Senior officers of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines…. Stand up by standing down! Do your duty, Stand Down! Retire and then go on every bully pulpit and tell the country why you made the sacrifice. Say it out loud! No longer will I serve a President who lies and deserts our brothers under fire as in Bengazi. No longer will we bleed and die for a president who will soon give the victory away to the enemy. No longer will we trust the lies of the man who refuses to reform the Veterans Administration death trap. No longer will I serve this weak kneed president who is comfortable being pushed around by every tyrant in the world. No longer will I serve a president who leaves his people behind in Mexico but repatriates an antiwar deserter in exchange for five enemy officers. No longer will I serve a president who is accountable for nothing and throws his people under the bus so that he can slink away. Stand down my brothers, are you not a proud soldier?
Landers, Ca