Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Mr. O’Reilly you are wrong again, this time in grand style.  How is that FBI investigation happening?  Where is FLT 370?  Where is your Mojo?  This “stupid person” says that the Muslim cartoon contest in Garland Texas was a righteous event and a glorious shoot.  You are surrendering our liberty, you and Donald Trump are so off base that it borders on cowardice. Was the Charlie Hebdo cartoon stupid?  How would you stand up to the threats from radical Islam?  Playing dead is an invitation to greater violence and you offer no “smart” alternative short of the old duck and cover adage.

Do we believe the "peaceful" Muslims, do we believe the parents, their Imam and friends of the shooters when they say they are shocked at their actions?  Their claim is bunk!  If the peaceful Muslims want to stay silent in the face of Jihad they are also a part of the problem and not to be respected or trusted.

Get some backbone O’Reilly and stop angling for another presidential interview….they are coming ...they are here!

Landers, Ca