Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Dog Fight

The 2016 Republican primary season is shaping up to be a dog fight.  Judging from past primaries, we are in for a gargantuan hissing and spitting free for all of a Republican food fight.  The Democrats, especially the O’bama progressive left wing of that party are salivating as they fantasize about the expected spectacle.  Can you imagine 20 Republican candidates tearing up each other for months prior to the big event?  The election season that really matters will be a mere political skirmish giving us another big government Democrat in the White House.   America, can you survive another repeat?

Wisdom has not been the forte of the Republican Party but this time we have no choice, it is win or die!  This time, we must do the Republican presidential primary the Ronald Reagan way.  Each and every primary candidate must adhere to his Eleventh Commandment which reads, “Thou shalt not speak ill of any other Republican”.  Reagan lived up this mantra most of the time but resorted to personal attacks against Gerald Ford in the 1976 primary.  Then President Ford won the primary but was so weakened by the attacks of Reagan that he lost the presidential election to  Jimmy Carter (Wikipedia).

If personal attacks were not allowed, each and every primary candidate would be judged on their vision for America, how well they communicate that vision and then how well they sell it to the electorate.  The O’bama way works only for the political elites, not the people, any of the people.  Just imagine 20 Republican candidates bashing the status quo of the Democrats instead of each other, the media might have to cover that show.

Landers, Ca