Monday, February 18, 2019

Day 42

There are three degrees of spirituality.  God centered spirituality, human centered spirituality, and there is religious spirituality. There are no hard boundaries, we are free to live with all three understandings or only one.  Depending on our life circumstances and choices, we are free to move from one to the other or to remain in place. The choice is ours and the most important first and most difficult choice is to own our own spiritual potential, becoming a spiritual being of some sort.

These three, however, are the only choices.  All three spiritual realities are lived out in our lives and the lives of all biblical characters. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were flawed people yielding their lives to God centered spirituality.  When this spirituality was written down on stone tablets a religion was born and placed the believer in a quandary, to live with eternity in view or to live according to other men, men who may or may not represent God centered spirituality.

Jesus was a 100% pure God centered spiritual crusader.  He understood the ins and outs of religious spirituality and he knew that this kind of spirituality will inevitably yield a self-righteous spirit that is anti-God.  He stood up to religious spirituality advocates every day of his three-year ministry.  They were like dogs snapping at his heels and finally put him on the cross.

I believe that this understanding of spirituality should be the first stop in searching for the context of every biblical passage.

G, Goslaw
Landers, Ca