Thursday, November 13, 2014

Open Season

Our criminal President is up to his tricks again.  By the stroke of his pen and his sole authority, he will grant practical citizenship to over 4 million illegal aliens in the coming days.  Like never before, we are no longer a country of laws passed by the duly elected representatives of the people, we are now a banana republic ruled by an all powerful dictator in chief.  We are experiencing a typical south American political coup, a desperate power grab to make 4 million illegal aliens, legal Democratic voters.  Voters that will hopefully soften the impact of the Democratic rejection mood of the country as indicated by the midterm election.  The President has decided that chaos is better than the historical moderate, middle of the road politics that is America.  

It is time to declare open season on illegal aliens from whatever country.  This is not a call for violence but a call to put our niceness aside, this a call to mobilize the people to call out the lawless conspirators of illegal immigration.  The illegal political action groups, the Chamber of Commerce, all businesses that hire the illegal and all Democratic politicians unless they speak out against this crime.  It is time to declare open season on all who are aligned with the Democratic cause or fund the Democratic crimes.  Eighty per cent of the people want a legal reform of our immigration system but the key word is legal.  Democrats, as lead by our dictator in chief, only want voters not full citizenship for the illegal, they care little for the illegal alien whom they value merely as a tool to maximize Democratic political power.

If the President does not respect the Law, should we?  Of course,  we will remain respectful of the rule of law but sometimes we are tested.  This is such a time.

Landers, Ca