Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Day 33

There is a widely accepted saying, “what goes around comes around”.  We all have been caught by the wisdom of this saying, letting the world know the depth of our own hypocrisy.  I, of course, am the sole exception!  That being said, this week it is the Democrats in the cross hairs of these words of wisdom.   Enter the newly elected Democratic governor of Virginia.

IN 1985, a picture of two persons, one in blackface and the other in a KKK outfit, “suddenly” appeared on the page of Governor Northam, in the graduation Yearbook.  Grossly embarrassed, the Governor is being asked to resign by every Democratic politician that has been slamming President Trump and those of us who support him, as being dyed in the wool racists.  How sweet is the hypocrisy!

Adding fuel to the fire, the newly elected lieutenant Governor, a black man set to assume the Governor duties when Northam resigns, also has a scandal in his closet.  A former love interest is accusing him of rape in a sexual twist.  He is saying that the sex was voluntary but who knows, are we not always to believe the woman?
Hypocrisy again, was that not the line used by the Democrats in the confirmation hearing of prospective Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh?  In that case, the female allegation had zero corroboration, there was no relationship, no sex, no witnesses, no rumors and no time and place accountability from anyone, including the female.  What are we to think of the democrats?  

Yes indeed, your sins will find you out!

Landers, CA