Thursday, April 23, 2015

politics tacking into the winds of fortune

The first rule of Clinton-O’Bama politics is to shift the blame from their own vulnerability by being the first to accuse their enemies of that same vulnerability.  This has been the first rule of Democratic politics for the last 25 years and still the Republicans can’t look beyond their own bank accounts to anticipate the next battle.  The Republicans are always on defense and they seem intent to be the forever political losers.

The current vulnerability of the Clinton-Obama machine is the school yard stuff that has dogged our politics for centuries.  The modern version, however, has reached new heights of seeming respectability because it is not the exception of the few but an every day political expectation among all of our politicians in Washington.  After all, everybody has to pay to play, there are annoying laws and procedures passed by Congress but doesn’t everybody do it?

Washington is awash with pay to play and the Justice Department of the progressive Eric Holder will only enforce the law against their own political enemies.  It is open season on integrity, Democrat or Republican and every level of the bureaucracy is for sale to the highest bidder.  Do you need a politic championed, be it green energy or lower taxes for the wealthy, contribute to a campaign or a super pack.  When business needs a favorable decision from the bureaucracy, just make a donation to a foundation and the winds of fortune will blow your way.

Hillary Clinton is the poster child of pay to play.  The new book, “Clinton Cash”, is reported to connect some of the dots between payoffs to the Clinton Foundation in order to get favors from the Hillary lead U.S. State Department during her tenure as Secretary of State.  Is it just a coincidence that she did her duties at the State Department off the book, beyond the reach of Congressional oversight?  Deleted emails, a tight circle of operatives at the top of the food chain, sounds like a vulnerability to this no body observer.

Confronted with her integrity vulnerability, what can we expect her story line to be?  Right on, Hillary says that she is the new champion of the little people, the middle class and the majority of Americans who are  attempting to scratch out an honest existence in this American den of thieves.  The Republicans are vulnerable to accusations of unconcern for the middle class but is Hillary that champion?  Now, really . …  Hillary?

Landers, Ca