Friday, July 25, 2014

Political Animal

Barrack Hussein Obama is only a political animal.  We Americans thought we knew who he was or at least hoped we knew who he was but after six years he has progressively removed the layers of deception from his persona exposing the heart of Barrack.  We have tried to understand him based upon the markers left by past presidents but these efforts have proven futile for he is a president like no other, he does not act for the American people, he is not a defender of Christians, he gives the Muslim world free reign, he ignores the interests of the black man and he considers every white man a racist.  He is only a political animal.  The extreme far left political agenda to which Barrack is enslaved rules the White House and they are very good at the game of politics.  The actions the president does take are those that advance his redesign of America by giving taxpayer dollars and influence to our entrenched national takers, the welfare community, the abortion community and the open borders community.

These actions, whether by phone or the pen of executive action, are the limit of his leadership.  In his heart, the entanglements of foreign policy are a bother so that American interests are easily given away by treaty. The many chaotic threats in the world are dismissed by surrendering to the forces that cause the trouble.
President Obama will not confront evil whether it is nuclear armament in Iran, proposed missile defense in Poland, shooting down of a passenger airliner by a Russian missile, chemical weapons used on civilians in Syria, terrorist expansion into Iraq, the genocide against Christians by radical Muslims or a barrage of missiles raining down on Israel from Gaza, etc., etc.  Confronting evil requires energy from the Commander in Chief and he apparently has no energy or prudent actions.  The chaos in the world is not on his radar because the redesign of America is more important to President Obama than extending American moral authority.  One might wonder if he believes America is morally capable or that that purview is in his job description.  

If you or I can help further his political redesign agenda, he will share a beer with you but if you stand in his way, he will marshal all the power of his government to destroy everybody and everything.  There are no rules, no crimes to be avoided, no constitution and no truth, only his political agenda.  Our president only has time and energy for fundraising for the next election proving his single minded priority.  The man is a dangerous political animal, as dangerous as any homicidal or suicidal terrorist because the lives of the American people are left exposed to the evil elements in the world.  Congresswomen Lee, we are ashamed of our black political animal in the White House who acts on animal political instinct not the moral interest of all the people of America. .
