Saturday, October 15, 2016

moral me?

Morality among we humans is a very funny thing.  For starters, each of us has our own pet peeves and we all share an aversion to personally reflecting in our own moral mirror.  Not one of us should feel comfortable espousing attitudes of moral superiority but we do so every day, almost every hour if we are honest with ourselves.  Our presidential election conflict is a case in point.  There is no morally superior candidate for president although each is consuming extraordinary energy to convince we the voters of just that fact.  A rule of thumb, them that claim the moral high ground by disparage others really have none of their own and them that have the moral high ground seem to ignore the moral lapses of others.
This rule of thumb may or may not be a truism but it has been suggested by many years of observing human character flaws, both my own and others.  I grew up in the very evangelical church world and witnessed this truism played out regularly from church sinners and church saints.  The mature Christian hearts never dumped lapses of morality on particular people but were adamant about principle.  Those less mature believers used the trashing of people to make a point about a moral principle.  Big difference, whether the trashing comes from the people or the pulpit, this weakness is not a higher spiritual order.

This is not solely a church problem for it is a universal human character flaw that impacts each of our days.  The God of the heavens is now rolling around the clouds laughing hilariously at us and our moral childishness.  We just refuse to get it.  The voters of America are to blame most of all for the morality fisticuffs prior to the election.  Sex sells.  Give the people the opportunity to trash someone else for the guilt they carry for their own struggles and the important stuff gets buried.  Again, it is as plain as the nose on your face, we as humans and voters are so gullible and so easily manipulated.  The Hillary forces have been using this political campaign tool their entire careers and quite frankly, it is smart.
The question before us is how long will, we the voters, allow ourselves to be suckered?  How long will we allow ourselves to wallow in this morality play?  When will we get enough satisfaction out of trashing someone else who has more status, more charisma, more opportunities in life and most of all, more money that he has legally earned?  How long will we ignore what are good policies for the people?  How long will we ignore the financial pain that the Obama-Clinton dynasty has inflicted on the people with the current government run economy?  How long will we accept political leadership that betrays and sells the interests of the people for profit?  How long will we be lied too?

The God of the heavens is not laughing, there are tears rolling down his cheeks. His heart is breaking again, how long?


Landers, CA.