Wednesday, December 16, 2015

What are the people to do?

Everybody’s cousin is commenting on the Republican Debate so here goes.  The prospect of terrorism upon America took center stage Tuesday evening magnified in the wake of the massacres in both Paris and San Bernardino, California, USA.  Americans can no longer hide behind the “it won’t happen here” attitude engineered by the politics of Barack Obama.  Those chickens have flown the coup and the people are left vulnerable, exposed to Islamic terrorism by the political correctness of the one person charged with the responsibility of protecting the American people.  Yes, the failed one is our homeless president.

The American people have landed in the soup of terrorism that we all would rather ignore.  Can’t do, we no longer can hide as if the 14 deaths and 30 wounded in San Bernardino are acceptable losses, as if they don’t matter.  All lives matter except the Jihadies.  The families and friends of those two should be prosecuted to the full extent of our laws and then sent packing to distant shores where they will surely find life more accommodating.  Gitmo would be a suitable situation.  How did our politicians arrive at the conclusion that America has to house all the bad guys in the world?

This tirade could go on and on but let me tell you what really ticks me off, comments such as those by Governor Christy at the debate when he said the people of America are scared as a result of Islamic terrorism.  Scared, really?  Our politicians do not know the people they are seeking to represent, scared?  The American people are angry, we have been insulted by pathetic human beings and our politicians portray us as huddled together like a group of nesting penguins in the Antarctic winds.  We Americans are angry, enraged and pissed off at the terrorists and our slippery politicians.

The gutless Democrats should be worried about the guns flying off the shelves of the gun shops because it says that we, the people, have awakened to the reality that the government will not defend our honor, they will not defend our borders or our lives, therefore, we must defend ourselves.

Landers, CA