Saturday, July 18, 2015

Pied Piper of the People

Donald Trump may have been wrong in 2008 about the then presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama but he was also right.  After almost seven years of his reign as the “Arab King”, the president has left all of America questioning the heart of our supposed leader.  Even some Democrats are aghast at the obvious bigotry of our president against everything traditional in America. The Democrats sadly manage to hide their outrage behind claims of party loyalty.

This may change as the president again bypasses Congress as he takes his nuclear deal with Iran to the United Nations for approval and the release of world sanctions.  Should that happen, the donkey party will forever be know as the Islamic terrorists of Washington and the asses who are responsible for the unleashing of a  possible nuclear holocaust upon the world.  Is this a gamble that makes the American people safe?  As things stand now, this will be accomplished while the Republicans offer only verbal, face saving resistance.

An American birth certificate does not necessarily make one an American.  President Obama has proved himself, by what he does and what he doesn’t do, to be only a man of the world order who will never be an American loyalist.  Both he, the Democrats and the stock market Republicans have betrayed what it means to be an American and the people will again be left adrift further out to sea, thanks to our politicians.

Landers, Ca.