his treason, the green light is given for Russia to give a missile defense to Iran.  It is unbelievable that an American president could be so inclined, O’bama, what are you doing …. as if we didn‘t know?

Landers, Ca

A Federal Tax Reform Plan

Working toward a populist conservative tax reform for America.

The Rubio-Lee tax plan is a courageous attempt to begin a discussion about  real policy stuff intended to be relevant in our present political culture.  The conservative capitalists don’t like it because of the child credit and the liberal welfare state people want the higher income folk to pay more taxes.  Both are upset so just maybe we have a good starter proposal.

I, this nobody of the little people has a reputation for an arrogant streak so let me be true to form and make a few tweaks to the Rubio-Lee plan and call it the Rubio-Lee-Goslaw federal tax reform plan.  Let’s tweak it! My intention is to tweak the tax reform toward the interests of the young working middle class families of America, who have long deserved action out of Washington in their favor.

The critics of the Rubio Lee plan are correct, this plan will not lead the country into conservative deficit reduction going forward.  Numbers are not my strong point but with a few changes the fortunes of the working middle class and deficit reduction can be improved.  Possibly a numbers cruncher out there would apply their expertise to examine the budget worthiness of the Rubio-Lee-Goslaw plan.

Populist features of the Rubio Lee Plan.
1. Leaves high income earners approximately the same.  (39% to 35%)
2. Reduces code to 2 levels instead of seven.  (simplifying code to 15% and 35% )
3. Higher 35% would begin at $75,000 income for single filer or $150,000 for married.
4. Reducing deductions to only Mortgage and Charitable.  (Also simplifying the code)
5. Rewards child rearing with a per child tax credit of $2,500.  ( that is a credit not a deduction)
6. Investment income is not taxed.

Changes or Additions
1. No earned income tax credit.  (revenue plus)
2. Reduce married higher 35% tax level to begin at $100,000. (rev. +)
3. Mortgage deduction limited to one lived in residence with less than a $1 mil. retail sales price.  (rev. +)
4. Charitable deductions limited to $5,000 a year.  (rev. +)
5. All citizens must file and pay some federal tax.  ($100.00 min. tax...rev. +)
6. All investment income taxed federally at 15%.  (rev. +)
7. All welfare income, federal and state, taxed at 5% ^ 4.  (rev. +)
8. National one page tax reporting.  ( big rev. + with less IRS)

Everyone participates and everyone pays a price for government.  Any and all of these ideas are available without charge.

Landers, Ca.

Monday, April 13, 2015

What is the cost of political ignorance?

Childish rhetoric is to claim, “I told you so”!  Well, let me take this obscure opportunity to say,  “I told you so”!  Our many voices are out there, you have heard the oft repeated accusations, America, are you listening?  The Democratic Party is ignoring the crime of illegal immigration because the party wants the votes now and into the future.  The Democrats have been guilty of this back door travesty for over 30 years after having refused to close the border under President Regan.

Even some traitor Republicans, lead by the Better Business Bureau, have been blinded from seeing the greater good by the promise of cheap labor.  Their short term gain from reducing out of pocket costs bloats the long term cost of government and the taxpayer has to pick up the difference.  The wage of the legal worker is depressed and it becomes more difficult to find a job.  We the people need to redefine what it means to be American for most of our politicians are corrupt, black or white or brown or purple or pink, they all die for the green stuff.

The progressive left of the Democratic party has one more motive for promoting illegal immigration in 2016.  The progressive plan is to reduce America to a one party political system owned and operated by the Democratic Party.  Never has this motive been so clearly and openly promoted, the deception is over, the progressive Democratic left is demanding control of the party and Hillary may not be left enough to speak forth the progressive message of goodies to the people for Democratic votes.  2016 may just be a forever election for America.

This is the rhetoric of Democratic liberal progressive New York Mayor de Blasio, who is openly calling for the stuffing of the ballot box with illegal votes.  Political crime is out of the closet.  The Justice Department will ignore it’s responsibility to enforce the law because it is owned by the O’Bama progressives.   The fundamental change promised by President O’Bama is a criminal conspiracy to destroy the will of the people, the legal people, to keep control and it also may work.

Sleeping America, wake up, you are snoozing the country away!

Landers, Ca

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Loving Expressions

President Obama lives in the bushes in order to be the commander in chief.  We Americans have been sold a bill of goods for the last six and a half years but Obama slips up regularly.  He is a man who is torn between being the man America needs and living as his daddy’s son who carries his fathers documented Muslim and socialist sympathies.

The president’s latest slip up was at the Easter prayer breakfast when he critiqued we Christians for “less than loving expressions”.  This critique is akin to calling the kettle black, less than loving expressions?  Really?  Muslims are chopping off heads on camera, burning captured soldiers alive in cages, murdering 1700 Iraqi troops execution style in the Iraqi desert and killing the vulnerable, defenseless innocents to include men women and children.  Killing Christians and holding them for ransom. Iran calls for the annihilation of Israel and death to America, the Great Satan.  All of these “less than loving expressions” are perpetrated to make a religious political statement.

