Thursday, July 17, 2014


So what is it going to take?  How about the shooting down of a civilian airliner from 35,000 feet killing 295 men, women and children?  Our president calls this deliberate act of war a tragedy. Really, an unavoidable tragedy?  Does that mean if your intention is to kill a plane load of Ukrainians and the Russian missile goes astray and collides with a civilian airliner, that is O. K.?  Does that mean that since the Russian inspired rebels lacked sufficient training to fire off this complex missile system, they and the Russians are not responsible?  Is it all a tragic accident?  Really?

Our President calculates that maybe there were only 3 Americans on the Malaysian flight falling at 120 mph for at least three long minutes to the Ukrainian tundra.  Wait, maybe there were only four dead Americans as was the case in Benghazi?  Are we playing Russian roulette with American lives?  What is the magic number Mr. President?  How many have to die at the direction of Comrade Putin and his hired terrorists?  Can Hussein Obama be moved to action by any number of dead Americans, how many will get your attention Mr. President?  By some estimates the number is more like 20 dead Americans on that  Malaysian airliner, how do these lives compute Mr. fundraiser in chief?

When is our President going to say no more dead Americans?   When is he going to stand up like President Kennedy did against the Russians in the Cuban Missile crisis?  When is he going to stand up against the Russians like President Reagan did at the Berlin Wall?  Every time our president hides from or conspires with the Putin bully, a bigger bombshell is just around the corner.  We the people are tired of war but we are more tired of being pushed around by the terrorist bullies of this world.  No matter what happens, a man,a women or a boy must stand up against a bully, win, lose or draw.
Your move Mr. President!

From the sand box