Saturday, July 30, 2016

Boom or Bust?

Saturday, July 30, 2016

America, it is time to hunker down.  Past time really, Middle America has increasingly felt economic distress for the last twenty or more years.  Our politicians have put us in this predicament, relegating the people to a no win economic situation that is beyond any human control. There will be more pain and the bad news, the pain is about to explode to a place that we, as Americans, know nothing about.  The Democrats will call this prediction doom and gloom as if the prediction is merely a political talking point.  Our reality, the reality of the little people is already here, it is the reality of 2016.  Regardless of who is elected president to shoulder this blossoming American economic crisis, there will be more pain for more Americans and the pain cannot be avoided.

The Obama administration has doubled down on those same economic policies that made the pain inevitable preferring to distract the people with race baiting and blaming the political opposition for all that is wrong with America.  Their social engineering has been purchased with the future well being of the great majority of Americans. Our American nemesis is not the military, the police, the middle class, capitalism, white privilege, abortion rights, guns, male political dominance, conservative thinking, racial and identity discrimination or any call for personal responsibility.  These are but Democratic attacks intended to distract and whip up the electorate to maintain political control for the moneyed interests who shovel money to the few political elites who can keep hold of the power.  We the people are an expendable commodity and this country is no longer America.

The nemesis that is tearing away at the fabric of America is easy to spot, if one is really looking.  The bad guy is money in politics.  The large corporations, Wall Street investors and the big banks have one focus, their stock prices not the people.  Americans are valued only as consumers to buy products from their growing overseas investments that take American jobs to third world countries.  Growth in the American economy is not in the Wall Street play book.  Are you watching the American growth numbers over the entire O’bama rule?    The numbers have been less than 2% above zero and falling lower of late, these are historically low markers.  Do we the people need four more years of the same old?

The stock market greed misters are politicking to scream, yes we do!  Fox news reported yesterday, the 28th of July, that the greed misters have given 53,000,000 dollars to the Hillary campaign and to Donald trump a mere $19,000.  Still not convinced, Charles Payne of Fox business dared you to google, “protection team”.  The insane and artificial rise in the market of the last few weeks is an orchestrated bait by the Wall Street working group to fool the millions of 401K voters to vote for Hillary and not the pro-growth policies of Donald Trump.  The sad truth is that this ploy may dupe the unsuspecting.
This uninvolved stock market watcher believes that the bust in the stock market is closing upon us regardless of who wins the election.  The market as a whole is a bubble just waiting to burst.  If Hillary wins it means another four years of zero interest rates and the Federal Reserve pumping billions of dollars to the greed misters of Wall Street.  Our only real chance to minimize the damage and pain of the coming bust is to go the pro-growth route with Mr. Trump.
Landers, CA