Tuesday, September 2, 2014


There is no place for the young man in our new America.  Our public teacher job programs do a lousy job of educating the young man and if they do graduate they will have a limited education, no sense of the great history of this country and no hope that there is an opportunity for them to make a positive contribution.  All of us need that feeling in our soul, that feeling that we matter in the search for the greater good and to each other.  How can the young man even think about a family in the traditional sense when there are no respectable jobs, no means of earning a way in this life and no sense that America is their home.  What are the options?  Where can he fit in?  There is little opportunity besides partying, weed, drugs, crime and jail, the last form of public assistance.

What do our politicians do?  They force the manufacturing jobs overseas with burdensome taxes and regulations. Then they import uneducated and unskilled labor from anywhere in the world to compete for the low wage jobs that do remain.  Why are these illegals more important than American citizens?  No longer are there those traditional stepping stone jobs for the young, those low wage jobs that if the worker applies himself, flipping burgers will lead to a better job and a more secure future.  Not everyone is suited for a college education and few can afford today's outrageous costs involved. You tell me, what is the young man to do?

The nay sayers will point to those young men who have made a place for themselves despite the odds but in complimenting the few the vast majority are somehow trashed.  The plight of the young man is a case study in social Darwinism, if you have the right breaks in this society, you will survive.  What happens to the vast majority of young men who have no education, no family, and no friendly connections to any societal opportunity.  They may just go join ISIS or a like minded terrorist organization to vent their anger.  That anger, the anger of the American young man is justified.  

Our politicians are getting filthy rich in Washington and our federal, state and local government jobs are given regular pay raises, their jobs are secure regardless of performance and they are permanent.  The stock market investor with their IRA's, hedge funds and trading accounts are enjoying the government funded boom years.  Instead of glorying in their success, these selfish takers should hang their heads in shame, they are killing our kids and that is acceptable to them as long as the kids are not their own.

All of America should be ashamed of this trashing of America deceitfully labeled as an economic recovery.

Landers, Ca