Sunday, February 3, 2019

Day 32

There are a multitude of voices giving us the scoop on the Bible and offering a God understanding that fits.  Most have the pulpit mentality that considers itself authoritative, it is our way or the highway.  This church centered attitude is an insult to the character of Scripture.  The pulpit may not communicate the whole truth to the pew because the pulpit does not know the whole truth or they are merely puppets dispensing church truth.    

When challenged, these group thinkers, trash anyone who disagrees, accusing them of being less than spiritual.  That may be the case but the trashing of descent is not a particularly holy reaction.  I would like to be kind but a part of the religious establishment conducts themselves with evil intent.  Their motto is, keep the pew in the Sunday School mode for then they are ripe for easy manipulation.  If a church thinker has to resort to condemning descent that asks questions, they have been cornered intellectually and possibly spiritually.

One area of descent that challenges the church’s understanding of Jesus, is the title, the Christ. The popular understanding the word Christ to often relegates Jesus to being an extraterrestrial visitor to our planet.  What do we mean by Jesus as the Christ?  What do we mean by Jesus as the son of God?  These are valid questions that are worthy of discussion, what is actually being communicated to the pew?  If all you have known in your life is the quick fixes given out from the pulpit, these questions will sound like they are from the pit of hell.  The pew are dumbfounded, how can a spiritual person question the very words of the Bible?

Remaining silent would probably be the smart move, but there are those of us who are long term dummies.  We only want the Bible to be treated with respect.  To lift a word out of the world in which it was first written and then redefining that word is an act of ultimate disrespect.  This is often the case with the word, Christ.  What is the correct definition?  If you are interested in the truth, check out the article CHRIST in “A Theological Word Book of the Bible”, Edited by Alan Richardson.

The definition may surprise you.

G. Goslaw
Landers, CA