Thursday, October 6, 2016


The routine goals of life seem to have largely passed away.  That unavoidable retirement arrives and regardless of our relative ease, we seniors experience the reality that this time in life is about loss.  Once life was a Buick rolling along the freeway but now we ride in a golf cart down a narrow alley.  Raising a family, working a job or a career, finding new toys and chasing a few good times were, as we now understand them to be, little more than distractions.  Sure, they were largely positive distractions but being busy about such things, as fulfilling as they might have been, must surely be less than our destiny as humans?  Why are we here at this hour?  Why are we here at all?  Is our supposed contribution to the ongoing life mix our only reason for living?  Does life not mean more than this?
Distractions are what blocks these types of questions for all of us, the eternal questions remain largely unexplored and routinely avoided at all costs, even to the point of embracing destructive distractions.  This is the human condition and our modern secularism goes further and denies the relevance of the eternal questions.  As a result, we are reaping a whirlwind of distractions, more and more of these are negative life destroyers.  Substance abuse, greed, the thirst for political power, narcissistic behaviors, hateful name calling, abortion on demand, the popularity drive, acceptable life losses for others, the avoidance of meaningful relationships and any sense of a shared destiny, all are destroying the young and the old among us.  None of us are totally immune but it would seem that unless we are dealing in some way with the eternal questions, we are adrift, tossed to-and-fro without a rudder.
Human history is replete with examples of those persons who have limited their distractions in order to attempt a connection beyond the routine of life.  Some of these persons retired voluntarily to a place of solitude while others were driven by circumstances to a place where distractions were few and the big questions remained.  They may have retired to a desert, a cave or a monastery, thereby trashing what is normal, making themselves a laughing stock, a supposed waste of a life.  In our present secular world, the seeming plight of these folk is ridiculed as failure and lunacy.  Secularism tells us that we only have one opportunity at life so be all you can be, grab as much as you can and forget about the rules.  Self-sacrifice is no longer a noble ideal and it is alien to the playbook of humanistic secularism which is fouling most all western cultures.  America may well be the last man standing but we too are on the verge of our demise on November 8.
This senior has a profound faith in the American voter to trash the distractions.  We will not be suckered.  Hillary, keep mouthing them for just thirty more days and then America will put you to bed.  We shall vote for no more progressive secularism; no more scandals; no more constant lying to the people; no more disregard for the Constitution; no more caterpillar economy; no more unholy Supreme Court; no more globalists meddling in America; no more anarchy on the streets; no more politicized Justice Department, IRS, Federal Reserve and VA; no more open borders; no more unrestricted trade that panders to big corporate donors; no more feeding off we the taxpayers; no more radical Muslim inspired death on our streets; no more gun control and finally, no more promises from your forked tongue.
Landers, CA