Thursday, January 28, 2016

Stiffing Fox News

Congrats Mr. Trump, we who believe in your candidacy for president of this America, agree that your stiffing of the debate is smart.  These media types think they are divinely lead to embarrass your candidacy and then call it reporting.  Their questions are sometimes not about policy or what the country is desperate to find in their leader, to them it is about ratings, money and career.  Every person running for the office has vulnerabilities that can be exploited for personal gamesmanship.  Just because a candidate has the mojo to do the job and has the courage to seek the office, does not necessarily mean that he or she is perfect in every way.  It is what is ugly about American politics, a candidate should not be fair game.
Some candidates would have us believe that they are so close to perfection that they deserve the office.  These candidates have an agenda and it is not the agenda of the people, certainly not the agenda of we working and middle class folk.  Should they ever have to be honest, like the rest of us, they will have to show their warbles.  All of us have them, you know, those lumps or tumors beneath the skin of the back of a horse, imperfections caused by the constant motion of the saddle under pressure.  Are any equestrian types out there?

Life is about surviving under the pressures caused by our circumstances, the pressures we inflict upon others and our own poor decisions.  Mr. Trump, you have warbles like the rest of us, wear them like the badges of honor that they are.  As you do, your example is an encouragement to the rest of us.  Ignore the debates, ignore the unfair journalism, do whatever seems right, we are in your corner.  No other candidate will buck the system and bring jobs home.  No other candidate will buck the system and make illegal immigration a distant memory.

Every other candidate will give us more of the same injustice perpetrated upon we the most vulnerable in our society.  Every other candidate will fuss around the edges but avoid what matters to us.  Every other candidate, even the conservative Ted Cruz, will not be able to buck the system or get elected in the first place.  Trump, you are the last hope for the Republican Party and the last hope for American jobs.  

Should the Republican electorate or power structure turn against you, this Republican will care only about a better climate and leave America to the Recycling Bin.  We might as well go south, at least there will be lots of sun and a lower standard of living.
I will be haunted by the knowledge that we sadly left the mess for the kids.

Landers, CA