The Muslim religion has, from the beginning 1500  years ago, been more of a political animal than a spiritually centered faith in God.  There are endless rules and ritual but it would seem little reflection of anything that could be called divine.  Is this critique being painted with to broad a brush that holds all Muslims responsible for the violent sizable Muslim minority?  Probably, but what choice does the Christian community have, to assist in the slaughter?

Landers, Ca.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Muslim Menace

The most familiar usage of the word menace from my generation was the comic series and television show, “Dennis the Menace”.  The central premise of these tales was that this child would act so far beyond what is appropriate or expected that he proved himself to be dangerous.  So dangerous that at any moment he could plunge the lives of his family and friends into chaos, especially the life of George Wilson.  It is called terrorism.

In 2015, the most dangerous child in all the neighborhoods of the world is the Muslim Menace.  It is a menace that raises it’s ugly head every few hundred years to terrorize the peoples of the world.  Today’s menace is a threat that kills innocent Christians in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, the Far East and America.  This menace claims that the peoples of the world are theirs to control and they demand adherence to their radical Muslim way of thinking and living.

Are the civilized peoples of the world to ignore this threat?  Our liberal progressive brothers in the White House act as if ignorance is bliss.  They would object to the Muslim label because it would condemn all peoples of the Muslim faith.  Well, all the peoples of the Muslim faith deserve all the condemnation possible short of violence, let civilization reserve that fate for the radical terrorists.  However, the Menace is a product of your Muslim world and the Muslim religion so all of you are guilty.

If there was a branch of Christendom that terrorized and killed in the name of God, all Christian believers would be immediately condemned as evil terrorists.  It is time to stop giving Muslims the benefit of the doubt and call a spade a spade because the so-called moderate Muslims refuse to deal with the cancer in their own body.  At this point in time, the entire Muslim religion has run a muck and no longer deserves the respect of civilization.

Landers, Ca.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Suffering and Death

All of us should give thanks to Herb Orban for his shared testimony about the End of Life Option working it‘s way through the California legislative process.  Those of us who await the death scenario, somewhat removed from its reality, cannot fully appreciate the angst of his circumstance.  We do, however, respect his courage to share his suffering in order to help free California from the legal complications of death.

I was, like Mr. Orban, raised in a very evangelical church and have since dispensed with many of the “drills”, as he calls them.  The church can be a comfort to all in the midst of suffering unless the ultimate freedom of the individual to choose death without condemnation is breached.  Something is wrong with the church and the state when both are dishonest and hide from the people and patient the reality of death.  Can anyone explain the irony of a medical situation called hospice that eliminates hydration for the patient so that they die legally?  

For two thousand years the church has considered itself the gatekeeper of eternity demanding that the dead and dying conform to the drills or be banished for an eternity in hell. This gatekeeper mentality of the church is a vicious falsehood that itself must be put to death.  God is the gatekeeper of eternity and there is no human organization that can arrogantly cancel Him out or issue speculative promises to anyone.

I can only share my personal opinion on the eternal matter.  God would not be God if he kept a pit of eternal fire that burns but never consumes and  reserves it for anyone who does not measure up or conform.  Only a sadist God or a radical Muslim terrorist could think up such a place. At least this one person believes that the ancient hell belief of the church is not necessarily a Christian belief.

Suffering is the path that must be traveled by everyone in preparation for eternity.  We human beings are hopelessly selfish beyond all logic or justification.  When Adam and Eve rebelled against God, God banished them from the garden to dig a suffering existence out of the dirt.  Suffering as the plan of God is the narrow road that Jesus spoke about and upon which he saw few travel because most of us get bitter, depressed and angry.  The miracles from God that Jesus witnessed were a promised future and destination that awaits every one of us when we are ready.  

Our modern pill popping culture avoids suffering yet everyone will be filtered for eternity by suffering, on this side of death or beyond. We have  no idea what that filtering process will entail on the other side so why not embrace suffering in this life when it comes our way.  Popular wisdom has long noted the redeeming quality of suffering by saying, “whatever does not kill you will make you stronger”. Choosing death at the slightest provocation should suffering come upon us is to sell life short, we may just surprise ourselves.  One should ask, is avoiding pain and suffering by ending life a worthy life decision?

An elderly preachers wife suffers for thirty years with debilitating rheumatoid arthritis yet she possesses a saintly character that out shines that of her husband and most other folk.  This lady must have been 99 and 44/100 ready for eternity when she passed from this world. Selfishly, you and I would not want her pain but her life was a successful life, judged not by the standards of this world but by a character that is out of this world.  This kind of selfless character is shown to us by Herb Orban as legislation is written that hopefully gives death authority to the individual while preserving the sanctity of life.

Landers, Ca