Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Whoa, Mr. Trump?

Please explain yourself, are you pro-life or not?  Your conservative competitors accuse you of being a loose cannon whose public policies shift like the sands of the Sahara Desert.  Your latest comments in regards to Planned Parenthood may prove their point.

 The government must take care of the women, really, what does that mean?

Planned parenthood does a lot of good for women, really, what does that mean?

There is only one way for this pro-life conservative to abandon your cheering section and that is for you to abandon the pro-life message.  We all applaud your stand against illegal immigration and our politicians who give away American jobs to other countries to please the big business lobby.  These are issues of great importance to the little people of America who have been left behind by the status quo politician.  The little people are the politically powerless and they are us.  We had been the historical American majority but are now ignored by Washington.  No one had spoken for us until you lit the fires of hope within our ranks.

Your sincerity about the life issue, however, is a potential deal breaker.  Some of us speak for the 40 million littlest people aborted and ignored by the body politic in the last half century as well as the estimated million plus deaths each year.   This is and has been the American holocaust. Planned Parenthood is the chief national exterminator of these unborn human beings, each of whom had the right to life given to them by God.  Do you also speak for these little people, Mr. Trump?

It is our hope that you do so speak, Mr. Trump.  The only women who will be offended are the guilty.  As for me, I would rather be pennyless and ignored than to join in the carnage.

Landers, Ca