Thursday, December 4, 2014

The new legal illegals

Re: “Within the law”  (Richard Boyd)

Thank you Mr. Boyd for your attaboy of November 30, Daily Press.  While we can all agree that the president’s action is not amnesty, as you narrowly define it, you do agree with most Americans that it is a path to citizenship. It is an illegal path to citizenship given to a large group of people without congressional action.  There is no law giving the president the authority for this give away and is therefore not within the law.  I repeat, it is a criminally illegal action by the President of the United States.  We are being ruled over as in a banana republic, for shame!

You site the actions of Reagan and Bush but America is tired of this repeated distortion.  You know and we know that their actions were small fixes to legislation that was passed by Congress.  Why can you not accept the obvious?  You claim that the new legal illegals will not be voting but they will have Social Security cards and drivers licenses, how stupid do you think we are?  You claim that the house will not act on immigration and this is another distortion.  The House has sent legislation to the Senate but Harry Reid and the President don’t like the step by step approach to immigration reform. It is the presidents way or the highway, sounds like a dictatorship to me.

One might ask as I do of you, who is the real liar?

Landers, Ca.