Saturday, February 23, 2019

Day 46

Liar, liar …. pants on fire!  The word liar is the most incendiary of words these days.  It is now more fashionable to use the word liar than thinking or communicating, let alone listening.  “You are a liar, therefore I don’t have to listen!”  The problem with all this liar stuff is that the truth gets lost in the heat of the moment.  We don’t even bother digging for the truth anymore, it is more expedient to just accuse, berate and demean.

The favored political term of 30 years ago was the spin.  When being asked about an issue or concern, the respondent would attempt to turn the issue away to some form of polite disagreement.  The tactful us of spin in our political discourse has gone away but hopefully it has not been lost forever.  To disagree is our American heritage, to trash any who disagree with you is not American. The question must be asked, from whom must any meaningful change originate?
The answer is all of us.  As a political tactic however, the first and most ardent offenders of an overuse of the word liar is the hard core political left that has overrun the Democratic Party.  Rather than advocate for the truth, these folk attack, regardless of the truth.  They are political bullies who resort to name calling, deceit and deception to advance a progressive, socialist agenda and to them there are no rules and no truth, only political power.  They came so close to robbing America, by every means, of our democratic heritage in the 2016 presidential election and are now angry and resentful.

Calling our president, the American liar in chief is to the left the ultimate insult.  As Americans, have they no self-respect?  When they bag on their president in this manner or remain silent in the midst of such attacks, do they not trash themselves?  Is politics really a street fight?
President Trump does exaggerate at times opening himself to criticism but this not a lie.  Like the rest of us, we act and speak upon our hopes even before they are completely realized.  Some of us call such believing in our hopes a matter of faith.  

Finally, the long recognized saying about lying means that those who flippantly call others liars have their own, grossly more serious, honesty problem.

G. Goslaw
Landers, CA