Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dear Governor Jeb Bush

Election season will soon be upon us again and from the media reports you are signaling a possible run for the Republican nomination in 2016.  No one can discount your qualifications for the office of President for you are a good man who would be an excellent chief executive.  The big money Wall Street interests are no doubt lining up to encourage your entrance into the race and the Republican establishment elites want another turn at bat.  We understand, we get it but above all else we concerned Americans want a winner!

In fact, we must win if an America with upward mobility is to survive.  We are at the point of no return, after this election, if the Democrats prevail, we will forever be a typical nation where birth circumstances determine one’s future regardless of personal intellect, effort, luck or creativity.  We shall then cease to be America so please consider your liabilities that are, admittedly, not of your own making.  They are, none the less, liabilities that will have to be hurdled in the 2016 presidential election if you win the Republican nomination.  Will you project enough mojo in November to win the battle, can you beat the Democrats?  Mr. Bush, only you can rightly gauge that probability.

Perhaps you can gain some insight into the decision by considering the ancient Chinese treatise, “The Art of War”, attributed to Sun Tsz.  There is no doubt that the Democrats consider politics a no holes barred war so Republican politics must have the same mindset.  Sun Tsz advises those engaging in war to know yourself and to know your enemies for the most intuitive combatant will win.  Ho Chi Min defeated us in Vietnam because he intuitively knew that the revolution had proximity to the fight and the support of the people.  He also knew that Americans do not have the stomach for a protracted bloody conflict in a far away place.  Ho was right and we keep making the same dumb decisions over the last fifty years, including your brother, President George W. Bush, who decided to do nation building in Iraq.  

Your presidential candidacy may be a dumb decision for another reason.  The Democratic candidate is sure to be a populist like Barack O’bama.  He takes actions that gathers strength from the economic bottom half of the electorate even though these folk are the one’s suffering the most harm from his economy.  At the same time he buys off the economic top half of the electorate by propping up the booming stock market.  This seemingly irrational strategy works because the Republicans play into the Democratic narrative by sending Wall Street and big business indebted politicians to fight the war, politicians like Meg Whitman in California and nationally McCain and Romney.  All of these politicians failed because the bottom half wins big elections and the Wall Street types are vulnerable targets.

Perhaps you are looking to run in the primaries because the Democrats are showing weakness as the 2014 midterms indicate.  Sorry to say but the O’bama Democrats are doubling down on the power of the little people and sending another “rich” Republican to do battle is asking for another failure in 2016.  Your candidacy is not the right fit America needs at this critical hour.  Is there a populist Republican among the very strong and broad list of potential candidates?  Is there someone from the little people out there who can give all the people a booming economy and who will lift the fortune of the entire country?

As we go into the primary season let’s find him or her and then you, Mr. Bush, can encourage the moneyed folks, the Wall Street folks and the big business folks to aggressively support that candidate.  Winning means that we all can govern and prosper together.  Mr. Bush, at this critical hour, please set aside your presidential ambitions for the good of the country.

Landers, Ca