As the celebrating subsides, the united people of our water agency need to be alert and refuse to let down our guard. Success can be the occasion to grab increased levels of power from the people who should make local control happen. Flares are already rising from the actions taken by the board in the last few months and the proposed future agency budgetary projections. The question every customer of Bighorn needs to ask is who are we? Is community unity of purpose an excuse to chase after the doings of the larger water agencies? We are Landers folk.
Board of Directors, just tell us why water rates will be rising after this year, 2015-2016. The projection makes little sense when in the current year, 2014-2015, spending is said to be 10% under budget (Director McBride @ 5-26 board meeting). New spending has already been enacted, a little here, a little there, these are not huge changes nor are they unreasonable if we want to be just like the big boys. Most worrisome to this customer is the spending changes that are in the works.
Bighorn Desert View Water Agency Board, how do you understand the projected rate increase or increases? Even if this customer of yours is a lone voice, I am asking for an explanation. Please find a way to include us in your planning.
Thank you for the opportunity to address my concerns, something that is now possible for all the folk of Landers.