Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Heeding the Way of Allah

Well, Well, Well, the American Muslim community has a voice after all.  They are upset and scrambling to speak up on every talk show that will entertain their nonsensical honor.  It has taken the words of Republican presidential primary candidate Dr. Ben Carson to get their attention.  Were they upset as their Muslim brothers were chopping off the heads of Christians?  Were they upset when their Muslim brothers dug tunnels into Israel to kill the innocent?  Were they upset when their Muslim brothers planted road bombs in Iraq that killed and maimed thousands of American soldiers?  Were they upset when their Muslim brothers flew passenger loaded airliners into the World Trade Center buildings killing over three thousand Americans?  Were they upset when their Muslim brother, Army Major Nidal Hasan, a highly educated psychiatrist, killed 13 and wounded over 30 of his defenseless Army brothers while yelling Allahu Akbar (Arabic for God is greater than any earthly authority)?

No they were not upset, the silence of the American Muslim community in the midst of these tragedies was, in every instance, deafening.  They were and are guilty of a blind allegiance to a perverted representation of God, the murderous Allah who breeds killers to further world domination.  They have feigned loyalty to America to wait patiently, infiltrating the political process, certain that someday soon, Allah will bring Muslim political dominance to America and a Muslim majority can institute Sharia Law which will make religion a perpetual president.  This is the plan, a plan that has been repeated successfully hundreds of times over the last 1400 years of human history.  There is no plan “B” in the Muslim playbook. 

So what did Dr. Carson say that has finally upset the American Muslim community?  Dr. Carson rightly questioned the fitness of a Muslim believer to be the President of the United States.  Why does this note of caution so upset the American Muslim leadership?  You got it, it is a hindrance to the Muslim plan to capture America, without a Muslim president there will be no executive orders from a dictatorial oval office.  Orders that will trash the American Constitution by instituting a system of Laws that are beyond questioning by any human being.  Without a Muslim president, the Muslim capture of America will be slowed to a crawl but Allah will ever be waiting to make the kill.  The fury of the American Muslim community is perfectly understandable if rightly understood.
America, listen and heed what is not said, more than what is said!

G.Goslaw                                                                                                                                                 Landers, Ca.