Friday, September 19, 2014


Here we go again doing stupid stuff.  ISSIL is a Muslim extremist group the likes of which the world has not seen for hundreds of years, if ever.  Stupidly the peaceniks refuse to accept the world as it is with all the ugliness that we humans carry with us.  Somehow they doggedly cling to the assumption that all of humankind is essentially good and that condemnation of anyone is condemnation of all.  If we refuse to overreact, as the peacenik believes, the violent extremist will eventually understand their error and join the community of civilized humanity.  Be cool America, confrontation with ISSIL will only energize the violent and demean our civility.  If you believe this, stupid is the word.

The stupidity does not stop with the peaceniks for there are still those who believe that violent Islamic religious extremism can be destroyed.  The destruction language is a broken record.  The religion of Allah has been about world conquest for over a thousand years yet we in the twenty first century arrogantly believe we can destroy extremism?  Have we not gone to war for the last thirteen years to destroy Islamic extremism?  How has that worked out?  They are back with more violence than any civilized person can imagine.  Instead of advocating for the destruction of Islamic extremism we should be asking what are we doing wrong?    

O.K., what are we doing wrong?  We are not fighting smart and if the truth were told we are being damn stupid.  There are so many world leaders who can only manage to use the fear of the extremist as a political tool to divide.  We must do better than this for the threat will not go away, they win or we will thrive in the long term in spit of the threat of Islamic extremism.  Most importantly, we must thrive together and by that unity attract all the peoples of the world to a sane Godly treatment of one another. This can only happen in the world order if it is first happening at home, in our kitchens, our governmental policies and our courts.

Are we now, circa 2014, a country of equal opportunity and dignity for all?  Combating extremism begins with our willingness to combat our own selfishness.  Now is that not a long term project?          

Landers, Ca