Sunday, February 10, 2019

Day 37

There is no greater friend than a dog.  What masquerades as friendship in the 21st century cannot compare to the fidelity of the canine species.  Adult fidelity waxes and wanes as does the moon, no disrespect is intended toward any earthly relationship but we all know the truth.  Even parenting can be tricky, at times parenting seems to be the blind leading the blind yet the kids turn out to be responsible adults despite all our efforts. Then, there is Facebook, which has only an ancient linkage to any reputable definition of our understanding of friendship.

Baby Belle looked up at me with trusting and inquiring eyes, why the tears boss?  If she could understand my words I would scream an apology.  Your years on this earth have been shortened by my irresponsibility and I ache because of my failure.  

Please, friend, forgive me!

Landers, CA