Saturday, July 5, 2014


Please allow me to be crude.  The liberal left wing, primarily single, women’s right groups who promote free access and government paid female abortion and birth control of every sort, are guilty of penis envy.  They are highly jealous, wishing and advocating for a maintenance free reproductive system.  Hey, if you would rather be a man, get a sex change, do what you want with your own body but don’t expect the rest of us to cow tail or pay for your perversion.  This new world of ObamaCare makes the rest of us, men and women, liable for your obsession.

The Democratic, so called, War on Women is really a war by the left on the American male.  There was a time when we men were valued by the ladies, a time when women were proud to be the fairer sex.  Today they would have you believe the effeminate, bungling male stereotype advanced by the media.  Today, they would have you believe that traditional sexual roles are now somehow dirty and old fashioned. The truth is that women are different, different in many wonderful ways.  Some of us still believe that not everything old fashioned is to be disrespected.  Pray that there are a majority of women who are proud to be female.

Landers, Ca