Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Day 35

The phone rang a few days ago and a voicemail was tagged.  The party calling identified themselves as the United States Social Security Administration and the caller informed me that my number with their agency had been compromised.  Panic ensued for most of my monthly income is a check from social security.  The call back number was not, however, an 800 number but one with a (916) area code.  This made no sense and put me on alert.

After playing phone tag for about an hour, he called me back.  I asked him, are you the Social Security Administration?  Dodging the question, he asked for my name and then asked for my Social Security Number.  At which point I lost my cool and heaped a multitude of expletives upon the phone thief preying on the elderly.  He deserved every word but my language has, admittedly, gone downhill the last few years.

I have much too much idle time on my hands.  My favorite sport is cussing at all the self-involved scuzzy politicians on the boob tube.  My reactions are regrettably explosive, loud and vulgar, leaving no doubt as to the state of our politics and my vocabulary. 

Our politicians must change for I am to old!  Any chance?

Landers, CA